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Carboniferous-Permian in the South of North China Basin is an important coal-bearing series with broad prospect in gas exploratory development in our country. In 1970s ,the discovery of Wenliu coal-formed field marked a new period of Neopaleozoic field exploration in North China. Recently, the discovery of different kinds of commercial hydrocarbon flow in Neopaleozoic of Ordos Basin, Jizhong and Huanghua depression in Bohai Bay Basin, and Qinshui Basin has indicated that Neopaleozoic is a subject reservoir with broad prospect in North China. Also, the extensive hydrocarbon shows in Neopaleozoic of south of North China Basin full indicated that hydrocarbon generation, migration and accumulation in Neopaleozoic have occurred in this area and Neopaleozoic is an important reservoir that is hopeful to make a great breakthrough in hydrocarbon exploration . But the research on Neopaleozoic petroleum reservoir geology and pool-forming conditions in this area is a weak point all the times, as restricts Neopaleozoic exploration activity in south of North China. Therefore, the research on Neopaleozoic petroleum reservoir geology and pool-forming conditions in south of North China Basin is very important for objectively evaluating exploration prospect and optimizing exploration targets in Neopaleozoic of south of North China.
     Based on basin analysis, aimed at the particular and complex geological structure, hydrocarbon generation and pool formation history due to multiphase tectonic activity in south of North China Basin, applying the theories of sequence stratigraphy, depositional system, reservoir geology and modern petroleum geology, Neopaleozoic petroleum reservoir geology and pool-forming conditions in south of North China Basin were researched comprehensively, adopting some technical methods such as high-precision rock-stratigraphic unit division and correlation, sequence stratigraphic division and correlation, sedimentary microfacies analysis, reservoir comprehensive evaluation and description.
     On the basis of surveying and gathering documents and previous jobs, a lot of work was done on field geologic research, core observation and description, sampling and analysis, then data procession and compilation. Finally, partial seismic and log date were rehandled and interpreted. After the systematic study and summarization on previous jobs and analysis in our research, the new progress and knowledge have got as follows:
     1. According to the features of sedimentary cycle , subtly rock-stratigraphic unit division and correlation were made on Carboniferous-Permian in twenty-two exploration wells in south of North China Basin, and the stratoisohypse figures and geologic correlation figures were drawn up. Moreover, a geologic correlation was made with Ordos Basin and its neighborhood where high degree of exploration has been worked. Based on the date of outcrop, log and lithology, sequence stratigraphic division and correlation were made on Neopaleozoic in south of North China Basin, and high-precision geologic correlation framework was built up in the basin.
     2. In the term of sedimentary features of Neopaleozoic in south of North China Basin, lateral variation of sedimentary facies was studied selectively in Benxi-Taiyuan Formation, Shanxi Formation, Lower Shihezi Formation, Upper Shihezi Formation and Shiqianfeng Formation. Lithofacies paleographic features and the sedimentary evolutionary process of Late Paleozoic in south of North China Basin were worked also.
     3. On the basis of sand-bodies Isopach figure drawing, the distribution of major reservoir sand-bodies of Neopaleozoic in south of North China Basin was studied. Basing on the distribution of sand-bodies in sequence stratigraphic framework, combining the development and distribution features of barrier and underwater distributary channel, there is a disquisition on the distribution regularity of pay reservoir sand-bodies of Neopaleozoic in this area. Also, Petrologic features, diagenesis and pore evolution features, and reservoir feature were worked and evaluated. The study direction of Neopaleozoic reservoir geology in this area was pointed out too.
     4. Based on the time-space structure of source rock, reservoir rock and cap rock in petroleum system of Neopaleozoic in south of North China Basin, play and pool-forming unit of Neopaleozoic was divided. The matching relation between trap formation period and peak period of source rock hydrocarbon generation and expulsion was analyzed, which pointed out the future direction of hydrocarbon targets exploration in this area.
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