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With its unique function of price discovery and risk shifting, grain futures market plays an important role to slow down the price volatility in the spot market and to regulate the supply and demand of market. At present, China grain futures market has entered a new stable development historical stage. However, the imperfections of the spot market and the rapid development of the futures market coexists in the grain market system. In this context, it is of great practical significance to study the price relationship of the grain futures market and spot market, to analyze the price discovery function degree of the current futures market, to explore the impact of factors of the futures prices and spot prices, and to provide a theoretical basis for the further development and improvement of China grain market system.
     In this paper, firstly we make theoretical analysis and discussion about the function of the futures market, futures market and spot market, then build the methods of analysis between China's grain futures market and spot market price. Secondly, we make systemic analysis on endogenous and exogenous factors which impact on China grain futures prices and spot prices formation and efficiency. Thirdly, we carry out the empirical analysis about the relevance of futures and spot prices, the effectiveness of futures prices, the relationship between the futures and spot price, in order to illustrate the actual results of China grain futures market price discovery function. Finally, from the point of view of the market system, we propose suggestions and measures to further improve and perfect the grain futures market and spot market, so as to bring into full function of the grain futures market prices.
     The main conclusion of this paper is following: (1) the grain policy has important influence for the price of the grain spot market, especially for certain grains. Based on the analysis of influence factors of spot market price, we find out market price of corn and soybeans can change according to the market rules and basic. The prices of rice and wheat are clearly influenced by the national agricultural policy; the price can not fully reflect the role of the market. (2) the relationship of future and spot price for certain grains are different. The relationship of the spot and futures prices of soybean and corn is relatively close, and the futures prices play an important role in the spot price. By contrast, the futures prices of wheat play a slight role in the spot price, price finding function of forward market of wheat is also weak. (3) The role which grain futures price play in spot market should be further strengthened. Although the function of grain future market appears preliminarily, the positive role which grain futures price play in spot market has been widely known. But the guiding of grain futures price to the spot market and the validity of future market should be further increased, because of immaturity market development.
     The further development of grain future market in China not only depends on the completeness of future market construction, also depends on completeness of spot market system. It needs to develop the order of grain futures and to expand the amount of grain futures trading; It need to innovate the listed mechanism of the varieties to increase the varieties of grain futures trading; It need to complete the construction of market facilities to Promote the forming of national food market; It need to strengthen the regulation of grain reserves to reduce the direct price intervention of government.
     This paper reflected in its innovations: first, this paper prove up the degree of price finding function in our grain forward market through the correlation analysis of the spot and futures prices; And taking it as the breakthrough point, this paper deeply study the affecting factor of the grain spot and futures price to explore and complete the grain market system and to fully bring into play the ways and methods of the futures price related the spot market. It provides new ideas and inspiration to the development of grain market system from a new Angle .Second, through the correlation of the spot and futures prices, the effectiveness of futures price and the guiding of futures and spot price, this paper make quantitative analysis to the spot and futures prices of Soybeans, corn, wheat and compare the results of analysis, and systematically reflect the current situation of futures price finding function. Third, from the Angle of, this paper systematically analyze the endogenous and exogenous factors of grain spot price, and find out that the reasons which affect the fluctuation in prices in different grain varieties are different. This paper clearly point out the main reasons that cause fluctuation in prices in wheat, rice market are the changes of the government policy in food prices. This conclusion provides decision-making basis for further completing the grain market system construction.
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