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Flaxseed has received increasing attention as a major source of oilseed and a high quality protein, as well as abundant functional factors containingα-linolenoic acid and lignan. The purpose of this investigation was to evaluate protein properties of flaxseed in NingxXia. The flaxseed meal was prepared by demucilaged and defatted flaxseed. The flaxseed protein isolate (FPI) was extracted from flaxseed meal, alkaline extraction and acid precipitation was optimized. Further, the detail study of the physicochemical and functional properties of FPI and their relations to the stmcture and factors were conducted to expound.
     1, The basic compositions analysis results of flaxseed and flaxseed meal showed that the content of crude protein is 25.37% and 45.1% respectively.
     2, Use protein extraction rate as the index to investigate the optimal techniques extraction of flaxseed protein isolation by dint of alkali-extraction and acid-precipitation through mono-factor and orthogonal experiments, The results indicated that the optimal technical condition is 1:13 of solid-liquid ratio, alkali-extracting pH9.5,temperature 60°C, to adjust alkali extracting pH9.5 when the extraction time is 20min,and then go on extracting 40 min. acid-precipitating pH 4.4. In this condition, it is leading to 42% of the protein extraction rate and 89.37% of protein content in the product.
     3, The amino acid analysis of flaxseed protein isolate indicated that FPI contained all essential amino acids. It was considered to be an excellent protein for 53.49 of the amino acid sore.
     4,The isoelectnc point of FPI is 4.4. The SDS-PAGE analysis indicated that FPI has three subunits with molecular weights of 24.4kDa, 20.7kDa, 12.1kDa.
     5, The DSC curve indicated that the denaturation temperature of FPI is103.7°C.
     6, This paper explored the functional properties of FPI under different protein concentration, pH, ionic strength and sucrose. The results indicated it is well in the solubility, water absorption capacity, fat absorption capacity, emulsification capability and emulsification stability, foaming capability and foaming stability, gelling mechanical properties of FPI. Thus it will be biggish foreground for FPI to be used in food industry.
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