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    36.00 t 7.37岁和33.54*8.49岁。问卷调查项目主要以”沈阳市接触铅
    ALA—U为高压液相色谱法。采用 CY.XJll.300台式血压计测定血压。对
     结 果
    统计意义的下降、而 ALA-P人LA-U均在 20 pg/dl时出现显著上升。血
    铅与 LOG川 ALAD、LOG*ALA-P和 LOG*ALA-U相关系数分别是一0·
    893刀.853、0.867,直线回归方程为 y二 0.4055-0.olslX、y二 0.2748+ 0.
    0221x、y二一03417 十0.olglx。血铅与*和 Hb未表现有明显相关关系。
    血铅与空气铅之间有良好的相关关系,r=0.802。空气铅与 LOG;/LAD。
    725、0.760和一0.152,直线回归方程为 十二0.1155-0.6187x、+=0.6427+
    0.7343x、y=-0.0397+0.6570x和 y=47.5429-0.8279 x。SBP和 DBP
    在血铅浓度为40 pg/dl开始显著上升。血铅和空气铅与DBP的相关系数
    分别是 0.187和 0.191。舒张压达 >90nunHg时在血铅 >20ug/dL人群中
    发生率显著增加。采用 backward法进行多元回归分析表明,影响收缩压主
    对选择的 11例敏感人群的 ALAD基因多态性分析未见有 ALADI-2和
     讨 论
    象中,有的名工人 ALA-U值大于或等于 6mg/L,
    Human beings have used lead for thousand years, along with it is lead intoxication. Because of its wild use, research of lead intoxication stills plays an important role in heavy metal toxicology.
    Producing conditions of lead are advancing as the development of science. Lacking of high - concentration lead environment makes the epidemic researches of developed countries pay more attention on healthy effect induced by lead of low -concentration. But in China, especially for small enterprises, the working condition is terrible, so the healthy risk caused by exposed to high - concentration lead can't be ignored at all. Investigation of Shenyang Smelting Factory which technology is only equal to the early 70'slevel in developed countries, in-dicat that the lead concentration in working environment is very high. Workers in Shenyang Low - Pressure Switch Factory were studied as a group exposed to low - concentration lead, who were exposed the smoke from Smelting Factory. Though they didnt take part in the smelting work, they were worked in high -concentration air. This study is based on this background.
    Dose - effect relation can be seen in the early stage of lead intoxication, with the more exact and sensible analyzing methods. The revaluing the dose -effect relation between lead and porphyrin metablism is very important to defining the up - limit and diagnosis of " lead worker" and it is good for healthy care, healthy diagnosis and drafting healthy standards.
    We dont know exactly how much lead can effect blood pressure. China is under high - rate hypertension, and it is very important to prevent hypertension
    from prevalence. Whether lead can cause hypertension still needs more evidences.
    Research of ALAD genetic polymorphism is the key - point of lead influence to porphyrin metablism, Also, it is another aspect of the sensitivty of human gene to occupational and environmental factor. This is important to definition of employees and high - risk group.
    Material and Methods
    In this research, we chose 150 workers from Smelting Factory and 70 workers from Switch Factory as object, all were males and average ages were 36. 00 ±1.31 and 33.54±8.49. The questionnaire were based on " Questionnaire of Worker Exposed to lead in Shenyang" , added some symptoms, medical record, family history, smoking history, drinking history, recuperation and chelating lead and health custom of worker in working places. We detected lead in blood, ALAD,ALA - P,ALA -U, Ht and Hb in 5ml peripheral blood. We also detected the blood pressure of the objects. As susceptive group we chose 11 low -blood - lead and larger decreasing ALAD values objects in 230 samples to analyze ALAD gene polymorphism.
    We used no - flame atom absorption spectrophotometer, colorimeter and HPLC to detect blood lead, ALAD, ALA - P and ALA - U, and used CY. XJl 1. 300 blood - Pressure meter to detect blood pressure, separated the WBC of sensible group, extracted DNA and then made PCR amplify by specific primer. We compared ALAD genotype to the standard marker after making gel - e-lectrophoresis, analyzed these results by SPSS10.0, then did ANOVA analyzed, t - test, correlation, regression, x2 ~test and multiple - regression.
    The research indicated that ALAD had statistic decreasing when the lead concentration of blood was 15 -20μg/dl and ALA - P, ALA - U was at 20μg/
    dl, the concentration increased. Correlation coefficient of blood lead and LOG10 ALAD, LOG10ALA - P, and LOG10ALA - U are -0. 893,0. 853,0. 867. Its liner regression were y = 0. 4055 - 0. 018x, y = 0. 2148 + 0. 0221x, y = - 0. 3417 +0. 019Ix. But there was no obvious relationship between blood lead and Ht, Hb. Good correlation coefficient existed in blood lead and air lead, r=0. 802. Correlation coefficient of air lead and LOG10ALAD, LOGGIA - P, and LOG10ALA - U and Ht were - 0.778,0.725 ,0. 760 and - 0.152,liner regression regulation were y =00. 1155 -0. 6187x, y =0. 6427 +0.7343x, y = -0. 0397 +0.6570x and y =47. 5429 -0. 8279x. Obvious increasing SBP,
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