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The issue of Energy and its' impact to macroeconomic and the social development have been the focus of governments and scientists all over the world. How to find the balance between the economic growth and energy protection? This issue is related directly with sustainable development, so the academia of each country has developed a lot of corresponding research. Nowadays the issue of energy has been an important research object in Geographic Information Science and Earth System Science.
    In this paper, three kinds of typical issues of energy and economic growth are studied and discussed, that is: at first, based on the endogenous growth theory, we study the dynamic mechanism in which economic growth generates energy demand. We want to find out the optimal energy intensity so as to get the optimal economic growth rate. Then, we study the growth drag caused by the consumption of energy in economic growth. Furthermore, this paper evaluates the impact of various climate protection strategies, energy importation, environmental and education strategies to Chinese macroeconomic security and social welfare.
    Firstly, the paper examines the concept of the growth drag. Then we set up three kinds of corresponding scenarios to analyze the economic growth drag caused by energy water and land. There is a closed relationship between labor growth and growth drag caused by energy. In the other hand, we simulate the growth rate with the existence of growth drag if we want to reach the target of GDP per capita of 2020 to be four times that of 2000.
    To China, we need to identify the relationship between the growth rate and energy intensity. Based on the Moon-Sonn model, we study the dynamic mechanism in which economic growth generates energy demand. We want to find out the optimal energy intensity so as to get the Chinese optimal economic growth rate. The simulation result shows, that the relationship between the growth rate and energy intensity is a reversed U-shape. The proportion of imported energy affects the equilibrium steady-state economic growth rate. We compute the optimal energy intensity to maximize the economic growth rate. The qualitative effect of the increases in energy intensity on economic growth rate is always negative. Especially, we need to analyze the impact of the target of energy intensity of 2020 to be 0.8 times that of 2006 to economy. The simulation result shows, we can coordinate the relationship between Chinese economy and energy economization.
    Finally, this paper evaluates the impact of various climate protection, energy importation, environmental and education expenditure strategies to Chinese macroeconomic security and social
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