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The enterprise management requires normalization and standardization .the accounting scandal which occurred in some large company such as Enron Company,have waked-up for people to make business-effective, reliable financial reports, laws, regulations, rule-based。So, we must establish cross-cutting activities in the whole process of enterprise internal control system that can be used to check constraints and adjust the internal business activities and standardize management procedures.
     In this paper, based on the general idea and objectives of how to build a perfect internal control system and audit-tested ,combined with China's enterprises the status of internal control conducted serious analysis ,drawing on COSO model, combined with the specific situation of China's enterprises, the using internal control theory, audit test theory, as well as evaluating the theory of auditing, study the internal control system, in order to build effective internal controls and enterprise evaluation system made the response and countermeasures. The article composed of papers from the following six chapters Charter 1: introduced the chapter main introduce the background of the subjects ,purpose and significance。overviewed domestic and international research on the dynamics of internal control,established of thought and research methods,summed up innovation , which is basis of follow-up study s of this paper work.
     Charter2: This chapter mainly listed the large company in Shanghai CIMIC ---as an example of the internal control,focused on the status as well as the lack of internal controls in CIMIC company, which provide a good material for article .
     Charter 3: the Theory of Internal Control and Audit testing。This chapter from a theoretical perspective descript the basis of internal control and audit testing,introduced the theory of internal control system and the related audit in which the role and status of the share in internal control。The chapter provides a theoretical support for the study。status and problems of internal control
     Charter 4: external audit testing and evaluation of internal control This chapter describes the audit test and evaluation functions to internal control and quote an example of the External Review of Institute of Certified Public Accountants of CIMIC in the company , focuses on study the status of CIMIC in the internal control weaknesses from the perspective of the external audit.
     Charter 5: internal audit testing and evaluation of internal control This chapter describes the internal audit test and evaluation functions to internal control and quote an example of the Internal audit of CIMIC in the company , focuses on study the status of CIMIC in the internal control weaknesses from the perspective of the internal audit.
     Charter 6: improve internal control measures recommended.
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