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"Universities'entrepreneurship" is becoming an increasingly popular phenomenon these days. The role of universities in entrepreneurial value chain starts to extend to the core position, changing from simply offering knowledge, technique and talents to influencing entrepreneurial ideas, creating entrepreneurial environment and improving entrepreneurial ability, and even revealing the ability to industrialize technology and commercialize talents. Universities are growing closer to society day by day, forming entrepreneurial atmosphere, idea and knowledge radiation based on university-nuclear. And university has now become an important stage to gather talents and related resources. However, despite the popularity of enterprising in universities, the disjunction of entrepreneurial intention and entrepreneurial action challenges us on how to utilize the social effect of entrepreneurship. The success rate and the performance of start-ups are usually low as well. Under this circumstance, we took Fudan University as a study object and investigated the elements and procedure through which universities influences entrepreneurship, combining the qualitative with quantitative method in the research. Based on relevant documents, theory and models, this paper eventually comes up with a "Fudan model" of different factors' impacts on entrepreneurship, from the prospective of a certain university.
     Firstly, with a systematical summarization of similar research at home and abroad, combining entrepreneurial environment theory, entrepreneurial intention and idea, entrepreneurial potential model etc., we listed out the entrepreneurial memorabilia of Fudan University, combining with the actual situation in the development of the entrepreneurship in Fudan. With further analysis, we attribute the changing trends into the increasingly-rapid technology progress, the change in the entrepreneurial atmosphere, also the change in the entrepreneurial training, and the transformation of the interaction form and method. We analyzed their characteristics and changing trends and excavate the motive behind the phenomenon, concluding that a university influence entrepreneurs through its history, spirit, mission, academic structure of the school, education concept and the society and network. At the same time, based on Krueger's Entrepreneurial Potential Model, we try to bring out an initial assumption and frame of the analysis model.
     In the afterward research, we used various normative methods, such as case analysis, investigation research and comparative study, to discuss the university entrepreneurial model and its main influence factor.we selected five typical cases of Fudan's entrepreneurship within a span of time, we verified the initial frame issued before by examining and comparing these cases and their features; we also found that the way universities influenced entrepreneurial action has a clear time characteristics. Then based on the previous case study, taking the social environment in the new era as the background, we used questionnaire survey and quantitative empirical study method and analyzed the data, confirming the model and its assumption. We came to the conclusion that universities'history and spirit has a positive effect on entrepreneurial intentions; entrepreneurial education, interactive network and community has a distinct effect on entrepreneurial potential; entrepreneurial intention and potential both influence entrepreneurial performance under the precondition that entrepreneurial opportunity is recognized.
     At last, we synthesized the research conclusion, gave out several suggestions to universities on how to promote the success of venture more effectively and set the direction for the further research.
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