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欧洲联盟(简称欧盟,英文European Union,缩写为EU),是一个极具特色的区域性一体化组织和超国家经济政治实体,非常重视职业教育与培训对促进经济发展、提高就业率的重要作用,并以加强职业教育与培训作为实现其经济和政治目标的重要手段。欧盟的职业教育与培训政策(简称欧盟职业教育政策)具有鲜明的特色。系统研究欧盟职业教育政策,能够为我国职业教育政策研究提供典型案例,为我国构筑现代职业教育体系提供策略参考。
European Union(EU)is a distinctive regional integration organization and supranational economic and political entity, attaches great importance to vocational education and training in order to improving employment and promoting economic development. And EU uses strengthening the vocational education and training as an important means of achieving their economic and political objectives.EU's vocational education and training policy (hereinafter referred to as the European vocational education policy) have distinct features.This dissertation focuses on the EU's vocational education policy in order to provide a typical case to China's vocational education policy research, as well as provide useful strategies to construct the modern vocational education system in our country.
     The dissertation firstly analyzes the background of the EU's vocational education policy from EU's economy, politics, cultural tradition and education basis, these are the soil European vocational education policy gets rooted, and then, the dissertation sorts out the evolution and development process of vocational education policy in the European Union. And then, from the perspective of policy objective, the dissertation categorizes EU's current vocational education policy into four topics, namely the policies of promoting mobility and integration of the labour market, the policies of improving the attraction of vocational education and training, the policies of quality assurance as well as the policies of funding. This dissertation also takes three EU member countries, Germany, France, and the UK, as examples, to explore the implementation of EU's vocational education policy. Finally, it analyzes systematically the effect, problems and the trend of EU's vocational education policy.
     Policy content an policy implementation are the two focuses of this dissertation. In the policy content part, based on the text analysis of vocational education policy, this study elaborates the content of EU's vocational education policy according to its policy objectives.,and categorizes EU's vocational education policy into four aspects, including the policies of promoting mobility and the labour market integration, the policies of improving the attraction of vocational education and training, the policies of quality assurance as well as the policies of funding.
     In the policy implementation part, this dissertation holds the dynamic view of vocational education policy, and takes the vocational education policy as the unification of the text and the policy implementation, emphasizes both the static policy text analysis and the dynamic process of policy implementation. Three representative member countries in the EU are taken as cases to analyze the policy implementation. The cases demonstrate that the implementation of EU's vocational education policy is the process of contextualization and adaptation of EU's vocational education policy towards EU's policy objectives, as well as the process of reform and perfecting each member country's vocational education system.This dissertation uses the data of the latest country report to describe this process.
     The research methods of this dissertation include literature method, history method as well as the method of comparative analysis.The European Union launched its Lisbon strategy in2000.Convinced of the need to modernize education and training systems,as part of the Lisbon strategy, the Copenhagen process began in2002and it's the most important policy for EU's vocational education. This dissertation pays much attention to EU's current vocational education policies, namely, the vocational education policies under the Copenhagen process within the framework and objectives of the Lisbon Strategy.
     There are two strands, the vertical and horizontal, in this dissertation. The vertical strand means that the longitudinal expansion and the developing logic of the content. It is based on the general thought of comparative education research as well as the policy research, i.e."policy background-policy development-policy goal and the content-policy implementation-policy evaluation".The horizontal expansion means that each chapter of the dissertation put European vocational education policy into the EU's wide social background.From the perspective of the relationship between education and society, this dissertation takes the vocational education as a sub-system of the whole social system of the European Union, and analyzes how EU's large social system (politics, economy, culture) influences it's vocational education policy; and also,the dissertation explores what the EU's vocational education policy itself contributes to EU's social integration and economic development. The author presents that EU's political and economic situation and the process of its integration influence its vocational education policy, and directly affects on the process of policy implementation; at the same time, the vocational education policy has been making important contribution to European economic and political integration as well as improving EU's international competitiveness.
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    ② 博洛尼亚进程是欧盟在1999年的博洛尼亚宣言发起,旨在创建一个欧洲高等教育区,签约国包括后来欧盟的15个成员国,3个欧洲经济区国家:冰岛、挪威和瑞士,还有11个候选国:保加利亚、捷克共和国、爱沙利亚、匈牙利、拉脱维亚、立陶宛、马耳他、波兰、罗马尼亚、斯洛伐克和斯洛文尼亚。国际组织如欧盟委员会、欧洲理事会和大学联合会、校长和学生参与了宣言的起草。其中,各国打算把他们的高等教育建立在三个层次的基础上:学士、硕士和博士,目的是使他们的学位更容易理解和比较,建立一个学分转换系统、在质量保障方面合作,在课程层面增强欧洲维度并支持学生、教师和研究人员的流动。
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    ① 第一期从1995年至1999年,为期5年,预算6.2亿欧元,其主要目标在于加强不同组织部门之间的跨国合作,支持欧盟成员国不断创新职业教育的政策和实践;第二期从2000年至2006年,为期7年,预算11.5亿欧元,主要目标是通过促进终身学习以及在职业培训领域的合作,推动欧洲教育区的产生。第三期从2007年至2013年,为期7年。该阶段计划又被囊括在欧洲委员会制定的综合性终身教育计划中。见:吴雪萍,张程.推进欧盟职业教育一体化的达芬奇计划探析[J].比较教育研究,2009(6):72-76
    ② 李建忠.全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部重点课题“中国和欧盟国家职业教育比较研究”成果公报(课题批准号:DDA010187),2009年7月
    ③European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training[R].Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.74
    ① 指帮助失业的人以及面临失业危险的人的就业服务或培训项目。见:European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10 [R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.71-72
    ②European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.75
    ③European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.71
    ④European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10 [R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.72-73
    ①European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R].Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.69
    ②European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.76
    ①European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.77
    ① 李建忠.全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部重点课题“中国和欧盟国家职业教育比较研究”成果公报(课题批准号:DDA010187),2009年7月
    ② 李建忠.全国教育科学“十五”规划教育部重点课题“中国和欧盟国家职业教育比较研究”成果公报(课题批准号:DDA010187),2009年7月
    ③ 根据学习者购买的培训直接发放资金,通常要求受益人共同出资。
    ①European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.79
    ②European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.79
    ①European Center for the Development of Vocational Training(Cedefop). a bridge to the future European policy for vocational education and training 2002-10[R]. Luxembourg:Publications Office of the European Union,2010.81
    ① 张燕.职业培训公共质量监控的比较研究——以德国、法国和英国为例[J].中国职业技术教育,2011(10):75-79
    ① 袁振国主编.教育政策学[M].南京:江苏教育出版社,2000.289原文转引自:林水波、张世贤著.公共政策[M].台湾五南图书出版公司1982年版,第248页。
    ② 袁振国主编.教育政策学[M].南京:江苏教育出版社,2000.291
    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Germany:VET in Europe:country report 2011[DB/OL].http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011_CR_DE.pdf.2011/2012-04-10
    ① 约阿西姆·明希著任永秋于爱民译.关于德国的职业教育政策及其研究[J].中国职业技术教育,2004(24):13-14
    ② 袁振国主编.教育政策学[M].南京:江苏教育出版社,2000.296-297
    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010 CR DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16
    ② 彭正梅.德国职业教育改革和发展趋势[J].全球教育展望,2002(3):77-80
    ③ 德国联邦议会对《联邦职业教育法》的修订提出了8条建议,涉及到职业教育法若干中心内容。这些建议是: (1)要考虑在欧洲范闱与国际范围内实施的可能性; (2)要排除区域发展不均衡导致的区域职业教育机会的不均等;(3)要考虑职业学校学习成绩在行业协会举办的毕业考试中的比重,并制定职业学校学习时间在整个培训时间中所占比重的换算比例和换算规则; (4)要考虑在职业性原则下模块化方案的实施; (5)要考虑再采取企业外培训措施以及职业准备培训前提下,将联邦《职业教育法》的使用范围扩展到全日制职业学校(包括健康领域如护理培训的职业学校)的途径; (6)要考虑取消中期考试并修订毕业考试的目标以及考试改革: (7)要考虑对社会不利群体的职业教育采取进一步的促进措施; (8)要考虑职业教育经费的分摊及基金机制的建立等。”见:姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.285
    ① 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.287-288;姜大源.着眼于未来的理性思辨:坚持与改革——德国“双元制”职业教育近期发展动态综述[J].职业技术教育,2004(5)
    ② 马立武,祁伟.近年德国促进职业教育发展的新措施[J].中国职业技术教育,2007(5):54-55
    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.10
    ④ 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.296
    ⑤ 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.297
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16.pp.63-64
    ②Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16.p.7
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16.p.63
    ② 陈莹.德国职业资格框架的构建[J].职教论坛,2010(21):93-96
    ③ 陈莹.德国职业资格框架的构建[J].职教论坛,2010(21):93-96 http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16.p.19
    ②Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16.p.20
    ③ 姜大源.德国职业教育的最新改革与发展动态[J].中国职业技术教育,2010(5):5-9
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.24
    ①ederal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL].http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.24
    ②Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL].http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.25
    ①ederal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Germany:VET in Europe:country report 2012[DB/OL] http://libserver. cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2012/2012_CR_DE.pdf.2012/2013-01-31, p.XIV
    ②Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf.February 2010/2012-03-16. p.35-36
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf.February 2010/2012-03-16. pp.35-36
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p. 54
    ②Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.54 Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL], http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p. 56
    ① 何农.试论我国职校教师培训体系的构建——参照德国的经验[J].教育发展研究,2008(15-16):123-125
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    ① 彭正梅.德国职业教育改革和发展趋势[J].全球教育展望,2002(3):77-80
    ② 社会融合包含个人在社会中的不同方面,能用收入和生活质量水平、参与社会网络、获得服务的意识(如,更多的学习机会等)加以测量。见:Cedefop (2009). Modernising vocational education and training-Fourth report on vocational education and training research in Europe:synthesis report. Luxembourg:Publications Office. http://www.cedefop.europa.eu/EN/Files/3050_en.pdf.2009/2012-05-11
    ③European Commission. A new impetus for European cooperation in vocational education and training to support the Europe 2020 strategy[DB/OL].http://eur-lex.europa.eu/Lex UriServ/LexUriServ.do?uri=COM:2010:0296:FIN:EN:PDF.2010/2013-05-11
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    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.38
    ② 已经离开学校一年以上,同时未能成功申请学徒位置的年轻人,在再次申请培训岗位时即为“二次申请者”。
    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf.February 2010/2012-03-16. p.39
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.40
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL].http:// libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.44
    ② 跨国项目旨在促进专业知识、方法和实践案例的系统交流。
    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf.February 2010/2012-03-16. p.73
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.77
    ②Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.70
    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.72
    ④Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training. Germany:VET in Europe:country report 2012[DB/OL].http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2012/2013-01-31.P.X
    ①Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.79
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    ③Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.72
    ① Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf. February 2010/2012-03-16. p.71
    ② Federal Institute for Vocational Education and Training.VET Policy Report Germany[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/eu/pub/cedefop/vetreport/2010_CR_DE.pdf.February 2010/2012-03-16..p.72
    ① 本部分谈到“英国”的部分,一般都是指英国职业资格和管理制度中的共性部分。
    ② 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.271;郑坚.英国职业资格制度览析[J].职教论坛,2012(1):87-92
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    ④ 刘念.英国职业教育体系的组成[J].中国职业技术教育,2004(20):59-60
    ① Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010 NPR UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26.p.94
    ② HM Government,2009, Lisbon Strategy for Jobs and Growth, Chapter 4 http://www.hm-treasury. gov.uk/d/lisbon_strategy_ 081009_final.pdf.2009/2012-11-18
    ③ 樊大跃.欧洲资格证书框架体系的构建与实质[J].深圳职业技术学院学报,2009(11):24-29
    ④ Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26
    ⑤ 苏格兰和威尔士的学分与资格框架都包含了高等教育的相关资格框架。
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. United Kingdom. Country Report-2011[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011_CR UK.pdf.2011/2012-10-11
    ② 即:SCQF Partnership, Welsh Assembly Government, CCEA and QCA. Referencing the Qualifications Frameworks of the United Kingdom to the European Qualifications Framework,2009
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver. cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26. p.26
    ① 网址见:www.cityandguilds.com/europass
    ②Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. United Kingdom.Country Report-2011[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011 CR_UK.pdf.2011/2012-10-11.p.20
    ③Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. United Kingdom. Country Report-2011[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011_CR_UK.pdf.2011/2012-10-11. p.22
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. United Kingdom. Country Report-2011[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011_CR_UK.pdf.2011/2012-10-11.p.23
    ②Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. United Kingdom. Country Report-2011[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011_CR_UK.pdf.2011/2012-10-11.p.24
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. United Kingdom. Country Report-2011[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2011/2011_CR_UK.pdf.2011/2012-10-11.p.26
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    ②Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop.europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26. p.36
    ① 漆军,谢臣英,赵小平,余蔚荔,宋欧.英国职业教育运行机制[J].职业技术教育,2008(16):88-90
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    ① 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.154
    ② 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.156
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26.p.43
    ① 该计划名为:More Choices, More Chances:A Strategy to Reduce the Proportion of Young People not in Education, Employment or Training in Scotland (2006),
    ③Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010 NPR UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26. p.44-45
    ④ 16岁是英国义务教育的结束年龄。
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26. p.64
    ① 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.155;姜大源等.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究:现象与规律(之三)——基于纵横维度交替发展的趋势:实然与应然[J].中国职业技术教育,2012 (8)
    ② 姜大源主编.当代世界职业教育发展趋势研究[M].北京:电子工业出版社,2012.155
    ③Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http://libserver.cedefop, europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26. p.88
    ①Qualifications and Curriculum Development Agency. UK National Policy report for 2010[DB/OL]. http;//libserver.cedefop. europa.eu/vetelib/2010/vetpolicy/2010_NPR_UK.pdf.2010/2012-09-26. p.88
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