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     本研究通过在城市化进程迅速的中国沿海省会城市——福州市内的闽江公园内(26003'N,119°15'E)选择临近分布的番石榴(Psidium guajava)、南洋杉(Araucaria cunninghamii)和黄花槐(Sophora xanthantha)片林以及各自毗邻的沟叶结缕草草坪(Zoysia matrella)为研究对象,采用样方清查法与碳平衡法,估算了各绿地的碳汇效益,并针对当前城市绿地碳循环研究的薄弱环节——地下碳过程开展了系统的研究,探讨了土壤关键碳通量——土壤呼吸和地下凋落物碳归还的调控机制,以及二者在两种城市绿地覆被下的差异,并进一步探讨城市绿地土壤有机碳的形成机制。这对客观评价城市绿地的碳源汇功能,揭示其碳汇机制,以及完善我国碳预算都具有重要意义。
     野外同位素实测数据表明,在建植10a的草坪表层0-20cm土壤中,源自于草坪植物的SOC占42%,在整个培养过程中,5%(CL)和10%(CH)草屑添加量处理的C02的累计排放量(分别为2.94mg C·g-1soil和3.61mg C·g-1soil)显著高于对照(CK,1.2mg C·g-1soil,P<0.05)。其中C4-CO2为CL和CH累计排放C02的主要组成,分别占累积排放的64.5%和80.2%。此外,草屑添加处理还可显著提高培养土壤微生物生物量、土壤的潜在可矿化碳量SOC分解系数。这些结果表明C4相对于土壤原有的C3对于微生物代谢而言具有更高的底物可利用性,能刺激微生物生物量增加,同时提高土壤SOC潜在可矿化碳量,有助于SOC的形成。
Urban green space expanding rapidly due to urbanization could improve urban environment and has considerable carbon (C) sequestered ability. Recently, Chinese government has committed to dramatically reduce CO2emissions intensity. However, increasing C sick of traditional forest has been more difficult. Therefore, accurate assessing the C sink of urban green space will be meaningful for China to relieve the pressure in reducing emission of CO2and to be helpful for fulfilling Chinese obligations towards the Kyoto Protocol.
     This study was conducted at the Minjiang Park in Fu'zhou City, the capital city of Fujian province (26°03'N,119°15'E) and one of the fastest urbanized inshore city in southeast China. In this study, ecosystem C sequestration in three urban forests and lawns were quantified by inventory method and C budget method. Below ground C allocation and soil organic C (SOC) formation mechanism were also investigated. This study is not only essential for objective evaluating C sink of urban green spaces, but also helpful for perfecting C budget of China.
     The result showed that three urban forests had higher vegetation and ecosystem C storage than abut lawns. Lawns have relative higher seasonal maximum of soil respiration rate and lower minimum than each close-by urban forest. Moreover, the Q10values of soil respiration and its components in lawns were also higher each close-by urban forest. These results suggest soil respiration in lawns will be more sensitive to future climate change. Seasonal dynamics of liiterfall in urban forests showed binomial patterns with the first peak occurring from April to May and the second peak occurring during August and September. Lawn mowing conducted in May and October. Annual clipping residue of lawns (4.1-4.8t·C·hm-2·a-1) were higher than the annual aboveground litterfall in urban forests (2.5-4.0t·C·hm-2·a-1). The peak values of belowground litterfall in urban forests were not appeared in same month, while those in lawns usually appeared in October. There was no significant difference in annual belowground litterfall between each urban green space (P>0.05). Litter decomposition rate (k) of yellow flower of pagodatree (k=3.54) was fastest among these urban green spaces. Lawns came next with k values from2.90to2.98. The k values of araucaria and guava were lowest (1.09and1.22, respectively).
     Field C isotope analysis indicated, lawn-derived C contributed42.0%soil organic C (SOC) under10years old lawn. Indoor simulative experiment showed that during incubation experiment, cumulative CO2emissions of5%(CL) and10%(CH) clipping addition treatments (2.94mg C·g-1soil and3.61mg C·g-1soil, respectively) were significantly higher than that of control (CK,0%clipping addition). The cumulative CO2emissions in CL and CH consisted chiefly of C4-CO2which accounted for64.5%and80.2%, respectively, of cumulative CO2emissions in CL and CH. Moreover, clipping addition could obviously increase soil microbial biomass, potential mineralizable C and SOC decomposition rate. These results indicate C4was easier than C3for microbe utilizing and could enhance both microbial biomass and potential mineralizable C, therefore improve C4-SOC formation.
     Annual net primary productivity (NPP) in urban forests (10.3-14.0t·C·hm-2·a-1) and lawns (11.8-13.1t·C·hm-2·a-1) were similar. However, urban forests had higher net ecosystem productivity (NEP,4.20-6.47t·C·hm-2·a-1) than that of lawns (1.8-3.4t·C·hm-2·a-1). There are different NEP distribution between urban forests and lawns. Urban forest has higher vegetation C accumulation rate and lower soil C accumulation rate than lawn. This discrepancy may partly due to the different C allocation strategy in arboreal and herbaceous species. On the other hand, the discrepancy was also likely attribute to different managements in these two types of green spaces. Moreover, various destinies of aboveground litterfall removed from urban forests add the uncertainty of there C budget. SOC accumulations in lawns are time limited. SOC accumulate rate in 4-years-old and8-years-old lawns were1.4and1.3t·C·hm-2·a-1, respectively. However, the rate in8-years-old lawn rapidly dropped to0.4t·C·hm-2·a-1.
     In conclusion, above results suggest that although urban lawns have faster SOC accumulate rate, urban forests have larger ecosystem C sick than lawns. Therefore, urban forest deserves to give priority in urban green space construction, and suitable managements should be adopted to avoid C loss.
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