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Equipment manufacturing industry is the strategic industry, and it is the core of themanufacturing industry. It has the higher industrial connection degree and absorptionemployment ability, and it is intensive technology capital industry and the important pillars ofcountry and social development, and it is the basis to enhance countries and regions’competitiveness, so its development level is the national comprehensive national strength andcompetitiveness. Heilongjiang province is the important embodiment of the old industrialbase in China, and equipment manufacturing industry has been listed as one of the fourleading industry, equipment manufacturing industry in the whole industry system and thewhole region economy occupies a large proportion. It can be said that equipmentmanufacturing development has the very vital significance for the economic and socialdevelopment. But because of there wasn’t priority to the development of the equipmentmanufacturing industry in the past, and the lack of enough attention for a long time byadaptive strategic adjustment and the influence of the planned economy system, it caused theindustry were lacking technology core competitiveness. As the development of economicglobalization, creative ability of science and technology has become the key factors of anational decision international competition ability and economic development ability. Onlythrough the independent innovation it can make equipment manufacturing industry using itsown efforts to explore technology breakthrough, and only through the independent innovationit can have international competition ability to master the core technology and products, toaddress the increasingly intense global competition. The independent innovation is a majornational strategy, and to promote the economic and scientific and technological level byindependent innovation. Therefore, the independent innovation plays a key factor for thedevelopment of the equipment manufacturing industry.
     The ability of independent innovation is the origin to enhance the equipmentmanufacturing industry competitiveness, and to promote the sustainable development of theequipment manufacturing industry. It is the premise and guarantee to realize innovativecountry development goals, and it is a solid foundation to reflect the national comprehensive strength. It is only adhere to the road of independent innovation, it can ensure that economichas sound and rapid development. The independent innovation capability of the equipmentmanufacturing industry is the industry's core competitiveness, but also it is the powerfulguarantee of the whole industry sustained, rapid and sound development. Therefore, theresearch on the equipment manufacturing industry in Heilongjiang province of independentinnovation mechanism and the construction of the independent innovation ability not onlyhelps to improve the ascension of the province industrial and economic development level,but also to improve the country's overall industrial level. In a long time Heilongjiang’seconomy has the rapid development, and the equipment manufacturing industry played animportant role. In the equipment manufacturing industry in Heilongjiang province, althoughhas grown a batch of certain market competitiveness of the big enterprise and big brands, butfrom the current development situation, the equipment manufacturing industry in the provinceof independent innovation still exist such problems. Therefore, to analyze the problems andreasons existing in the equipment manufacturing industry in Heilongjiang province is veryimportant to promote the ability of independent innovation of the equipment manufacturingindustry.
     The paper firstly summarizes the research situation of independent innovation,independent innovation mechanism and independent innovation ability to determine theresearch direction. By studying the equipment manufacturing industry classification andcharacteristics in Heilongjiang province, the equipment manufacturing industry developmentand current situation of independent innovation were studied deeply, and discovered theexisting problems of the equipment manufacturing industry independent innovation inHeilongjiang province, and analyzes the reasons. The paper studied equipment manufacturingindustry’s independent innovation activities, and the equipment manufacturing industryindependent innovation mechanism of elements, structure and function was studied.
     In research that independent innovation mechanism construction in Heilongjiangprovince should follow the autonomy, marketization and strategic guiding principle, the paperconstructed scientific and effective mechanism that were the equipment manufacturingindustry innovation power mechanism, the operation control mechanism and incentivemechanism and the ability of independent innovation mechanism. In the study, it respectivelystudied factors to promote that the equipment manufacturing industry the ability of independent innovation in Heilongjiang province, and on the basis of the research of theequipment manufacturing industry in Heilongjiang province, the paper studied thecomposition of the independent innovation ability. This paper constructed the evaluationindex system of ability of independent innovation of equipment manufacturing industry inHeilongjiang province, and combined with2006-2010years of relevant data of the equipmentmanufacturing industry in Heilongjiang province, and it used entropy fuzzy comprehensiveevaluation method to evaluation. Combined with the evaluation results, the paper put forwardthe actively countermeasures to improve the independent innovation capability, which werepromoting the independent innovation environment construction, keeping and strengtheningenterprise culture innovation tendency, and choosing appropriate independent innovationpattern in the equipment manufacturing industry in Heilongjiang province.
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