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This paper laid a strong emphasis on the project how to realize the PDA's communication with distance server.
    Based on the process, protocol engineer to develop the communication protocols, the paper modify and delete some activities of protocol engineering in order to be accustomed to the project.
    The paper enhanced how to develop the communication system of this project under the modified protocol engineer. In architecture, it expounded the C/S pattern of network architecture and pointed out the merits between C/S pattern and distribution pattern. And we designed simple and useful 3 layers network model (physical, data link, and message layer) instead of ISO. The paper not only used the sequence diagrams to descript the cooperation of PDA and server in communications, but only adopt Petri net, a kind of FDT, to built four different models on protocol's dynamic actions. We proposed the constrict expressions: 1. Finding out and fixing the
    errors, we validated the protocol with Petri net theories. We implanted communication module into message loops of windows module instead of .typical 2-processor mode. After finishing realization, we did build both local and remote testing skeleton with the set of test cases that was created in first to test static specifications and dynamic actions of protocol. And testing could help us to analyze the problems we had found in validation.
    At the end of the paper, we discussed something about protocol security.
    Based on the embedded Linux system, we study emphatically on the key technology of how to realize information mutually in the course of communicating among each module. And we find the corresponding solution. With this, we carry out the whole software successfully to meet the end user's demands.
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