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According to Chaos theory, fate is influenced by innumerable forces which are both random and determined at once. Likewise, postmodernists also advocate the discourse of inconsistency, disorder, nihilism and random variables.
     Influenced by chaos theory, Cormack McCarthy attempts to explore human potentiality of violence, avarice, blindness and depravity in his works. From the perspective of chaos theory, the dissertation analyses the central themes and explores the chaos and uncertainty of human society in McCarthy's The Road and No Country for Old Men. Moreover, it points out that the only way for human society to survive is that humans become sympathetic and concerned for each other in the chaotic fallen society.
     The dissertation consists of an introduction, five expository chapters and a conclusion. The introduction briefly introduces the major research work that has been done on McCarthy both at home and abroad. And the aim and significance of this dissertation are also introduced in the part. Though critics apply various critical approaches to the reading of his novels, none of them tries to use chaos theory to interpret them.
     Chapter One gives an analysis of chaos theory in the postmodern context. It points out that chaos theory and the postmodernists advocate disorder, randomness and indeterminism in postmodern society. Chaos theory examines the nonlinear behavior of dynamical systems, in which many features interact and make their behavior complex and nonlinear. Moreover, the chaos theorists believe that the root cause of most events is ultimately unknowable and unpredictable. Chaotic systems appear random or disordered, but they do contain orders in nonlinear systems.
     Chapter Two investigates McCarthy's philosophy, education and background and attempts to witness Cormack McCarthy's chaotic worldview in his life. McCarthy's Roman Catholic education, religious background creates in him a religious urge to redeem the chaotic world. His experience of serving in the army gives him enough time and space to meditate the violence, war and evil in the world. Moreover, his special interests in science, particularly his four-year residence in Santa Fe Institute have a great influence on the formation of the aesthetics for his literary works.
     Chapter Three explores the chaosmos in McCarthy's two novels. It studies the natural and social chaos in The Road and No Country for Old Men. In the two novels, Cormac McCarthy gives a vivid description in details about the complex chaotic states in the environments and society. In The Road, McCarthy has summoned his fiercest visions to invoke the devastation, upheaval world, in which the ruined setting is scattered with dust, charred corpses, and bottles, and limbless trunks of trees. In No Country for Old Men, the unbearable bleakness and chaos are pervaded in the godless, evil world. In McCarthy's works, social chaos is revealed completely by the social violence and pervading evil. The protagonists manage to mount some resistance to it, but evil overcomes the goodness in the end.
     Chapter Four discusses the unpredictable and uncontrollable strange attractors in the novels, and argues that the destinies of the characters are determined by the strange attractors. In No Country for Old, Chigurh, the fascination of pure evil, represents the mysterious power or devil which can control human's fate and stands for uncontrollable chaos and supernatural ferocity in the society. In The Road, McCarthy doesn't mention what kind of strange attractor leads to the disaster. Nevertheless, it is demonstrated that the mysterious undetermined strange attractor caused the global spasm of destruction, which is not necessarily nuclear, but is certainly apocalyptic.
     Chapter Five demonstrates McCarthy's positive religious attitude towards the chaos, unpredictability and the depravity of the world. And it emphasizes that the best way for us to coexist better is to show the compassion and concern for other human beings in the world. According to chaos theory, order and disorder bind together in a dialectic that enfolds them into each other while still permitting each to retain its distinct identity. Likewise, in McCarthy's wring, the world is imbued with chaos, violence, evil and avarice, but it has a hidden order out of the disorderly world. In other words, in the two novels the writer attempts to make our lives meaningful or sublime by encouraging the self-improving action to enhance and promote goodness, compassion and altruism in dealing with others when we are trapped in a dark pit.
     The Conclusion summarizes the major arguments of each chapter. Chaos, violence and nihilism are the central philosophic ideas in much of McCarthy's works. But in his last novel The Road, McCarthy attempts to construct a hopeful bridge that connects the hopeless, sterile and barren wasteland.
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