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Indoor air pollution and its resulting health risk is one of the major concerns of the general publics in recent years, particularly after the occurrence of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) in 2003. Airborne microbe, as a important indoor pollution factor, has become a new research problem in many country. In this paper, the microbe pollution in a bedroom, a market and a hospital operation room were investigation and then CFD was used to simulation the pollution in the operation room. The results showed that:
    The highest bacteria and fungi counts were found in the market and the maximum counts of airborne microbe were gotten in the spring, especially for the fiingi. The peak value of microbe concentration in a day was 8:00 and 23:00 in bedroom and for the market was 21:00. The counts in the operation room were very stable. The airborne microbial concentration was highest after air conditioning started about 30 minutes in the market. In addition to the effect of outdoor, some factors such as temperature, relative humidity and air movement might affect the levels of airborne microbe in the rooms. The distribution characteristics which are not changed with the different functional regions and periods are very different among airborne bacteria , fungi and actinomycete. Airborne bacteria appear skew distribution, the particles larger than 2.0 μ m account for 80.0% of the total while smaller than 1.0 μ m contribute 9.0 % approximately. Airborne fungi are recorded with normal logarithm distribution, the particles between 1.0 μ m and 6.0 μ m account for 70.0% while smaller than 1.0pm contribute 5.0% approximately. The distribution of airborne actinomycete are completely opposite to fungi, the particles larger than 8.2 μ m
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