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本文主要是基于资源杠杆模式,研究了新型供应链成熟度模型(SCMM,Supply Chain Maturity Model)的理论和方法。这一模型是支持供应链网络结构创新和集成管理改善的体系。
The theories and methods of a new SCMM (Supply Chain Maturity Model) are researched based on Resources Leverage Model. And this model is a system supporting the innovation of supply chain network structure and integrative management.
     Resources, supply chain network and supply chain integrative management are three elements of Resources leverage and analyzed in detail. The supportive effects of three elements for enterprises to achieve competitive advantages are proved. Furthermore, the necessity for supply chain network structure innovation and supply chain integration management improvement is given.
     Aiming to the requirement of innovation, the resources integration is analyzed under the conditions of environment. Based on that, the structure of supply chain network and characters of management are analyzed under different environments. The investigation questionnaire is used to prove the reasonability of above analysis. Two dimensions to evaluate the impact of environment for the resources integration are presented as resources visibility and resource availability. After that, environment is divided into three types and different typical supply chain structures under three types of environment are given. Based on that, the framework of a new Supply Chain Maturity Model is created, the concepts of Structure Maturity, Management Maturity and Supply Chain Maturity are put forward, and the idea of supply chain innovation that“Structure Maturity First, then Management Maturity Second”is given.
     The questions and method to evaluate environment is given, which can help enterprises to confirm its reasonable supply chain network structure primarily. And then the conditions to create rational supply chain network structure accurately are presented with the changing of income and trade cost.
     The positive relation between Management Maturity and performance is argued. The measures and method to evaluate Management Maturity is given. The method to improve Management Maturity based on the positive relation between Management Maturity and performance is given.
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