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     本研究共分为十章,采用混合方法研究设计(Mixed Method),力图实现定性研究与定量研究的高度融合。首先,解读了体育教师专业发展的内涵与外延,提出了体育教师专业标准对教师专业发展的重要性,阐述了体育教师专业标准的核心作用与地位,梳理了中国、美国、爱尔兰和加拿大等国家体育教师专业标准(专业素质要求)的历史演进。在此基础上,通过定性研究分析了美国6所大学实施NASPE职前体育教师专业标准的情况,并以案例研究的形式分析了美国NBPTS在职优秀高级体育教师专业标准的实施情况;通过调查516名中小学体育教师、427名大学体育教师教育专业任课教师和1022名体育教师教育专业在读学生(职前体育教师),了解了中国体育教师专业标准制订可能遇到或需要解决的相关问题;采用定性研究方法(扎根理论)和定量研究方法分别制订了一份职前体育教师专业标准,并对两份标准进行了优化整合,形成了职前体育教师专业标准(讨论稿);调查了65名大学体育教师教育专业负责人(院长/系主任/教研室主任等)对基于标准的职前体育教师质量认证程序开发相关问题的意见,开发了具体的绩效评估认证程序。最后,总结了研究内容和不足之处,对今后基于标准的体育教师教育改革与发展提出了展望。
     5.采用定性研究方法(扎根理论,Grounded Theory)和定量研究方法,结合专家咨询、比较研究与自我核查的意见,可以研制出最优化的职前体育教师专业标准。该标准的框架构成为“维度→领域→标准→具体要求”,包括3个维度、8个领域、24个标准和242条具体要求,在引领高校体育教师教育专业人才(职前体育教师)的培养,为各地中小学体育教师招聘提供依据,促进职前体育教师专业成长等方面将发挥巨大作用。
With the further development of education reform in all over the world, the quality of teachers has become a focus of attention in many countries, and through building physical education teachers professional standards to guide and promote the physical education teachers professional development become an effective way to improve the quality of teachers. So most of countries are going to develop teachers standards, and then teacher education standardization has become a trend. Based on the international development trend and the requirements of "Constructing and Improving the Teacher Education Standards System" from "Long Time National Education Reform and Development Plan (2010-2020)", this research was to specifically examine the physical education teacher standards and related issues in China, aiming to make contributions to further improve the quality of physical education teachers in China.
     This doctoral dissertation included ten chapters, employed the mixed methods research design, in order to achieve the integration of qualitative study and quantitative study. This research firstly explored the connotation and extension of physical education teachers professional development, raised the importance of physical education teacher standards to teachers professional development, and stated the core role and status of physical education teacher standards in it, analyzed the historical evolution of physical education teacher standards (or requirements of professional quality) in China, United States, Canada and Ireland. Based on this, used the qualitative research method to analysis the current implementation situation of NASPE initial physical education teacher standards in6universities in United States, at the same time, through case study to analysis the current implementation situation of NBPTS physical education teacher standards in United States. Recruited516physical education teachers in elementary and secondary schools,427university faculties in physical education teacher education programs of universities and colleges, and1022physical education teacher education program undergraduate students (pre-service teachers), to know the related issues regarding physical education teacher standards construction in China. Used the qualitative research method (Grounded Theory) and quantitative research method developed pre-service physical education teacher standards respectively, and then optimized and integrated two kinds of standards and formulated the final pre-service physical education teacher standards. After that, we investigated65physical education teacher education programs' coordinators and aim to know the opinions and suggestions regards to the pre-service physical education teachers quality evaluation system, and developed the specific performance evaluation certification system. Last, we concluded the weakness and strengths of this research, and raised the development and reform strategies of standard-based physical education teacher education in future.
     Through these above research works, there are some conclusions as following:
     1. Physical education teacher standards plays a key role in the process of improving physical education teachers professional development through physical education teacher education. From the multiple perspectives ("logical start and final pursuit","mirror image of others and self reflection","portal perspective and moderate tension") to read the physical education teachers professional development, it is better for people to know the nature of physical education teachers professional development, and understand the importance of physical education teacher standards in it.
     2. The requirements of physical education teacher standards (professional quality) in different countries continue to evolve with the development of times. Some factors can affect the standards development, included the guidance of general teachers professional standards, participation of nonprofit professional association, the needs of the society, professionals' advocacy, the influence of educational policies, publication of large education report, promotion of curriculum reformation, et al. However, there were much differences between different countries.
     3. American faculties had high identity to NASPE initial physical education teacher standards, but already need to revise it. Standards implementation can bring positive and negative effect, time consuming was the biggest obstacle in the implementation process. Compared with comprehensive universities and general colleges, research universities had lower enthusiasm for implementation and the effects of the standards implementation did not got obvious outcomes as expected. The implementation of NBPTS in-service physical education teachers standards was wide, the outside support was so important when teachers participated the certification. Although the overall number of certificated physical education teachers was less, but the positive effect was really obvious, especially can effectively promote the physical education teachers professional development, improve their social status.
     4. China have been formulated the basis for constructing the physical education teacher standards, following the stage theory of physical education teachers professional development, we should develop the pre-service physical education teacher standards firstly, and advice were given that if we study the standards, government should provide grants, researchers should take special issue research and implementation should be step by step. Pre-service physical education teachers standards should be focus on upgrading the pre-service physical education teachers professional consciousness and the basic ability of teaching in physical education, and should reflect the difference with the teacher qualification certificate.
     5. Used the qualitative research method (Grounded Theory) and quantitative research method, combined with expert consultation, comparative study and self verification opinions, can successfully develop the best pre-service physical education teachers standards. The standards framework was "dimension, field, standard, specific requirement", composed of3dimensions,8fields,24standards and242specific requirements. Standards will play important key role in physical education teacher education professionals (pre-service teachers) training, provide guidance to new physical education teachers recruitment in elementary and secondary schools, and promote the pre-service physical education teachers professional development.
     6. In order to promote the application of pre-service physical education teachers standards, we should develop the standards-based pre-service physical education teachers quality evaluation system, and the necessity and feasibility are existed. The evaluation system will focus on examining the overall performance of pre-service physical education teachers, providing feedback information for talent training in universities, and promoting the adjustment of talent training plan. Government should set up a specialized agency to carry out evaluation work strictly. The evaluation system included the rubrics and these materials should be submitted to agency. It will provide effective guidance to practice application and effect evaluation of pre-service physical education teachers standards.
     However, this research is just a beginning of relevant research on physical education teachers standards, We strongly suggested that pre-service physical education teacher education reform in future can be done in four areas, are physical education teacher education program, pre-service physical education teacher education curriculum, pre-service physical education teacher education teaching practice, and pre-service physical education teacher educators, targeting to fully make the standards play key role in physical education teachers professional development.
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