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     1.详细分析和阐述了航位推测技术,网络延迟成为实时性要求较高的网络游戏的一个瓶颈,航位推测技术避免了高网络延迟对该类游戏的冲击。航位推测技术主要包括预测技术和平滑处理技术。本研究了基于物理运动学算法的预测技术以及基于Cubic Splines算法的平滑处理技术,并给出了航位推测技术在实时网络游戏中应用的具体算法以及该算法的相应实例。
This dissertation mostly studies the key technology of real-time network game.Network game is a multi-disciplinary subject. It is an important application ofcomputer graphics, network, AI and some related knowledge in digital media industry.It is a hot research field at present. Studying on the key technologies of network gamehas important significance on science and worthiness in practical application.
     Real-time network game is confined by network latency. Generally, uses somealgorithms to hide the high latency which impacts to the real-time network game. Inthis dissertation, introduces the key technologies of real-time network game, finally,designs and develops an architecture of 3D First Person Shoot real-time network gamesystem, the system validates the technologies which are researched in the dissertation.
     First, this dissertation introduces the design strategies of real-time network game.It compares the advantage and disadvantage between TCP and UDP in real timenetwork game. It points out that the partition of game space and multi-server isimportant in the massive network game.
     Then, this dissertation analyzes the principle and architecture of distribute objectand applies the distribute object and remote process call in the network game. Analyzesthe RakNet network engine which is used by the network system. Analyzes theadvantage and disadvantage, the architecture of RakNet, tests the RakNet's capability.At last introduces the programming methods of RakNet.
     This dissertation carries out several further researches in the real-time networkgame area which is based on the newest research deployed in the world. The contentsare as follows:
     1. Analyzes and expounds the dead reckoning technology. Dead Reckoningtechnology hides the high latency which impacts to real-time network game. DeadReckoning technology consists of two parts: prediction technique and smooth technique.Introduces the prediction technique basing on the physical algorithm, and smoothtechnique basing on the Cubic Splines algorithm. At last applies the algorithm of deadreckoning technique in network game.
     2. A new bucket optimistic synchronization algorithms basing on dead reckoning isproposed. Analyzes the wrong algorithm of movement by graphic frame and introducesthe algorithm of movement by time step, and uses the interpolation to enhance thealgorithm, finally ,introduces the movement synchronization algorithm basing on clientprediction and client correction, it can resolve the movement synchronization problemin real time network game.
     3. Introduces the shoot algorithms in the real-time network game. Analyzes thedifference of shoot problem between network game and stand-alone game. The root ofdifference is the network latency. Proposes the lag compensation to resolve the shootproblem which is brought out by network latency.
     Finally, in this dissertation, an architecture of real-time network game systembasing on three-dimensional is designed and developed which is based on somealgorithms of key network game technologies that mentioned in the dissertation. Thissystem includes update server, login server, load balance server, game servers and gameclient. The key technologies are implemented mainly on the game servers and gameclient. In addition, introduces the design methods and scheme. The system validates thekey algorithm through the system.
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