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Today, the world automotive technology is developing fast. All kinds of science andtechnologies have been widely used in the field of cars. Among these brands, thetechnological differences in cars of the same level are not obvious. So, it is difficult for theconsumers to find the functional differences between the various cars when they purchase amotor vehicle. Therefore, automobile form gets unprecedented attention. Different motorpatterns reflect different cultural needs. At present, one of the important directions onautomobile form research is "automobile body bionics design", which presents various forms,functions, colors, structures of biological system and natural substances in auto formsthrough corresponding design methods, and endows it implied meaning. Bionic designmakes a very important complement for the existing automobile modeling theory. EspeciallyIn today's society, people need more emotions and life symbols which are expressed by autoforms. As a result, bionic design will become an important method in the innovation of autobody designs.
     Since the birth of cars, bionic design has gone into auto design. At first, it was used inauto body design unconsciously, and gradually, it began to imitate consciously. Automobilebionic design experiences streamline style age, caudal type style age, fantasy style age,muscle style age and modern style age.
     1. Application of bionic design in auto body design
     Bionic design in auto body design includes: form designs which imitate the biologicalshape and those which imitate the biological form. In the auto bionic design, biologicalshape and form design is the most important, which are interdependent and can’t beseparated and chosen one. The designers usually use them in combination. Auto body designalso includes many important bionic designs, such as, color bionic design, function bionic design, structure bionic design, material bionic design, texture bionic design, etc. Thesedesigns, together with shape bionic design, compose the indispensable factors in auto bodybionics.
     2. Automobile body bionic design based on culture genes
     On the basis of cognizing culture genes, auto body form represents the specificpsychological and aesthetic reflection from specific cultural form. In the study of culturalgenes bionics, metaphor method is commonly used to express the integrated design on autobodies. In modern times, automobiles of various brands in the world are trying to create auto“individual culture” and giving autos human spiritual culture and personalized language. Themain culture genes that influence the auto body forms are social cultural genes, nationalcultural genes, traditional cultural genes, ect.
     Appling bionic design of social culture genes can represent auto culture vividly, telldifferent ideas from different cultural designs, and reflect different cultural stamps throughhuman culture progress. Different national cultural genes also influence the auto body forms.Different auto forms reflect different national aesthetics. Traditional culture stronglyinfluences auto body forms. Auto forms not only explain the harmony between man andnature, but express the symbolic meaning and traditional human values brought bytraditional cultures. Enterprise brand culture genes in the auto form bionic design are veryimportant in forming auto features which are made by all kinds of characteristics. At present,there are different auto forms from the same brand. While consistent with the main brandcharacter, these forms lay emphasis on its unique design in order to distinguish other formsand make a bright distinction.
     3. Common bionic design methods on automobile body forms
     There are standard procedure in modern auto body designs, that is, market research,design intention building, draft analysis, plan establishment, program adjustment, sampletrial production, sample evaluation and process production. Due to the differences in designconcepts and methods, auto body bionic design program is quite different from that ofcommon auto body design. Auto body bionic design program is to determine the bionicobject-----establish biological characteristic concept------record biological characteristics---- determine bionic design concept-----transform biological characteristic products design----follow the aesthetic law design. As can be seen, this design method is realized, firstly, by thedesign sources, then, by the bionic design thinking, and at last, by the application of designtransformation.
     4. Cognitive psychology of automobile form bionic designs
     Cognitive psychology is the theoretical support in auto form bionic designs. Byprocessing, bionic form design elements get its unique appearance, and convey emotionaland cultural information to the consumers. Consumers can know the forms by their visualperception, and then, make judgments. Visual perception has three characteristics: vision twosection processing, vision preference, vision internal graphs. Bionic forms make automobilesdynamic and teem with tensile force. The "like " principle in Gestalt psychology providesthe theoretical basis for the auto bionic science. Humans’ cognition to auto bionic forms ismainly through the emotional interaction between people and automobiles. Designers andconsumers also exchange emotions through auto forms. We should make use of consumers’cognitions on auto forms, definite consumers’ affections, and meanwhile, help designers tograsp the consumers feeling and desire accurately by fetching the perceptual image.We should also understand their feelings to the products, so as to raising the possibility ofsuccess.
     5. Acquisition and representation of automobile bionic forms
     The acquisition and representation of automobile bionic forms is mainly realized byform features. The main elements constituting auto form features are: point, line, and planar.In the designing of auto forms, liner design is the most important way. The whole formcharacter is transferred by the auto feature line, and realizes its bionic design and acquisition.And the plurality characterization of auto forms is realized by association.
     6. Semantic expression by automobile form bionic designs
     The cognition semantics of auto bionic form is based on human feeling and cognitivepractice. It must comply with the basic principles of human cognitive science. Therefore, ithas a rational feature, that is, its semantic expression must be accurate and unitary. Cognitivesemantics can reflect the relevant information of auto material performance and use methods. The users will all experience a progress to cognate the automobile, from doubt to understand,from ignorance to its usage to master it. So, cognitive semantics should reduce the cognitivedifficulty for the users and shorten the cognitive period to the products. Semanticexpressions of auto form bionics are: cognitive semantics, emotional semantics, symbolicsemantics, etc. We should combine theory and practice from the product semantic point ofview, and explore scientific form bionic design methods.
     Bionic design runs throughout the whole automotive design progress. As a kind ofextremely important design method, it is widely applied in auto design field. We use autoform bionics as our study objects, expound the relevant theoretical knowledge, and analyzethe specific performance of auto form bionics in the fields of genetics, cognitive psychology,product semantics, etc.
     To the Chinese people, bionic design is a part of Chinese design cultural. It has a widelyapplication foundation. As a result, adopting bionic design as a breakthrough, looking for thereflection of Chinese culture in auto forms, can form our own style, and become an effectiveway to vitalize Chinese auto designs.
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