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     阅读与听、说、写这几种能力一样,都是语言运用。然而没有语言知识,语言运用就成为空谈。任何涵盖语言形式和规则的语言知识都是语言学习的基础。没有语言知识就谈不上对语言知识的运用。而要掌握语言知识,就必须掌握语法知识。因为语法是语言的一个重要组成部分,也是语言内在结构规律的总结。近几年来,在我国,人们对语法的作用也是认识不一。有人认为语法对培养学生的语言应用能力影响不大,从而忽视或是放弃了语法和语法教学。特别是在阅读教学中,有些教师认为阅读不需要语法。就此,本文对语法和语法教学进行了再认识,并提出了语法在阅读起到了重要作用的观点。文章首先介绍阅读的本质,包括阅读过程,笔者描述了Francoise Grellet提出的有关阅读过程的理论:初览→进行假设+寻找信息证实假设→浏览全文→证实、校对→进一步预测→二次阅读。同时在阅读过程中,有效的阅读者会利用更多而有效的阅读策略来达到阅读目的。教师也要鼓励阅读充分利用这些行之有效的策略。同时还介绍了影响阅读者阅读能力几个因素,如阅读材料的选择、阅读目的、阅读者个体差异和不同的阅读技巧的选择等,最后指出了阅读和语法之间存在着联系。文章第三部分陈述了语法的概念和定义:语法是一种语言的结构系统;语法是把单词组成句子的方法;语法是一定的形式和规则,可以用来传达意义。接着,文章又回顾了关于语法的历史,
    然后又介绍了早期的语法教学,例如:语 翻译教学法。在课堂上,教师会
Reading course is very important in college English teaching. When students graduate from university, they often have more chances to read English than to speak English. So reading is considered a means to obtain whatever information they need in their fields. Today, English is so widely used, and thus English teachers should employ effective teaching in their reading lessons to improve students' reading ability.
    In recent years, many researchers have developed various and abundant theories and methods on reading. On the one hand, reading methodology arisen from 19th century has been spreading and improving. On the other hand, the latest research productions continuously come out and develop. The research on reading theory have gone through a process from the period of attaching importance to linguistic factors to the period of attaching importance to non-linguistic factors, then to the period of attaching importance both to linguistic factors and non-linguistic factors. So the process of people's acknowledgement on linguistic factors is so complicated.
    As well as listening, speaking and writing, reading is the skill of applying language into communication. Without the knowledge of language, people cannot use language. The rules and regularities of a language are the basis of learning this language. If people want to master the knowledge of a language, they must master its grammar. Because grammar is one of the important elements in language and it is also the sum of the rules of the structural system of a language. In recent years, in China, people's attitudes towards grammar are different. Some people think that grammar has little effect on students' ability to use language. Therefore, they ignore or give up grammar and grammar teaching. Some English teachers even believe that students do not need grammar knowledge when they are reading. In this thesis, the author re-recognizes the place of grammar and grammar teaching and put forward the view that grammar plays an important role in reading. The first part of the thesis
    introduces the nature of reading, reading process and reading strategies. The author depicts the reading process according to Grellet's idea: study of the layout
    →making hypotheses + anticipation of where to look for confirmation→
    skimming→ confirmation or revision →further prediction→
    second reading. In the reading process, effective readers can use more reading strategies to gain their reading purposes. Teachers also should encourage readers to make best use of those strategies. Some factors may influence readers' reading ability, for example, the selections of reading materials, the reading purposes, the reader factors, the different reading skills. Then a view is stated that the relationship really exists between reading and grammar.The third part of the thesis states the definition and the concept of grammar. Grammar is defined as "the way words are put together to make sentences"; Grammar is the structural system of a language; Grammar is used to convey meaning with the patterns and the regularities. Then the thesis traces back the history of grammar. The previous teaching methods are also introduced. For example, Grammar-Translation Method is used in traditional teaching class. It focuses on grammatical rules as the basis for translating from the second language to the native language or from the native language to the second language. So in the class, teachers interpret the grammar rules and also explain the grammar points. They will translate the passage sentence by sentence, hi then-minds, they believe that it is important for students to master the vocabulary and grammar rules of foreign language, because students can apply them into translation. Grammar once played an important role in previous language teaching and it is still important in modem language teaching. In a word, grammar cannot be replaced in language teaching class, hi order to confirm this view, the author takes different grammatical connectors for example to analyze in the fourth part. Those gramm
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