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With the rapid development of urban construction and aesthetic needs of the modern garden, landscaping, landscape design, rapid development,"one into the Garden","design concept of the short-term" into the scene, making the transplanting of trees become inevitable. Also it have proved that if after transplanting, as a result, the tree of flexibility in the use of science and conservation management approach, the trees will soon be back to life, greatly improving the time and space value of the green landscape, and promote the healthy development of urban ecological construction.
     This paper from the trees and the water physiological characteristics, select the transplant survival trees after1year,2years and3years of pine, spruce, pine as the object of study, use Li-6400photosynthesis to measured photosynthesis and water and other physiological indicators'change. The experimental results are as follows:
     1、In the morning time period Pine maintain a high photosynthetic rate. After3years those lived Pine's Photosynthetic rate of amplitude maximum for4.1814μmolm-2s-1, transplant survival, After3years those lived Pine's Photosynthetic rate of amplitude minimum for1.8861μmolm-2s-1, Stomata conductance of the most significant impact on the Photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate. Pine average daily water use efficiency0.9356μmmolm-2s-1, after transplanted2,3years, the data was1.7837μmmolm-2s-1and2.1308μmmolm-2s-1. Pine average daily water use was significantly higher after transplanted2、3years survived efficiency than the transplant survival1year.
     2、After Transplantation for first three years the rate of amplitude respectively is1.7367μmolm-2s-1,3.3332μmolm-2s-1, and4.644μmolm-2s-1. Ecological factors-light and effective radiation spruce photosynthetic rate have the most significant. After Transplantation for first three years the rate of daily use water respectively is0.2798μmolm-2s-1,0.0953μmolm-2s-1, and0.9136μmolm-2s-1. After spruce Transplanted3years, the water use efficiency increased significantly and transplantation survived water use efficiency with the relevant of recovery of trees after2years transplantation.
     3、After transplantation, Pinus maintain high level of photosynthetic rate in the morning; the first three yeas' data is3.0981μmolm-2s-1,2.273μmolm-2s-1, and4.1364 μmolm-2s-1. Stomata conductance, light and effective radiation significantly affected the photosynthetic rate and transpiration rate. Average water use efficiency of Pinus first three years after transplantation, the average daily water use efficiency respectively3.3506μmmolm-2s-1,3.3203μmmolm-2s-1and2.2976μmmolm-2s-1, much more than others.
     4、In summary, the three species, water use efficiency is:Pinus sylvestris> pine> spruce. The higher the water use efficiency, more substances produced by the species consume the same water. In the dry, windy areas, more suitable for low transpiration rate, Pinus sylvestris and Pinus are more suitable as Hohhot urban tree species in transplantation.
     Based on the above findings, the analysis of the these trees transplant survival2years after the recovery of trees faster, basically to ensure survival in the first year after transplantation is the key to transplant survival. There fore, this study then divide the three trees, according to plant ornamental and health evaluation criteria, they were used new technology to insurance live processing, and the unit capacitance of the tree, chlorophy11content, natural moisture content of trees, when the growth of branches of germination and growth and transpiration rate, photosynthetic rate process and the water use efficiency of seven aspects of a comparative study. The experimental results are as follows.
     1、After the processing technical of Pinus tabulaeformis' transplants and keep alive, compared with the control group the tree capacitance of the new transplants' Group increased by58%or more, the Chlorophyll content of the new transplants' Group increased by24%or more among those class Ⅱ improved fastest, the tree capacitance data is74.85%., and the Chlorophy ll content data is39.46%. Transplantation plant's each grade part of the natural moisture content compared with each other. The result is:Grade Ⅲ treated group> Grade Ⅱ treated group>Grade Ⅲcontrolled group> Grade Ⅰ treated group> Grade Ⅱ controlled group> Grade Ⅰ controlled group. Through processing technical of keeping the tree alive, Natural moisture content of the class Ⅱ and class Ⅰ processing group were higher than their superior control group. Treated when newborn sprig germination rate than comparable control group increased by more than50%, growth increased by more than32%.
     After the processing technical of trees transplanted to keep alive the average daily photosynthetic rate of control group grade Ⅲ spruce0.5912μmolm-2s-1treated1.3696μmolm-2s-1, compared with the control group increased by131.67%; dealing with group day average water use efficiency2.9161μmolm-2s-1,the control group for0.8674μmolm-2s-1.
     2、After the processing technical of Spruce'transplants and keep alive, compared with the control group the tree capacitance of the new transplants' Group increased by63%or more, the Chlorophy11content of the new transplants' Group increased by25%or more among those class Ⅱ improved fastest, the tree capacitance data is80.24%., and the Chlorophyll content data is32.88%. Transplantation plant's each grade part of the natural moisture content compared with each other. The result is:Grade Ⅲ treated group> Grade Ⅱ treated group> Grade Ⅰ treated group> Grade Ⅲcontrolled group> Grade Ⅱ controlled group> Grade Ⅰ controlled group. Through processing technical of keeping the tree alive, Natural moisture content of the class Ⅱ and class Ⅰ processing group were higher than their superior control group. Treated when newborn sprig germination rate than comparable control group increased by more than53%, growth increased by more than39%.
     After the processing technical of trees transplanted to keep alive the average daily photosynthetic rate of control group grade III spruce1.3208μmolm-2s-1treated1.6083μmolm-2s-1, compared with the control group increased by21.77%; dealing with group day average water use efficiency0.3668μmolm-2s-1, the control group for0.2509μmolm-2s-1.
     3、After the processing technical of Pinus sylvestris' transplants and keep alive, compared with the control group the tree capacitance of the new transplants'Group increased by64%or more, the Chlorophyll content of the new transplants'Group increased by17%or more among those class II improved fastest, the tree capacitance data is80.60%. And the Chlorophyll content data is27.62%. Transplantation plant's each grade part of the natural moisture content compared with each other. The result is:Grade III treated group> Grade Ⅱ treated group> Grade I treated group> Grade Ⅲcontrolled group> Grade II controlled group> Grade I controlled group. Through processing technical of keeping the tree alive, Natural moisture content of the class II and class I processing group were higher than their superior control group. Treated when newborn sprig germination rate than' comparable control group increased by more than50%, growth increased by more than23%.
     After the processing technical of trees transplanted to keep alive the average daily photosynthetic rate of control group grade III spruce2.6697μmolm-2s-1treated3.0679μmolm-2s-1, compared with the control group increased by14.92%; dealing with group day average water use efficiency3.3506μmolm-2s-1, the control group for3.3203μmolm-2s-1.
     4、Three species, the order of Water use efficiency is:Pinus sylvestris> P. tabulaeformis> Spruce. This species water use efficiency of three different transplant survival times of the survey results is consistent. the ability of trees resistance Lower, to adapt to environmental changes weakened, vulnerable to the invasion of pests and diseases, resulting in plant vigor recession or even death. Therefore, the targeted study trees transplanted to keep alive; to maximize tree growth potential and improve their survival rate can be play more resources of trees in the urban landscape green.
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