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Between 2007~2008, the research was carried in the study field of Heilongjiang August First Land Reclamation University Soybean Base which lies in Lin Dian County. The soil type is meadow. Taking Kennong 4th soybean variety as the main research material, the effect of different concentrations of EDTA-Mn on soybean growth. The mode of experiment is small region in field and which research the effect of different ways of Manganese, different concentration of Manganese on the formation philology, nitrogen nutrition, key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism and the yield and quality of soybean. Through this research, it can improve the scientific evidence for the Manganese nutrition adjusting of soybean. The main research results are as follows:
     The middle concentration of Manganese mixed with seed soaking or leaf spraying can improve the height of soybean and the root-shoot ratio, and improve the accumulation of dry matter in every part of the soybean plant. But the high concentration of Manganese appears inhibition. The appearance is different in different development stages. In the different growth stages after the treatments of seed soaking and leaf spraying in soybean, the centre of assimilate contribution were different. The growth centre was leaf in the prophase of soybean plant, midanaphase turned to stem, and anaphase centralized in legume. Its manifest that is the mobilization and a reasonable distribution of dry matter by Manganese, and advantage the building up of soybean seeds in the anaphase of growth stage.
     Both the middle concentration of Manganese with seed soaking and leaf spraying can improve the content of soluble protein, nitrate-nitrogen and free amino acids. The controlling of seed soaking is gradually weaken in the anaphase of growth stage, but the effect of middle concentration of leaf spraying is relatively significant. The middle concentration treatment of Manganese can improve the content of total nitrogen, and it also can improve the root activity and content of ureide in the function leaves.
     Both the middle concentration of Manganese with seed soaking and leaf spraying can improve the activities of key enzymes related to nitrogen metabolism in soybean leaves. The activity of NR and proteinase reach the maximum among the treatments, and the effect of leaf spraying is relatively significant. The changing tendency of GS, GDH and GOGAT were roughly similar, the middle concentration of Manganese treatment can improve the activities of enzymes above in different degree, but the higher concentration of Manganese with seed soaking and leaf spraying can be played a certain inhibition to the indicators above.
     After the different concentration of Manganese by leaf spraying, with the raising in concentration of Manganese, with the increasing concentration of Manganese, the content of Manganese in soybean leaves is increasing. After the harvest of soybean, the manifestation of controlling with different concentrations of Manganese by seed soaking and leaf spraying is different in soybean seeds. When the combination of mixed with seed soaking and leaf spraying is A4B4, the content of Manganese in the seeds is the highest.
     Under the condition of field, both the middle concentration of Manganese mixed with seed soaking and leaf spraying can change the yield character of soybean. It can improve obviously the number of total legumes, seed weight of per plant and 100-seed weight of plant. The manifestation of controlling with different concentrations of Manganese by seed soaking and leaf spraying result that the middle concentration of Manganese is the highest, and it has a certain promotion to the yield, it arrives 5% significance levels to its CK, but the higher concentration of Manganese with seed soaking and leaf spraying can be played a certain inhibition to the indicators above. Under the condition of field the optimal combination of seed soaking and leaf spraying is A3B3 and it can improve the yield 33.32% to the contrast.
     Both the middle concentration of Manganese mixed with seed soaking and leaf spraying can decrease the content of adipose, increase the content of protein. The treatment of leaf spraying arrive 5% significance levels to its CK in the content of protein and adipose. When the combination of mixed with seed soaking and leaf spraying is A1B3, the content of protein is the highest and arrive 5% significance levels to the treatments of A1B1. In this condition of A1B3, the content of adipose is the lowest, and it suggests middle concentration of Manganese mixed with seed soaking and leaf spraying can improve the content of protein, and decrease the content of adipose obviously.
     In the general, middle concentration of Manganese treatment has an obvious effect on improving the form physiology and the index which related to nitrogen metabolism of soybean plant. Especially the effect of middle concentration of Manganese mixed with seed soaking and leaf spraying on the content of yield and protein of soybean is the most obvious.
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