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     支气管胸膜瘘(也称支气管残端瘘,Bronchopleural Fistula, BPF)是指肺叶或肺段切除术后肺泡或各级支气管与胸膜腔相互沟通而形成的瘘道。是肺叶或肺段切除术后最严重的并发症之一,文献报道,外科术后BPF的发生率为0.2%-20%,一旦发生BPF,死亡率高达15%~71.2%。患侧胸膜腔内大量脓性液体通过瘘口溢入气道,进入健侧肺内引起顽固性吸入性肺炎,继而出现成人呼吸窘迫综合征,是导致患者死亡的主要原因。
     2009年9月至2013年1月郑州大学第一附属医院介入科诊治54例主支气管胸膜瘘患者,其中男性42例,女性12例,年龄23-75岁(中位年龄54.00±8.73)。外科手术原因为肺癌48例(88.9%)、肺结核4例(7.4%)、毁损肺2例(3.7%)。右肺全切51例(94.4%),左肺全切3例(5.6%)。外科手术后确诊支气管胸膜瘘的时间为5-217d,平均29.3d。本组患者临床表现为不同程度的脓胸、胸闷、发热和乏力,外科行胸膜腔引流管置入,负压引流瓶内大量脓性或脓血性引流物、大量气泡溢出。传统治疗无效。每个病人接受胸部多排螺旋CT (MSCT)扫描并气道重建以及气管镜检查,评估肺部及气道情况,准确测量气道直径和长度,测量并计算支气管残端的长度和直径,个体化设计Y型支架。观察应用个体化Y型支架治疗支气管胸膜瘘的瘘口愈合情况,脓腔缩小情况,患者肺功能改善情况包括用力肺活量(FVC)和第一秒用力呼气容积(FEV1),以及并发症的发生与预防。
Background and objective
     Post-pneumonectomy bronchopleural fistula (BPF) represents a severe complication, with a reported incidence varying from0.2to20%and consequent mortality rates ranging between15and71.2%. The most frequent cause of mortality is pneumonia developing from the contamination of healthy lung tissue by empyema material via the fistula, with consequent adult respiratory distress syndrome.
     At the time of diagnosis, many patients present compromised clinical conditions so that the choice of a conservative treatment is strongly encouraged. Many endoscopic therapeutic options have been proposed to close the fistula (fibrin and acrylic glues, demineralized human donor spongiosa and sclerosant agents) but none of them have proved able to provide a high success rate when considering fistulas with a diameter>3mm. Some authors have reported the treatment of BPF with the use of airway stents (silicon stent and selfexpandable metallic stent) with variable efficacy. Silicon stents do not perfectly adhere to the airway's mucosa and do not guarantee the complete exclusion of the fistula. On the contrary, the fully covered self-expandable metallic stents provide a total exclusion of the fistula if proper measures are adopted. However the placement of stents without an anchoring method is associated with a high incidence of migration and the consequent recurrence of the fistula.
     Patients with smaller bronchopleural fistula can be healed in the short term after conservative treatment under most conditions. For patients with big cervical anastomotic fistula, if they simply take a conservative treatment, the fistula heals slowly. But the patient's pneumonia is getting worse due to a long course of disease. Many patients are death due to the long-term consumption. Especially for the right main bronchus, right main bronchial stumps are very short after right pneumonectomy because the right main bronchus is shorter, and surrounding tissues loose, surgery is easy to free. There is no special airway stent used for this stump short BPR According to the anatomical characteristics and lesion characteristics of the bronchial stump fistula after pneumonectomy, this study designs Y-shaped single plugged airway covered stent for bronchial stump fistula, evaluating the safety and efficiency of the personalized stent.
     Materials and methods
     Between September2009to January2013, Interventional Center of The First Affiliated Hospital of Zhengzhou University continuous treated54cases bronchial pleural fistula, including42males and12female, aged23-75(median age54.00±8.73). There are lung cancer48cases (88.9%), tuberculosis4cases (7.4%), damaged lung2cases (3.7%). The time from Operation to diagnose bronchopleural fistula was5~217d, average of29.3d. The clinical manifestations were the different degree of empyema, bosom frowsty, fever, fatigue. A lot of things and bubble overflow from pleural cavity drainage tube and negative pressure drainage bottle. Traditional treatment was invalid. Each patient accept chest multi-slice spiral CT (MSCT) scanning and airway reconstruction and bronchoscope inspection to evaluation the situation of lungs and airway, and accurate measurement of the airway diameter, bronchial stump length and diameter, and individualization design Y-shaped single plugged airway covered stent. Observation the situation of fistula healing, the patients' pulmonary function test (PFT) improvement that included the two parameters of forced vital capacity (FVC) and forced expiratory volume in1second (FEV1), vomica shrink from application individualization Y-shaped single plugged airway covered stent therapy of BPF.
     1. The procedure was completed in5-15min, and all stents were successfully placed. Stent placement process was smoothly. Postoperative angiography confirmed that all stump fistulas were completely blocked (no contrast extravasation).
     2. After stent placement happened pain in42patients, foreign body sensation in46cases, phlegm retention in12cases, granulation tissue hyperplasia in9cases,2cases of voice hoarse, big haemoptysis in1patient,1case of stent migration.
     3. Follow-up examination was performed for1-34months. Two patients with successful fistula closure died of intractable pulmonary infection and multiorgan failure1-2weeks after surgery. In11patients, the fistula healed, the right residual cavity disappeared, and the stent was removed2-4months after placement. In14patients, the fistula healed, and the stent was removed3months after placement, but a small, aseptic, residual lung cavity was seen in the right thorax. The remaining27patients have survived thus far with the drainage tube in situ; the residual cavity has significantly narrowed postoperatively. In addition to the two cases of died patients, the other patients lung function have been improved obviously.
     1. The Y-shaped single plugged airway covered stent is easy to insert. Stent related complication rate was low.
     2. Individual Y-shaped single plugged airway covered stent placement can effectively treat BPF after lung resection, promote the fistula healing, pus cavity reduction or disappear, improve quality of patient life. Worthy of clinical application.
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