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     (1)针对高填土路堤边坡,考虑路堤填土材料的物理力学指标、填土高度、坡比、路面宽度、路堤弹性模量、有无地下水以及不同的地震烈度等参数的变化,分别输入美国EL Centro也震波和按规范反应谱拟合的人工合成的地震波,采用静力分析法、拟静力分析法和动力有限元分析法,对高填土路堤边坡稳定性系数的变化规律、动力响应特征及地震荷载作用下边坡内孔压的分布规律进行分析;深入研究地震动峰值加速度沿路堤各高度放大系数的取值,为拟静力法分析计算公路路堤抗震稳定的作用效应和抗力时,如何计入其影响提供计算方法,为山区高填土路堤边坡的抗震稳定性分析提供理论计算依据。
The influential factors of dynamic stability are very complex and erratic. In order to better understand the sensitivity of dynamic stability to these influential factors, this paper performs a dynamic stability analysis under the influence of multiple parameters. Meanwhile, lots of indoor and field experiments on high embankment filled are carried out to find the influence environment; load and geotechnical structural characteristics have on the reliability of geotechnical engineering.
     Stress and displacement are two important physical factor used to describe the deformation modality of object. Analyzing the evolutionary rule of geotechnical engineering, forecasting its development trend and knowing its stability according to the monitored data of stress and displacement are of great significance in engineering. This paper, through analyzing the deformation of talus slope at xiaowan watering gully and its special geological information, finds that the effect of excavation and precipitation has to be taken into account when analyzing the happening and development of its deformation. In other word, the actual monitoring data of deformation of talus slope has to be analyzed in detail in order to find a breakthrough to a problem. In order to gain a comprehensive understanding of its special geotechnical situation, one has to approach the issue from the angle of spatial variations. Regarding the above question, this paper includes the following aspects:
     (1) According to the high embankment filled slope, this paper consider the change of parameters such as the soil index in physical and mechanical properties, embankment height, slope ratio, road width, elastic modulus, having or not having underground water, and different seismic intensity. While doing dynamic comparative analysis, the earthquake wave of EL Centro of Unite State and spectrum synthesize artificial earthquake wave is inputted, we adopts the method of static analysis, pseudostic analysis, static and dynamic finite element analysis method to make a comparison analysis the static and dynamic stability of high embankment filled slope, so as to assess their influence to stable coefficient of the high embankment filled stability ,research dynamic response characteristic and time history curve of pore pressure distributing rule under earthquake load; then this paper deeply discuss how to get the value of seismic acceleration dynamic magnification coefficient along the height of fill while adapting the pseudostic analysis method to calculate the effect and resistance on highway earthquake stability, this has provided the reliable basis for the high embankment filled slope in the mountainous area earthquake resistance stability analysis design.
     (2) In order to analysis the influence factors of shear strength and correlativity between shear strength and influence factors, we have undergone extensive the indoor and field tests to high embankment filled. While adapting two different slope blocks calculate method of the block limiting equilibrium method and transfer coefficient method to carry out stability calculate and analysis for the three kinds of states slope engineering, and then analysis the features and problems existed.
     (3) Due to uniqueness of talus slope's spatial variations, the fitting error of the spherical model variation function is bigger using the weighted polynomial regression method, sometimes it is impossible to fit variation function .In order to solve this problem, the genetic algorithm is applied to fit the parameter of spherical model variation function, because the genetic algorithm have the advantage on seeking priorities in fully exert when use it to solves the non-linear problems, furthermore, the data of the accumulation body with high slope on the left bank in Front of Xiaowan hydro plant Dam is employed to calculate and test as an example. By comparing and analyzing the dates on the example from different angles, it demonstrates that the new method is convenient, universal and precise. It is an excellent method for estimating parameter of non-liner, incontinuity or differentiable model parameter.
     (4) The estimation of Kriging is a main application of geostatistics in spatial variability, but for many years, there is a problem that the nonnegative constrains are not taken into consideration in the weights of estimation. This is not only influenced further development of Kriging, but also impacted on the estimation of actual results. To solve this problem, the entropy weight theory models calculating the weights of estimation in which the nonnegative constrains are taken into consideration are proposed to overcome the malpractices existed in the related Kriging equations. Finally, the empirical analysis and verification of the algorithm is provided and the results show that it is feasible by the weight theory algorithm. Both of the correction of coefficient of weight and the correction of sample point of distance are taken into consideration in improving the negative weight.
     (5) In order to fully in the person of orientation variability and make out quantitative evaluation for the spatial variability of talus slope, based on spatial analysis of regional variable parameters that the directional synthetic variance index Ov are present, then using this index quantitative description the directional variation of talus slope.
     (6) Through the research of XiaoWan talus slope, it's discovered that the displacement of slope can estimated with the help of the theory and method of Kriging. This method is very useful when there is not monitoring point or it is difficult to construct monitoring point; It not only can save a great deal of construction cost, but also is hardly restricted by geographic position. It should be generalized in engineering.
     (7) Based on the genetic algorithm, this article put forward a revised model of BP neural network and uses it to predict and calculate landslide deformation. Its steps are as follows:The genetic algorithm are adopted to optimize the architectures parameters of BP neural network, and then the practical deformation data are employed to test the model of the genetic-improved BP neural network modeling. The modeling reduces the probability of getting into the local minimum while employing neural network to forecast the landslide deformation and it significantly promotes the forecast calculation precision, it consider the influence of rainfall for slope deformation and create the calculate program and making the study of deformation show better artificial intellective. Then we applied the modeling in training for predication calculation and analysis of the landslide deformation to the measurement data of three actual engineering, the results show that the forecasting value and actual measurement value are very closely, and the relative error falls below 5%. It demonstrated the theory and method has high reliability and validity. So it can be concluded that this modeling is of high forecasting precision and can satisfy the request of deformation prediction of landslide in practical projects and in medium and long term.
     (8) In order to make a good research on the influence of rainfalls precipitation to the high talus slope deformation, the method of information entropy is adopted by using the principle of information transfer and relativity to analyze and calculate the rainfall precipitation influence on the deformation velocity. Moreover, taking the full and accurate data of the accumulation body with high slope on the left bank in front of Xiaowan Dam as an example, the information transfer function between rainfall and deformation is established. The analysis of engineering examples shows that this new method is simple and easy to use. It also demonstrates its great advantage for the analysis of such complex slope deformation problem that has a lot of influencing factors. The method does not make any hypothesis before putting into consideration.
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