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Firewood, coal and oil gas have been used for human’s energy successively. NowHunan lives in an era dominated by fossil energy. Fossil energy plays a huge role insocial and economic development. However, large-scale use of fossil energy bringsabout side effects. On the one hand, it leads to the scarcity of energy resources, and onthe other hand, it exacerbates environmental pollution. Therefore, energy conservationis an inevitable choice. Among fossil energy sources, the natural gas is the cleanestwith higher hydrogen-carbon, produces less carbon dioxide emissions and is anenvironmentally friendly energy. At present, the economical efficiency of natural gasin emission reduction is an important research project. This dissertation consists offour parts as follows:
     1. Based on the typical energy-saving technologies, according to the basicprinciples of energy conservation and emission reduction, the author of thisdissertation puts forward an energy conservation and emission reduction proposalfocusing on using the urban sewage as heat source complementary to the solar energy.In order to analyze the reasonableness of the means of energy conservation, on thebasis of a combination of theoretical foundation in economics and engineering, theauthor sets up a simulation analysis method to analyze the economical efficiency ofenergy conservation and emission reduction and measure the carbon dioxide emissionreduction.
     2. On the basis of the theory of market price and the principle of publiceconomics, combing the actual conditions of China’s city gas consumption, thisdissertation analyzes the basis of nature gas’s price, the functions of energy prices andthe basis of natural gas pricing. Using software, the author of this dissertation alsocarries out quantitative analysis on influence of the city natural gas price on theeconomic efficiency of energy conservation. The analysis results indicate thatappropriate increase in the price of natural gas can promote the enthusiasm of thepeople to save energy investment and help implement the measures to promote energyconservation and emission reduction.
     3. Based on the economic analysis model and software using MATLAB language,under different conditions, the author of the dissertation conducts simulation analysis and researches on urban sewage source of gas heat pump, solar energy-natural gasheat pump complementary heating, solar hot water-sewage dual water gas heat pumpheat and gas emissions of carbon dioxide, draws effecting laws of relevant parametersand provides basic data for the preparing of natural gas utilization process plans.
     4. In order to gain from the thermodynamic entropy’s theoretical results andpractical experience, this dissertation conducts analytical comparison on themutual-consistency and differences of the non-thermodynamic entropy andthermodynamic entropy. The author analyzes the energy conservation and emissionreduction process using entropy theory. Based on the variables of age limit ofrecoverable energy resources, relative emission reductions of carbon dioxide, percapita energy relative value and dependence of oil on foreign supplies, the author putsforward the formula to characterize the entropy of energy resources, carbon dioxideemission reduction, energy and ecological impact, energy security, and uses relevantdata to carry out empirical analysis and researches.
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