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Since 1990s, the study of Channel Relationship has been the hot topic of the economy theory. It is this paper' s purpose to adopt the principle of Relation Marketing in the management of channel relationship, build the corporative and coordinated relation between producer and intermediate, and, therefore, to assail the conflict in the channel, reduce the trade cost and improve the deal efficiency. There are four parts in the article, such as follows : in the first section, the principle of relation marketing is introduced. Firstly, the economy of using relationship to develop trade activity is demonstrated from the angle of system of economics, and some cardinal theories of Relation Marketing , which provide methods direction for the management of Channel Relationship , is expounded, Finally , this section will prove the applicability of Relation Marketing in China in the light of Chinese specific conditions. In the second section, the theory about Channel Relationship will be demonstrated. Firstly, the basi
    c concepts of what are Channel, Channel Relationship and Channel Members will be expounded, the category of management of Channel Relationship will be defined, then , some foundational variations related to the management of Channel Relationship will be analyzed , then , some foundational variations related to the management of Channel Relationship will be analyzed , and .finally , the status quo of the Behavior Theory on Channel, both home and abroad , will be introduced. In the third section, the tactics of the application of Relation Marketing among channels will be analyzed. Firstly, Game Theory and Trust and Agency system will be used to analyze the mechanism which is taking advantage of Relation Marketing to manage the channel relationship. Secondly, the tactics in different stages of Channel Relationship will be demonstrated according to Life Period Theory of Channel Relationship. In the fourth section, the successful case about how the companies , home and abroad, such as Oliver, HP. levon, P&G , to
    use Relationship Marketing in Channel Relationship is feasibility both in theory and at practice.
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