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     论文对脑部组织的三维形状问题也进行了初步研究,三维物体的表面参数化是形状分析中非常重要的研究表示方法之一,但是,传统的参数化方法只是在距离和角度方面保持了特征,没有将参数化后物体表面的对应关系考虑在内。因此,本文提出了一种基于形状特征的参数化方法,用于脑部海马体的香蕉形状的三维物体结构的统计形状分析。在此方法中,我们首先从核磁共振图像脑部的斜冠状面、矢状面和横切面的三个二维图像出发,手工提取海马体的形状特征,确定其二维边缘。第二步利用Mimics 10.01软件进行三维重建,并将海马体的三维表面映射到单位球面上,并根据海马体的二维边缘确定其表面的等纬度圈。第三步由一系列的等纬度圈的重心来获得三维海马体的中轴线。第四步对中轴线进行分析,并建立起中轴线坐标系和局部坐标系,同时利用局部坐标系为每一个等纬度圈确定一个起点,这些点共同形成了模型表面的经度起始线,并从它开始求取每条等纬度圈上的经度参数。最后,对参数化表面进行优化,提高参数精度。这一系列经纬线及其坐标就构成了表征海马体形状结构的参数化表面模型。结果显示,我们提出的这种表面模型基本上保证了不同个体的海马结构样本之间主要形状的对应关系。
With development of medical diagnostic equipment, the high resolution magnetic resonance (MR) imaging is a powerful non-invasive tool for medical diagnosis, it is plays an increasingly important role in the quantitative analysis of anatomical structures. This paper focuses on two topics of the MR brain image analysis. One is tissue segmentation and the other is three dimensional shapes of the brain description and quantitative analysis.
     Tissue segmentation is a crucial processing in MR brain image analysis. For the MR image segmentation, we need to overcome the ambiguity of the image to improve the accuracy of segmentation, and find more accurate segmentation threshold, so a multi-threshold MR image segmentation method based on fuzzy Markov Random Field (MRF), clustering and Gaussian curves is proposed in this paper. In the approach, since the degradation of MRI, the neighborhood prior information was inducted by the energy of the cliques. First of all, Membership function of pixels was re-defined, which not only depended on gray features, but also had taken the type of variance and neighborhood information into consideration, and fuzzy MRF was developed; Second, the most simplified energy function of posterior probability was obtained with Bayesian, meanwhile, maximum a posteriori (MAP) was used as the statistical clustering criteria, and sought the solution of MAP by iterated conditional modes(ICM), then every class center was updated by the centroid of the fuzzy class. Third, two-dimensional histogram of image was produced, and projected into one-dimensional histogram by the optimum projection theorem. Fourth, the cluster center points obtained in fuzzy MRF clustering method were introduced into projection to define the gray scope of Gaussian curves, in which the projection histogram was fit with Gaussian curves, and several intersections were acquired at the point where two adjacent Gaussian curves meet. Finally, the lines identified by the intersections were found in the two-dimensional histogram to divide image as threshold values. Experiments show that the algorithm greatly improves the anti-blur and noise immunity compared to one-dimensional Otsu method and two-dimensional Otsu method, and it overcomes the problem of poor partition connectivity to a certain extent, thus an optimized segmentation result is obtained for MR image.
     Preliminary study was completed on three-dimensional shape of the brain tissue in this paper. Parameterized surface model of three dimensional objects is an important representation method for the shape analysis and studies. However, the traditional parameterization methods only attempt to preserve the areas or angles in the mapping, which does not guarantee the correspondence between the surfaces. In the paper, we propose a shape-character-derived parameterization method for statistical shape analysis of banana like tree dimensional objects structure. In this algorithm, firstly we extracted the shape character and determined the two-dimensional edge of the hippocampus according to tree 2-D images of the sagittal, coronal and transverse of the brain MR images. Secondly, MR images were reconstructed in the tree dimensional areas by Mimics10.01 software, and the three-dimensional surface of the hippocampus was mapped onto the unit sphere, and determined their latitude circle in according with the edge of the hippocampus in the two-dimensional surface. Thirdly, the body axis of the hippocampus was got by the barycenter of a series of latitude circles. Fourthly, a dateline is extracted on the surface, which is used to get the longitude for each latitude circle. Lastly, this series of latitude and longitude lines and their coordinates formed parameterized shape surface model to represent the hippocampus. The result shows that our method preserves the correspondence between the parameterized surfaces.
     In the disease related analysis of the hippocampus, this paper calculated the standardization volume of the hippocampus and measure the distance from the surface to the center axis, and using t statistics test the level of significance p of the two indicators above in Alzheimer's dementia hippocampus, which obtain meaningful statistical conclusions.
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