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In the world today, science and technology is changing with each passing day. Regional Integration is pushed by economic globlization and keeps with the latter's development closely. The earliest formation, the highest degree, the large numbers of member states and the powerful economic strengthen and the most influential to the word economy.all could be acclaimed as the example of the regional economic organization. It is due to the distinctive Geography, historical tradition and values,that the EU Integration becomes the forerunner and the real winner of Regional Integration.
     As the world's largest economic integration organization, the European Union has the highest degree of integration, and it plays a very significant role in the world's political, economic and socio-cultural fields. After six times of expansion, the EU now has 27 member countries, which covers most regions from Scandinavia to the Apennines, and from the North Sea coast to the Balkans. The EU now unifies voice on behalf of the European issues.
     Ever since the 1950s, when Western Europe began to joint and integrated, science and technology has been given the mark of the European integration. After 1980s, the development of science and technology has been integrated into the strategy of European Community to establish a unified market and to enhance the international competitiveness. EU's policies of research, technology and development (RTD) have made considerable progress both in its significance in public policies and in the EU Community's investments. At the Lisbon summit in 2000, the European Council proposed the strategy of building EU as the world's most competitive and dynamic knowledge-based economic organization, putting the RTD policy in the center of the future science and technology strategy, which pointed out the direction of expansion and development of science and technology in EU. The history has proved that in the European context, the research has never been not just research itself, it always services other purposes, which usually contacted with the career of enhancing Europe's unity. Just as the European Research Council points out: "Basically, the EU's research and technology and development policy is based on the 'twin principles', namely the science and technology strengths and the EU policy objectives"
     The disseration consists of 8 chapters.
     Chapter One:Introduction. In this Part, the author elaborates the background and Significance of the disseration, as well as the basic framework, research methods and major innovations of the research.
     Chapter Two:This Part focuses on the basic theories. The introduction and summary of some theories about Regional Technology Integration, such as Economic Geography theory, New Economic theory, theory of Transaction Costs, Resource Dependence theory, the Game theory, theory of Synergetics etc.
     Chapter Three:Development of Regional Technology Integration and government's deeds. This chapter talks about the driving mechanisms and developing stages of Regional Technology Integration, and the government's deeds in the process of promoting the Regional Technology Integration.
     Chapter Four:The basic conditions of EU Science and Technology Integration. As one of the regions with the most advanced technology and economy, EU has its overall strengths on scientific research, while because of the different historical traditions, natural conditions and levels of social development, there is a big difference on the research development among EU member states which have formed their own scientific strength respectively. From the aspects of volume, structure and scientific features, this chapter analyzes the spatial differences of EU member states, and tries to make an evaluation of the EU's position in the world science and technology.
     Chapter Five:The practice of European Integration and Technological System Mode. The author analyzes the basis, process and system mode of European Integration, and discusses its decision-making agency and the main institutions of Science and Technology Management and Research. Finally, this chapter also introduces the technology and innovation policy of European Integration, as well as European Treaty on the planning of Technological Community construction.
     Chapter Six:EU Science and Technology Integration and its network of R&D cooperation.The proposal of the EU scientific and Technological Community and the tortuous course of integration are described and the EU's scientific and Technical Cooperation Model is analyzed.The most influential EU Framework Program is focused on and introduced in details.Its decision-making process as well as the course of development and evolution are summed up. The R&D Cooperation Networks formed by the EU Framework Program and its distribution characteristics are studied.
     Chapter Seven:Trend Analysis of the EU Framework Programme.Basing on actual data in respect of co-papers and cooperation projects to analyze the collaborations in the geography, language, research advantage and combined effect among the EU member states, and by national comparison of the two kinds of cooperation the evaluations of the positive role of the EU Framework Programme and its economic performance are made.
     Chapter Eight:Epilogue.To sum up the full text the conclusions are drawn and the enlightenments of EU Science and Technology Integration towords Integration of Regional Science in China are summed up.Inadequacy of the paper and futher studies are refered as well.
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