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     利用构建的旅游资源价值分类系统和评估方法,对五大连池地质公园的旅游资源的非使用价值进行了实证研究,得出其2006年的旅游资源非使用价值为98 679.28万元。
Since policy has been executed, the development of domestic tourism is flourishing; many regions regard it as support industry and develop it strongly. But at present, there is still a blank to the value classifying system of tourism resources and the assessing methods system in China. Therefore, this paper researches some value classifying systems and assessing methods about environmental resources, natural resources and biological diversity, trying to set up a value classifying system and assessing methods of Wudalianchi tourism resources.
     Wudalianchi has the rich natural resource and the social resources, therefore it has the extremely high scientific research value and the traveling rests value, also is containing the greatest use energy to the descendant. This article has constructed the value classifying systems and assessing methods system in view of unique traveling resources of Wudalianchi. In this research, first sets up a value classifying system and assessing methods of tourism resources. The value of the tourism resources can be divided into two, use values and non-use value. It is important to research non use value for us. It includes option value, bequest value and existence value. Making people have a more explicit understanding to Walianchi value constitution. Based on value classifying system, evaluated the intrinsic tourism values by CVM (Contingent Valuation Method). It is essential to investigate Tourist space time distribution and behavior, analyzed the factors' effects to tourists' WTP (Willing to Pay) by Cross-tabulation and Chi-Square analyses.
     Making use of the value classifying and assessing methods system for tourism resources of Wudalianchi nature reserve, the author evaluates the values of Wudalianchi nature reserve. The results show that in 2006, the non-use value is 986792800 yuan (RMB).
     In addition, it has discussed affect factor about the non- use value precise. It also has carried on special processing and the certain analysis to the error of CVM.
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