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Lixiahe district, the famous "pan bottomland", is surrounded by two clean water channel way for south-north water transfer project. As the speedup of industrialization in northern Jiangsu province, the outlet of tail water become a difficult problem. Based on data collection, inventory survey and literature search, the existing water environment of xinghua city, gaoyou city and baoying county was assessed and the water environment capacity was calculated also. After comparison and demonstration among different processing methods include tail water channel way, advanced treatment and supplement as water resource, the process scheme of tail water is presented in the paper. The main conclusion was as follows:
     (1) The result of assessment of water environment showed 42.9% of water quality monitoring sections could not reach the standard. The main rivers which received waste water have not capacity for now(2005) and in the future(2010).
     (2) Base on comparison and demonstration of different methods, the process scheme of tail water is presented: first constructing channel way to admit tail water, then treating tail water by constructed wetlands, and the worked water can used as supplement of water resource. The budgetary estimates and environment economics analysis of different processing schemes were also displayed.
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