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It is stragetic choice to develop brand for High-Tech industry,which is leading force of economy. The more products tend to be high-tech, the more brand should be consistent and standardizaed. With attributes of high value-added, high complexity and high perceiving risk, so its brand becomes high induction. The survey about High-Tech brand product by Beijing Digital 100 and Sohu.com Inc.So shows that the choice of High-Tech product tends to gifted brands, trust to top brand is obvious. So brands have become a important stragetic asset of High-Tech enterprises.
     Literature about brand research shows that the law exsist in studies about brand equity that is from local to whole, from concept to manufacture, from dispersion to system. Now research basically formes a relatively complete sequence from early focusing on brand concepts of product level to concern concept and measurement of brand performance now. However, studies on brand equity measurement and management is still significant deficiency.
     First of all, there is a logic-level, a causal chain relationship in the formation of brand equity. Researchers often do not clarify the differences among brand equity dimensions, driving factors, brand equity performance and other factors, which lead to contusion of study range. In this study, the first step is to explore the logical framework of brand equity formation from enterprise input, customers performance, product market to enterprise financial performance, and then to design different performance demension. Eventually brand equity value measurement model is formed.
     Secondly, studies on brand equity measurement mostly exist inherent deficiencies, which also exists in Interbrand model,the authoritative method. There are two flaws in Interbrand model: branding index,which determines the proportion of the enterprise's financial contribution to earnings from the brand equity; brand strength index, which determines directly the extent to which future financial value be realized. These flaws directly led its credibility to be questioned from academics and practitioners. Therefore, it becomes urgent and difficult to effectively assess the value of enterprise brand equity.
     Thirdly, the result of the existing research basing on customer's perspective depends on customer's cognitive level, knowledge structure, personality preferences and other constraints, are not united.
     Fourthly, it is much inadequate how to measure brand intensity factors. it is unreasonable that brand intensity factors parallelly affect brand value with the neglect of different influence degree in empirical research and theoretical studies, which results in the lack of systematic guidance,and results in ad war, price war. Therefore, the relationships between brand value and intensity should be explored to identify various influence degree by brand intensity factors, and then a reasonable model to measure brand intensity should be built.
     Three urgent problems should be solved based on current research: the first, it necessary to build the causal chain system model of brand equity measurement and then to verify the system model. the second, brand equity market dimensions need to be completely characterized; the third, a model to meaure brand financial performance should be construct ;Fourth,brand equity driver factors is be explored and measured.
     In this paper, with the synthesis of previous studies, with the professional interview and with the combination of positive versus normative analysis, exploratory research on brand equity value measurement in High-Tech industries is carried out. This paper mainly includes the followings:
     Firstly, the paper comments on and sort out theory and empirical research on brand value of High-Tech enterprises;
     Secondly, we analysis brand equity market dimensions on High-Tech brand equity. Firstly, this study depicts a specific brand quity knowledge dimensions of High-Tech enterprises, basing on Porter's Competitive Advantage Theory, Value Chain Theory and Stakeholder Theory. Then the paper analyzes brand equity market dimensions of High-Tech enterprises:Market Performance and Innovation Performance and Expansion Performance, which provides a tool to figurate brand equity development situation.
     Thirdly, this article establishes the model of financial performance with brand index,which provides a tool not only to manage brand equity but also to evaluate brand value. It is more simple to pratice brand management.
     Fourthly, the paper conducts a brand intensity measurement model from the practice of business management activities with some of High-Tech brand enterprises interviews. Six dimensions of brand intensity factors are formated, by which brand intensity factors are measured. Brand intensity factors exsist certain causal relationship in internal structure, not directly on the brand value with structural equation model..
     Fifthly, the paper establishes a brand value measurement model basing on the aforementioned research results, to guide the enterprise to rationally allocate resources and optimize the enterprise's brand equity. The paper adopts the model to measure brand value of computer enterprises.
     The formation of brand value is a logic-level, causal chain relationship. Previous research describe brand equity drive dimension with partial and fragmented defects,which result in ad war, price war. Therefore, this paper integrates brand drivers, brand performance and brand value, to constitute a system assessment modei,which enables enterprises to allocate resources. The main innovation of this study is as follows:
     Firstly, High-Tech brand market demension variables are analysized: Innovation performance, expansion performance and market performance. Enterprises can diagnosize and management brand equity effectively with this market measurement model.
     Sencondly, the paper builds a model to measure brand financial performance. In Interbrand's model, a major defect is that brand index can not be determined. The paper establishes brand index measurement model, abnormal-return measurement model and brand extension measurement model,which allow enterprise not only to carry out market status quo effectively, but also effectively to measure financial performance.
     Thirdly, brand intensity measurement model is analysized. Brand intensity factors of High-Tech enterprises are divided into six dimensions: the staff capital, brand development potential capital, infrastructure capital and brand process capital, innovation capital and market-supporting capital, which form High-Tech enterprise brand intensity factors. Infrastructure capital influences brand value by brand process capital , innovation capital and market-supporting capital.
     There is lack in High-Tech brand equity value research. In this paper, brand equity research positions in the High-Tech industries, which enrichs research perspective. But in reality, products, business, industry and customer characteristics, as well as economic, technological, cultural, and social environment are different from the level and mode of action of impact of factors. Therefore, it is difficult to include all the influencing factors in the study horizon. And, by the restrictions of the sample size, sampling methods and statistical analysis of technology and inherent defects of cross-sectional study, empirical research should not determine whether the conclusions apply to other study. This article is exploratory research, further verification and applications need to be carried on as theoretical and empirical studies is advanced in-depth.
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