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In this dissertation, hydrocarbons in reservoir rocks have been classified as "free oils",
    "absorbed oils" and "oil-bearing fluid inclusions". The "absorbed oils" include those
    adsorbed by minerals and asphaltene networks. In order to obtain all these types of oil
    components, a practicaI approach of sequential extraction has been developed and carried
    out on reservoir rocks, such as sandstone, volcanic and carbonate reservoir rocks. The
    variant types of oil components extracted separately from a same reservoir rock sample
    were fractionated to obtain aliphatic fractions which were further analyzed by GC and
    GC-MS. The geochemical behavior and significance of every type oil components has
    been discussed in details based on molecular parameters.
    Molecular correlation indicates that striking differences exist among different types of oil
    components obtained from a same reservoir rock sampIe, reflecting compositional
    variations of oil chaiges into this reservoir during oil filling process. The results of this
    study demonstrate that oil reservoirs in Shixi Oilfield and Mosowan Uplift of Junggar
    Basin and in Northern Tarim Uplift and Kuche Depression of Tarim Basin formed with
    severaI oil charging episodes and were derived from multipIe source rocks. According to
    the GC-MS analysis of adsorbed oils in asphaltene networks, the primary oil
    compositions have been reconstructed and multiple oil charging episodes have been also
    demonstrated in Silurian tar sands from TZII Well. Based on the correlation of free oil
    components and adsorbed oil components by asphaltene networks of two crude oil
    samples collected from Linnan region of the Jiyang Depression, gross and molecular
    colnpositional Fractionations caused by oil migration have been re-evaluated.
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