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     北大山杂岩位于龙首山北部,岩石组合主要包括黑云斜长片麻岩、角闪斜长片麻岩、花岗闪长片麻岩、斜长角闪岩、大理岩和少量片岩、变粒岩、石英岩等。矿物学特征显示这些变质岩石普遍经历了角闪岩相变质作用。其中的石榴斜长角闪岩的峰期矿物组合给出的温压条件为P=0.8~0.9Gpa和T=690~721℃。北大山6件正片麻岩的全岩地化分析显示:样品富SiO2(64.35~70.15wt.%),富Na2O(4.35~5.22wt.%),高Mg#值(34.8~51.5),低K20(1.15~3.53wt.%)和K20/Na2O比值(0.22~0.81);高Sr(591~969ppm)和Sr/Y比值(52-134),低Y(6.11~13.9ppm),Yb(0.5~1.61ppm)和Nb(0.41~7.57ppm),表明这些片麻岩为典型的TTG岩石。运用LA-MC-ICP-MS和SHRIMP锆石U-Pb测年方法,获得TTG片麻岩的岩浆结晶年龄为2.5~2.55Ga,变质年龄为2.47~2.53Ga,这种TTG岩浆作用之后又迅速发生高级变质作用的特征,表明二者是同一构造热事件的产物,与广泛分布在华北克拉通东、西部陆块同期的TTG片麻岩类似。TTG片麻岩还记录了另一期~1.85Ga变质年龄,与龙首山杂岩经历的角闪岩相区域变质事件年龄一致。TTG片麻岩中~2.5Ga锆石的εHf(t)值总体介于0.5~5,二阶段模式年龄集中在2.7~3.0Ga。部分eHf(t)值接近亏损地幔线,说明这些~2.5Ga TTG片麻岩主要来自2.7~3.0Ga新生陆壳在新太古代末期的重熔再造,同时也有少量~2.5Ga新生的幔源物质加入。
     综合龙首山杂岩和北大山杂岩的早前寒武纪岩浆-变质事件特征,认为在新太古代末-古元古代晚期,西阿拉善地块与华北克拉通的其他地区具有相同的演化历史,共同经历了2.7~3.0Ga陆壳生长、~2.5Ga TTG岩浆-变质事件,2.0~2.3Ga岩浆事件,以及1.9~1.95Ga和~1.85Ga两期重要的变质事件。因此,在早前寒武纪,阿拉善地块并不是独立的微陆块,而是华北克拉通的一部分。综合前人资料,认为阿拉善地块不是阴山陆块的西延,而是古元古代孔兹岩带的西延。论文尝试性提出,孔兹岩带可能向西经千里山和贺兰山,到东阿拉善的巴彦乌拉山,再向西延伸到西阿拉善的北大山及龙首山。假如如此,阴山陆块可能比原来认为的要小得多。此外,阿拉善地块的早前寒武纪岩浆-变质事件特征与敦煌地块新发现的~2.5Ga TTG岩浆-变质事件、~1.85Ga高压麻粒岩相变质事件非常一致,推测敦煌地块与阿拉善地块在新太古代到古元古代是统一的陆块,之后被阿尔金断层切割。因此,古元古代孔兹岩带很可能向西北经阿尔金断层延伸到敦煌地块。
The westernmost North China Craton (NCC), termed the Alxa block, is bounded by the North-Qilian Orogen to the south, the Tarim Block to the northwest, and the Central Asian Orogenic Belt to the north. The Alxa block is largely covered by deserts, with Precambrian basement rocks being sporadically exposed, and it remains the least studied area in China. The Alxa Block was traditionally considered as part of the NCC. However, the geological evolutionary history of the NCC remains controversy. Some workers proposed that the NCC was amalgamated by a number of micro-continental blocks and the cratonization was completed at ca.2.5Ga, while the other workers proposed that the NCC was formed by accretion and amalgamation of the western block and eastern block at ca.1.85Ga. To understand the origin and affinity of the Alxa block, consequently, it is of great importance to compare contemporary stratigraphy, tectonics, magmatism and metamorphism of the Alxa block with those of the NCC. Based on these, we can further understand the role of the Alxa block in the early Precambrian evolution of NCC and provide the evidences for the accretion and amalgamation history of the entire NCC. In the present thesis, we present field geology, petrology, geochemistry, U-Pb zircon dating and Hf isotope data on the metamorphic basement rocks of the Longshoushan complex and Beidashan complex in the western Alxa block, aiming to explore the origination and early Precambrian evolution history of the Alxa block.
     The NW-SE trending Longshoushan complex, which locate in the southwest verge of the Alxa block, are composed of para/orthogneisses, migmatites, schists, leptynites, amphibolites and marbles. All these metamorphic basement rocks experienced amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Based on the zircon textures shown by CL images, U-Pb dating reveals that three Paleoproterozoic magmatic episodes (~2.04,~2.17and~2.33Ga) and two subsequent regional metamorphism events (~1.85and1.90~1.95Ga) for metamorphic plutonic rocks and ampibolite in Longshoushan complex.~1.85Ga amphibolite-facies metamorphism represents the formation time of metamorphic basement of the Alxa block. U-Pb dating of the detrital zircons from metasedimentary rocks in Longshoushan complex yields207Pb/206Pb ages between2.0Ga and2.2Ga, and a few metamorphic zircon rims give~1.95Ga metamorphic age, suggesting a sedimentary time between1.95~2.0Ga, and the sedimentary provenance most probably derived from the plutonic rocks in Longshoushan complex. In situ zircon Lu-Hf isotopic analyses show that most magmatic zircons with ages of~2.0Ga and-2.17Ga yield positive εHf(t) values (Avg.2.52) with two-stage Hf model ages (TDMC) between2.45~2.65Ga (with a peak at~2.5Ga), indicating that these Paleoproterozoic plutonic rocks were derived from the reworking of~2.5Ga juvenile crust. Zircons from the plutonic rocks and metasedimentary rocks yielded similar εHf(t) and TDMC values, further indicating the sedimentary provenance most probably derived from the plutonic rocks in Longshoushan complex.
     The Beidashan complex, which lie to the north of Longshoushan, are mainly composed of biotite-plagioclase gneiss, amphibole-plagioclase gneiss, granodioritic gneiss, amphibolites, marbles and minor micaschists, leptynites, quartzite. Mineralogical features show these metamorphic rocks underwent amphibolite-facies metamorphism. Peak metamorphic assemblage (garnet+amphibolite+plagioclase+quartz) in a Garnet-bearing amphibolite in the Beidashan complex gives a metamorphic condition of0.8-0.9Gpa and690~721℃. Six orthogneisses collected from the Beidashan complex contain high SiO2(64.35~70.15wt.%), high Na2O (4.35~5.22wt.%), high Mg#(34.8~51.5), low K2O (1.15~3.53wt.%) and K2O/Na2O ratios (0.22~0.81), with high Sr (591~969ppm) content and Sr/Y rations (52~134), low Y (6.11~13.9ppm), low Yb (0.5~1.61ppm), low Nb (0.41~7.57ppm) content, showing a similar geochemical character with typical Neoarchean TTG. LA-MC-ICPMS and SHRIMP zircon U-Pb dating yielded the emplacement ages of the Beidashan TTG between2.50~2.55Ga and subsequent high-grade metamorphic event between2.47~2.53Ga. The short time interval~(10-50Ma) between initial magmatism and high-grade regional metamorphism signifies that they were related to the same tectonothermal event, similar to the~2.5Ga TTG magmatism and subsequent high-grade regional metamorphism reported in western and eastern block of NCC. The Beidashan TTG also recorded another~1.85Ga metamorphism, coincided with the amphibolite-facies metamorphism in Longshoushan complex, indicating that the~1.85Ga metamorphism was widely distributed in western Alxa block and it might represent the time of the cratonization of entire western Alxa block. Hf isotopic analyses revealed that the~2.5Ga zircons from TTG gneisses contain εHf(t) values mainly between0.8and5.0, with TDMC mainly between2.7~3.0Ga. A few~2.5Ga zircons have values of εHf(t) close to the depleted mantle evolutionary line. These data indicate a main Mesoarchean-Neoarchean (2.7-3.0Ga) crust growth and a minor~2.5Ga juvenile crust formation in western Alxa block.
     In combination with early Precambrian magmatic-metamorphic events in the Longshoushan and Beidashan complex, the western Alxa block show very similar sequence of events to those of the other part of the NCC, and they both experienced main2.7~3.0Ga crust growth,~2.5Ga TTG magmatic-metamorphic event,2.0~2.3Ga magmatic events,1.9~1.95Ga and~1.85Ga high-grade metamorphic events. The western Alxa block is not a separated Paleoproterozoic terrane from the NCC but an integrated part of the NCC from Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic, and it is most possibly constitute the western extension of the Paleoproterozoic Khondalite Belt, rather than the Yinshan Block. We tentatively propose the Khondalite Belt would extend westward from the Qianlishan-Helanshan, through the Bayanwulashan in the eastern Alxa block, to the Beidashan and Longshoushan in the western Alxa block. This model also implies that the Yinshan block is much smaller than that previously recognized. Moreover, The Dunhuang block, where the~2.5Ga TTG magmatic-metaorphism and~1.85Ga HP granulite-facies metamorphism had been recently identified, show similar early-Precambrian magmatic-metamorphic events with the Alxa block, indicating the Dunhuang block and the western Alxa block might exist as a single block during the Neoarchean to Paleoproterozoic and they were dissected later by the Altyn Tagh fault. The Paleoproterozoic Khondalite Belt possibly extends through the Altyn Tagh fault to the Dunhuang block.
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