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     (1) 崇明东滩表层沉积物以粉砂为主要组分,属于粘土质粉砂~粉砂类型,粒度频率曲线以单峰、正偏态为主;平均粒径的空间分布特征:高潮滩<中潮滩<低潮滩,且从北线到南线平均粒径不断增大。表层沉积物的有机碳的含量在0.37-0.87%之间;总磷含量的变化范围为541.0-633.7μg/g,平均值为594.2μg/g;无机磷含量在497.3-590.7μg/g之间,平均值为524.8μg/g,占总磷的89.3%;有机磷含量在37.6-109.91μg/g之间,占总磷的6.5-17.7%,平均值为11.7%;都具有明显的空间分布特点,其中北线断面沉积物有机磷、有机碳的含量高于南线断面,与北线断面的植物茂盛,生物量大有关。  (2) 根据表层的高、中、低潮滩沉积物的粒度特征和三个剖面的粒度变化曲线的特征及野外的剖面描述,在采样深度内对剖面进行分层:中线剖面(CDM)具有低潮滩(105cm以下)、中潮滩(49—104cm)和高潮滩(1—48cm)的沉积;北线剖面(CDN)在1-40cm内为高潮滩沉积、40cm以下为中潮滩沉积;南线剖面(CDS)在0-20cm内为高潮滩、在20cm以下为中潮滩沉积。三个剖面的高、中、低潮滩的沉积厚度不同,反映了在潮滩的发育过程的差异。
     (3) 剖面沉积物Fe~(2+)和Fe~(3+)的垂向变化特征分别是:Fe~(2+)的含量的自上而下递增、Fe~(3+)的含量自上而下递减。有机碳、总磷和有机磷的垂向变化特征为从上向下具有递减趋势,并且北线剖面>中线剖面>南线剖面。无机磷的垂向变化呈波浪性变化,但南线剖面的无机磷含量高于北线中线剖面,这可能与长江流域内的大量使用的农用磷肥有关。
     (4) CDM、CDN剖面:在40-50cm处为氧化-还原界面,以上为氧化性环境,尤其是有20-40cm之间为一强氧化带,50cm以下为还原性环境;CDS剖面:在0-20cm内,为氧化环境,20cm以下为还原环境。剖面氧化-还原界面的深度基
The research object of this article is Chongming east tidal flat .The means and methods including grain-size analysis, magnetic measurement and other chemical analysis are used in the article to discuss process of sedimentary environment and characteristic of changing about magnetism, organic carbon and phosphorus etc in Chongming east tidal flat in the past 40 years. It also analyzed the factors which influenced the changing of magnetism , organic carbon and phosphorus etc. and discuss their meaning in environment. The main conclusions are as follows: (1)The surface sediment with fine sand as the main ingredient has two types of fine-sand with clay and fine sand. Most of grain size frequency curves are unimodal and right leaning. The space distribution characteristics of mean parameter of surface sediment indicated that the upper tidal is more than the middle tidal and the lower tidal and lower tidal flat is most fine. From Section North to Section South, the mean size of sediment increases gradually. The p
    ercentage of organic carbon in the surface sediments is between 0.37-0.87%, the range of total phosphorus is from 541.0 to 633.7 g/g, the average is 594.2 g/g. The range of inorganic phosphorus is from 497.3 to 590.7 g/g, the average is 524.8 g/g and is 89.3% of total phosphorus; the range of organic phosphorus is from 37.6 to 109.9 g/g and is 6.5 to 17.7% of total phosphorus, the average is 11.7%. All these nutrients elements have obvious space distribution characteristics and the quality of organic phosphorus and organic carbon in Route North is more than that in Route south, which may be have some relations with the exuberant vegetable and a large amount living beings in North route.
    (2) According to the grain-size change characteristic of surface sediment and the vertical distribution curves of three section of sediment, the sections were divided in sampling depth by layers. Section on Route middle (CDM ) has the lower tidal' sediment (below 105cm ) , the median tidal' sediment (49-104cm ) and the upper tidal' sediment (1-48cm ); It is the upper tidal' sediment from 1 to 40cm in the section on Route North (CDN ) and depth below 40cm is the sediment of the middle tidal sediments. The upper tidal flat is from surface to 20cm and below 20cm is the
    sediment of middle tidal flat in the Section south (CDS).
    (3) The vertical variation curve of Fe2 + is differ from that of Fe3 +, the content of Fe2 + increase from top to bottom, but the content of Fe3 + is opposite. The variation of nutrients elements has the decreasing tendency on the direction and has a increasing tendency from the section on the Route north to the section on the South section. The vertical variation curve of Inorganic phosphorus is waviness, but the content of inorganic phosphorus in South section sediments is more than that of North section and Middle section, which may be relevant with a large amount of agricultural phosphorus fertilizer used in the Yangtze River valley.
    (4) In the Median and North section: There is an oxidation-deoxidization interface between 40 and 50cm, the upside above 40cm is oxidizing environment, especially the zone of strong oxidize environment between 20cm to 40cm, below 50cm is deoxidization environment. In the section CDS: oxidation-deoxidize interface at the depth is above 20cm and below 20cm is the deoxidization environment. Oxidation-deoxidize interfaces of sections are basically accord with the transition between the upper tidal flat and the middle tidal flat. So in all, environment of sediments of the upper tidal flat in the section is oxidation and below it, the middle-lower tidal flat, is deoxidization.
    (5) Basing on the vertical variation of organic carbon, Section middle and Section north At the depth of 40-50cm and Section south at the depth of 20cm can be divided two layers, top layer and low layer, by a interface which is accord with the interface between upper tidal flat and middle tidal flat and between oxidation and deoxidization. Results above tell that the content of organic carbon in the ox
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