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In the relationship of the contracts for international sale of goods, in addition to get expected benefits, parties undertake the most concern with judging the liabilities of breach of contract. At present, however, a comprehensive and systematic comparative research is on the lack in this field, so as to strengthening in-depth study of its liabilities is very important and necessary undoubtedly.
     In the first part of introduction, as a prelude, it's origin, purpose and meaning, main research scope and object of legal norm, and study methods have been introduced briefly, and the content on the novelty and insufficiency of this dissertation has been pointed out.
     The second chapter is on the fundamental theory of the liabilities of breach of contracts for international sale of goods. After the analysis of the concept, characteristics, or basic components(etc.) of the contracts for international sale of goods and the liabilities of breach of it, rooting from the Roman law, civil law, and Anglo-American case law, and international legal norms such as CISG, PICC, PECL(etc.), and has combed the evolution process of its theory.
     The third chapter is on the judgement of liabilities for breach of the contracts for international sale of goods. On the basis of damage facts, behaviors of breach, relationships of cause and effect, and faults, this chapter has been discussed the connotation, characteristics and basic constitutes of breach. Then, the chapter has discussed fact premise of judging breach, legal basis, law conflicts of judging breach and its coordination methods and several legal norms of determining breach.
     The fourth chapter is on the interpretation and application rules of the international sales contract of goods. In order to explore the interpretation rules of judging breach of international sales of goods, the interpretation rules of international sale contract of goods should be explained. This chapter has covered a predicament of theory and practice of contract interpretation, humanistic orientation, legal methods and basis, general principles and interpretation of application rules of contract law, etc.
     The fifth chapter is on the patterns of liabilities for breach of the international sales contract of goods. For it is more fit into the status of nations'laws with the contract obligation sources as a standard. In this process, this chapter has discussed three patterns:the breach of contract obligations, the breach of legal obligations and the breach of accompanying obligations.
     The sixth chapter is on remedies and liabilities for breach of the international sales contract of goods. From the general theory of remedies and liabilities, this chapter has distinguished different default cases and discussed the corresponding relief forms, and "iusta causa excusationis" in what circumstances.
     The seventh chapter is on the value orientation of liabilities for breach of the international sales contract of goods. On the basis of relevant legal norms, "equal fair" basis have been found and been proved as a new value trend of distribution of its liabilities.
     At the end, this dissertation has pointed out knowledge gained from all above or conclusions:
     Firstly, "Transnational factors in contract" should be used as the judging criteria on the contracts for international sale of goods. This is helpful to distiguish it from pure domestic sales contract of goods, and to more effectively protect the rights and interests of its parties.
     Secondly, the responsibility of breach of contract for international sale of goods shall be in accordance with the objectivism in contractual interpretation, eliminating elements of "subjective factors", which can strengthen judicial control, and more powerfully equilibrate the rights and interests of parties. In the distribution of liabilities of breach of contract, lawmakers, judges and arbitrators should pay more attention to "equal and fair" values.
     Thirdly, the differences among countries have led to the inconsistency in explanation and application of international unity law such as CISG, PICC, PECL(etc.). It is the inevitable requirements of interpretation on breach for judges and arbitrators to persist -the interpretation methods within the system of international legal norms, and to adhere to the autonomy, integrity and principles.
     Finally, the diversification of contractual obligation sources has become one of the most important tendency of modern contract law. It may be regarded as a new attempt to discuss breach of contractual obligations and legal obligations and accompanying obligations. Moreover, its methods of remedies should also be diversified, including those of debt right's and real right's.
① See Max Weber,On Law in Economy and Society(M. Rheinstein & E. Shils trans.),89 (1954).
    ②弗里德里奇·凯斯勒(Friedrich Kessler)、格兰特·吉尔摩(Grant Gilmore)、安东尼·T·克朗曼(Anthony T. Kronman)《合同法:案例与材料(上)》(Contracts:Cases and Materials (Third Edition))(第三版),屈广清等译,中国政法大学出版社2005年版,第4页。
    ③譬如,2010年4月,中国商务部国际贸易经济合作研究院公布了研究员李钢撰写的一份名为《后危机时代中国外贸发展战略研究》的报告指出:按照数量指标要求,预计到2020年我国包括货物贸易和服务贸易在内的总贸易额将达5.3万亿美元左右;其中,货物贸易额就约占4.3万亿美元。参阅中国能源网电子期刊:《新能源·节能·环保》周讯[总]第160期,第1页。之后,WTO在2010年6月2日公布的统计数据也显示:2010年第一季度,全球货物贸易总额69030亿美元,同比增长25.7%。参阅http://www.Chinadaily.com.cn/ hqcj/zxqxb/2010-06-04/content_412284.html,31 December,2010.
    ①起初,该法是作为《印度合同法》中的第七章(chapter Ⅶ sections 76-123),后被删除并在1930年被作为单独的法律通过的。
    ② See JUREWICZ, Aleksandra, A Milestone in Polish CISG Jurisprudence and Its Significance to the World Trade Community,28 Journal of Law and Commerce,63-74 (Fall 2009).
    ③ See CROSS, Karen Halverson, Parol Evidence Under the CISG:The "Homeward Trend" Reconsidered,68 Ohio State Law Journal,133-160 (2007); FERRARI, Franco, Homeward Trend and Lex Forism Despite Uniform Sales Law,13 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration,15-42 (2009).
    ④ See Peter Schlechtriem, The German Act to Modernize the Law of Obligations in the Context of Common Principles and Structures of the Law of Obligations in Europe, OXFORD U. COMP. L. FORUM 2,2002.
    ① See Wayne R. Barnes, Contemplating a Civil Law Paradigm for a Future International Commercial Code,65 Louisiana Law Review(Winter),677-774 (2005).
    ② See Glendon MA et al. Comparative Legal Traditions In a Nutshell,3rd edition,142-143 (2008). Thomson-West. For example, Glendon et al. Article 138 of the German Civil Code states that "a transaction that offends good morals (guten Sitten) is void".
    ① See, e.g., Sereboff v. Mid Atlantic Medical Services, Inc., No.05-260, slip op. (U.S. May 15, 2006) (Roberts, C.J. for a unanimous court) (reviewing the scope of equitable relief as authorized by the ERISA statute).
    ② See BRAND, Ronald A., The European Magnet and the U.S. Centrifuge:Ten Selected Private International Law Developments of 2008, ILSA Journal of International & Comparative Law, Vol.15, No.2, U. of Pittsburgh Legal Studies Research Paper No.2009-01 (January 2009); DRETTMANN, Anne-Katherin, Would English law on trade usages benefit from adopting a more formal approach such as seen in other jurisdictions as well as in international conventions?, Thesis, University of the West of England (August 2009).
    ① See Wayne R. Barnes, Contemplating a Civil Law Paradigm for a Future International Commercial Code,65 Louisiana Law Review(Winter),677-774(2005).
    ② See DRETTMANN, Anne-Katherin, Would English law on trade usages benefit from adopting a more formal approach such as seen in other jurisdictions as well as in international conventions?, Thesis, University of the West of England (August 2009).
    ③ See Douglas Laycock, Modern American Remedies(3d ed.), Aspen Press,370 (2002).
    ① See S. Worthington, Equity (2nd edn. OUP), Oxford,10-11(2006); T. Cockburn & M. Shirley, Equity in a Nutshell, Lawbook Co, Sydney,2005.
    ②参阅瑞士瓦莱州州级法院2006年5月23日判例(C10628),《瑞士国际法和欧洲法杂志》,1-2/2008,206页及以下。See UNCITRAL, Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/93,3 (15 April 2010).
    ① For this approach, see CLOUT case No.378 [Tribunale di Vigevano, Italy,12 July 2000] (see full text of the decision); CLOUT case No.608 [Trib. Rimini, Italy,26 November 2002], also in Giurisprudenza Italiana,2003,896ff. From UNCITRAL, Digest of Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, New York,6(2008). CLOUT case No.268[德国联邦法院1996年12月11日](见判例全文)。转自张玉卿:《国际货物买卖统一法:联合国国际货物销售合同公约释义(第3版)》,中国商务出版社2009年版,第16页。
    ①Paradine v. Jane(1647),Aleyn 26.转自王利明:《违约责任论》,中国政法大学出版社1997年版,第51页。
    ② See Patrick C. Leyens, CISG and Mistake:Uniform Law vs. Domestic Law[The Interpretive Challenge of Mistake and the Validity Loophole](2003), available at http://cisgw3.law.pace.edu/ cisg/biblio/leyens.html#con.30 Dec.,2010.
    ③此处,笔者认为,采用《公约》所选用的特殊词汇“损害(detriment) "最能涵括国际货物销售合同中违约的损害情形,并与其持相同的主张,从而最大限度地实现对双方当事人利益的公平分配和保护。
    ① See Helsingin hoviokeus, Finland,26 October 2000, available in English translation at http:// cisgw3.law.pace. edu/cases/001026f5.html (recovery of good will calculated in accordance with national rules of civil procedure); CLOUT case No.331 [Handelsgericht des Kantons Zurich, Switzerland,10 February 1999] (stating that article 74 includes recovery for loss of goodwill but aggrieved party did not substantiate claim) (see full text of the decision); CLOUT case No.313 [Cour d'appel, Grenoble, France,21 October 1999](no recovery under CISG for loss of good will unless loss of business proved); CLOUT case No.210 [Audienca Provincial Barcelona, Spain,20 June 1997] (aggrieved party did not provide evidence showing loss of clients or loss of reputation) (see full text of the decision). Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian of 3 March 1995(moral harm not compensable under CISG). CLOUT case No.343 [Landgericht Darmstadt, Germany 9 May and consequent lost profits) (see full text of the decision). Federation Chamber of Commerce. Russia. award in case No.304/93.2000] (damaged reputation insignificant if there is no loss of turnover Gruppo IMAR S.p.A. a Protech Horst BV, Arron dissements recht bank Roermond, the Netherlands,6 May 1993, Unilex (damages in amount of devaluation because payment not made when due).; e.g., Maglificio Dalmine s.l.r. v. S.C. Covires Tribunal commercial de Bruxelles, Belgium,13 November 1992, Unilex (failure to pay price; court allowed revaluation of receivable under Italian law to reflect change in cost of living in seller's country). CLOUT case No.130 [Oberlandesgericht Dusseldorf, Germany,14 January 1994] (seller did not establish its loss from devaluation of currency in which price was to be paid).CLOUT case No.214 [Handelsgericht des Kantons Zurich, Switzerland,5 February 1997] (citing general principle of tort law). From UNCITRAL, Digest of Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, New York, 229 (2008).
    ② See OPIE, Elisabeth, Review of Saidov, The Law of Damages in International Sales:The CISG and Other International Instruments,2008,13 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration,249-250 (2009).
    ②英文原文为:"(2) When performance of a duty under a contract is due any non -performance is a breach.'
    ③但也有学者,将“预知(foresee) "作为违约方承担根本违约责任的构成要件之一,认为《公约》第25条规定是采用了过错责任原则。对此,我们认为,“可预见性”只能是违约方据以主张免责的情形之一,而不是根本违约的构成要件。依据美国《统一商法典》第92条,虽然允许预期违约方在实际履行期到来之前撤回其违约的意思表示,除非受害人在其撤回前已采取救济措施(解除了合同)。据此,即便催告可作为一种手段,但受害方不必以催告作为确定对方当事人构成明示毁约的必经程序。参阅萧榕主编:《世界著名法典选编》(民法卷),中国民主法制出版社1994年版,第149页。
    ④ See Harry M. Flechtner, Selected Issues Relating to the CISG's Scope of Application,13 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law & Arbitration (January),91-108(2009).
    ① See UNCITRAL, Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/83.6 (23 February 2009).
    ① See Franco Ferrari, Specific Topics of the CISG in the light of Judicial Application and Scholarly Writing, J. L.& Com. Vol.15,87(1995).
    ① See E. Allan Farnworth, On Contract, Little Brown Company,601(1990).
    ④ P.M. North, J.J. Fawcett, Cheshire and North's Private International Law(12th ed), Butterworths,92-93 (1992).
    ④ John Honnold, Uniform Law for International Sales of Goods under the 1980 United Nations Convention, Kluwer Law&Taxation Publishers,40(1987).
    ③ See Luther L. Mcdougal Ⅲ, Luther L., American Conflicts law:Cases and Materials(4th ed), LexisNexis 287-288(2004).
    ③例如,以“预期违约”和“根本违约”为关键词进行搜索(时间范围为1980年至2010年),仅中国知网期刊全文数据库(CNKI)中就分别收录了802篇[http://cnki.hunnu.edu.cn/kns50/ Brief.aspx?ID=266&classtype=&systemno=&NaviDatabase Name=& NaviField=,2010-12-291和212篇[http://cnki.hunnu.edu.cn/kns50/Brief.aspx?ID=266&classtype=&systemno=&Navi DatabaseName=&NaviField=,29 Deceber,2010],其中绝大部分论文是在近二十年(1999-2010)内收录的。
    ① See BIJL, M., Fundamental Breach in Documentary Sales Contracts. The Doctrine of Strict Compliance with the Underlying Sales Contract, European Journal of Commercial Contract Law, 19-28(1/2009).
    ② See [Netherlands]Maartje Bijl, Fundamental breach in Documentary Sales Contracts:The Doctrine of Strict Compliance with the Underlying Sales Contract,1 European Journal of Commercial Contract Law,19-28(1/2009).
    ③参阅2003年6月26日,中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会判例(CISG/2003/10),SeeUNCITRAL, Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/98,3-4 (3 August 2010).
    ④ See John O. Honnold, "Uniform Law for International Sales under the 1980 United Nations Convention",4th ed., Wolters Kluwer Law & Business (July 2009) [edited and updated by Harry M. Flechtner]§§181 to 186(2009); see also Ulrich G. Schroeter, Commentary on Article 25 in: Ingeborg Schwenzer, ed., Peter Schlechtriem & Ingeborg Schwenzer Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Third (English) Edition, Oxford University Press,398-437(2010).
    ② See Peter Huber & Alastair Mullis, "The CISG:A new textbook for students and practitioners", Sellier European Law Publishers,318-320(2007); Switzerland 19 May 2008 Cour supreme du canton [Appellate Court] Berne, available at; Belgium 24 April 2006 Appellate Court Antwerp (GmbH Lothringer Gunther Grosshandelsgesellschaft fur Bauelemente und Holzwerkstoffe v. NV Fepco International) [translation available], available at; China September 2006 CIETAC Arbitration proceeding (Spare parts case) [translation available], available at.
    ③ See Florian Mohs, Commentary on Article 53 in:Ingeborg Schwenzer, ed., Peter Schlechtriem & Ingeborg Schwenzer Commentary on the UN Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG), Third (English) Edition, Oxford University Press,792-810 (2010). Netherlands 1 July 2009 District Court Rotterdam (Sarens N.V. v. Gemax D.O.O.), available at .
    ① See Fritz Enderlein [Gennany (DDR)], Rights and Obligations of the Seller under the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods [General obligations:Art.30], in Sarcevic/Volken ed., International Sale of Goods:Dubrovnik Lectures, Oceana,144-145 (1996).
    ④ See Klaus Gunther, Rugeerfordernisse im internationalen Handelsverkehr gema Artikel 39 CISG [Loss of remedies in international sales under Article 39 CISG-in German], in:Baums/ Hopt/Horn eds., Corporations, Capital Markets and Business in the Law:Liber Amicorum Richard M. Buxbaum, Kluwer Law International,235-251 (2000).
    ① §1. CONTRACT DEFINED "A contract is a promise or a set of promises for the breach of which the law gives a remedy, or the performance of which the law in some way recognizes as a duty."
    ③ A. J. Panned, Law of Torts,6th ed. Longman Group UK Ltd.,268(1992).
    ①具体条文为§345.JUDICIAL REMEDIES AVAILABLE:The judicial remedies available for the protection of the interests stated in§344 include a judgment or order:(a)awarding a sum of money due under the contract or as damages, (b)requiring specific performance of a contract or enjoining its non-performs, (c)requiring restoration of a specific thing to prevent unjust enrichment, (d)awarding a sum of money to prevent unjust enrichment,(e) declaring the rights of the parties, and(f) enforcing an arbitration award.
    ② H. Beale, Remedies for Breach of Contract, Sweet & Maxwell,2,1980.
    ④ See Shael Herman, Specific Performance:A Comparative Analysis [comparative analysis of a civil law jurisdiction, a common law jurisdiction, and the CISG],7 Edinburgh Law Review, Issue 1 (January 2003) at 5-26 and Issue 2,194-217 (May 2003); see also Pacta sunt servanda meets the market:Enforcing promises in Spanish and United States law, in:Santiago Espiau Espiau/Antoni Vaquer Aloy eds., Bases de un Derecho Contractual Europeo, Tirant lo blanch:Valencia,439-458 (2003).
    ① Fabio Bortolotti [Italy], Remedies Available to the Seller and Seller's Right to Require Specific Performance (Articles 61,62 and 28),25 Journal of Law and Commerce,335-338 (2005-2006).
    ② See Nayiri Boghossian [Syria], A Comparative Study of Specific Performance Provisions in the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, McGill University (1999); Michael G. Bridge [United Kingdom], Uniform and Harmonized Sales Law: Choice of Law Issues, in:James J. Fawcett, Jonathan M. Harris & Michael Bridge, International Sale of Goods in the Conflict of Laws, Oxford University Press,908-988 (2005) [See §§ 16.142-16.145]
    ③ See MAK, Vanessa, Performance-oriented remedies in European sale of goods law, Hart Pub., 222(2009).
    ①这也是“履行的可能性”问题之一。See COLOMA, German, Damages for Breach of Contract, Impossibility of Performance and Legal Enforceability,4 Review of Law & Economics:Issue 1, article 5, available online at
    ① See ALTVATER, Norbert, "Possible Consequences" as contained in Article 74 of the Convention for the International Sale of Goods (CISG):Friend or Foe?, ExpressO,37 (2007), available at.
    ② Joseph Lookofsky & Herbert Bernstein, Understanding the CISG in Europe, The Hague Kluwer, at 96-98,1997.
    ② See Civil Act art.395 (S. Korea); C. C. art.213 (Taiwan); Reinhard Zimmermann, Breach of Contract and Remedies Under the New German Law of Obligations, at 10,17,2002; Eugene Bucher, Law of Contracts, in INTRODUCTION TO SWISS LAW(F. Dessemontet & T. Ansay eds.), at 105,113,1983; 241 BGB (BURGERLICHES GESETZBUCH) (Ger.); C.A. art.389(1) (S. Korea), translated in 3 STATUTES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KOREA, at 68,1997; Peter Schlechtriem, The German Act to Modernize the Law of Obligations in the Context of Common Principles and Structures of the Law of Obligations in Europe, OXFORD U. COMP. L. FORUM 2,2002.
    ③ C.C. art.1124(Spain), Julio Romanach, Jr. trans.,1994.
    ⑥ See CHANDRASENAN, Anukarshan, UNIDROIT Principles to Interpret and Supplement the CISG:An Analysis of the Gap-Filling Role of the UNIDROIT Principles,11 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration,65-80 (2007/1).
    ⑦ See cases collected at Pace University CISG site at.
    ① See Donald Harris et al., REMEDIES IN CONTRACT AND TORT(2d ed.), at 88-108,2002.
    ② See Markus Wirth et al., Switzerland, in TRANSNATIONAL LITIGATION:A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE, at SWI-76,1997; Lucien Simont et al., Belgium, in TRANSNATIONAL LITIGATION:A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE(John Fellas ed.), at BEL-63,2003; Wolfgang Hahnkamper, Austria, in TRANSNATIONAL LITIGATION:A PRACTITIONER'S GUIDE (John Fellas ed.), at AUS-77,2003; 276 BGB; C.C.art.1101 (Spain).
    ⑤ See Giovanni Criscuoli & David Pugsley, ITALIAN LAW OF CONTRACTS,at 208,1991; C. C. art.1146 (Fr.); Co arts.102,103(Switz.).
    ③ UNCITRAL, Digest of Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, New York, at 225,2008而且至少有一个法院的判决对此持肯定态度;See Tribunal of International Commercial Arbitration at the Russian Federation Chamber of Commerce. Russia. award in case No.304/93 of 3 March 1995("moral harm" not compensable under CISG). See also UNCITRAL, Digest of Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, New York, at 229,2008.
    ① See Germany 18 November 2008 Appellate Court Brandenburg (Beer case) [translation available], available at; United States 20 August 2008 Federal District Court [New York] (Hilaturas Miel, S.L. v. Republic of Iraq), available at; American Arbitration Association 23 October 2007 (Macromex Srl. v. Globex International Inc.) Interim Award, available at.
    ① See Spiros V. Bazinas, Uniformity in the Interpretation and the Application of the CISG:The Role of CLOUT and the Digest(Collation of Papers at UNCITRAL-SIAC Conference,22-23 September 2005, Singapore), the Singapore International Arbitration Centre,18-27(2005); MOSS, Guiditta Cordera, International Arbitration and the Quest for the Applicable Law,8 Global Jurist (3/2008).
    ② See BELL, Gary F., Uniformity through Persuasive International Authority-Does Stare Decisis Really Hinder the Uniform Interpretation of the CISG?, in:Camilla B. Andersen/Ulrich G. Schroeter eds., Sharing International Commercial Law across National Borders:Festschrift for Albert H. Kritzer on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing, 35-47 (March 2008).
    ③See E. Allan Farnsworth, Contract(2nd edition), little, Brown and Company,464 (1990).
    ①但对该条的适用,须同其第235条“解释的初步规则(primary rules)”及第233条“辅助规定”一并解释和适用,方可视为一个较为完整的解释规则。
    汇编和第二次汇编的制定。See Gordon D. Schaber etc., Contracts(2nd ed.),224-228 (1984).
    ③ Grant Gilmore, The Death of Contract,62 (1974).
    ① See UNCITRAL, Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/83.6 (23 February 2009).
    ①参阅2009年2月9日通过的《最高人民法院关于适用<中华人民共和国合同法>若干问题的解释》[法释(2009)5号]的第7条规定。当然,针对数字化时代背景和便利交易的目的,国外也有学者进一步强调“口头证据规则”和“邮寄承诺规则”的重要性;See CROSS, Karen Halverson, Parol Evidence Under the CISG:The "Homeward Trend" Reconsidered,68 Ohio State Law Journal,133-160 (2007); AL IBRAHIM, Marwan/ABABNEH, Ala'eldin/ TAHAT, Hisham, The Postal Acceptance Rule in the Digital Age, Journal of International Commercial Law and Technology, Vol.2, Issue 1,47-53 (2007).
    ②参阅2003年6月1日,国际商会国际仲裁院(ICC International Court of Arbitration)的仲裁裁决。
    ③仲裁院认为,这项协议就意味着,排除任何国内法(domestic law)的适用。该项协议的原文为"This contract is governed by international law; any dispute arising in connection
    with this contract shall be settled amicably, and failing that, by arbitration under the ICC International Court of Arbitration.'
    ④ See ANDERSEN, Camilla Baasch, General Principles of the CISG-Generally Impenetrable?, in:Camilla B. Andersen/Ulrich G. Schroeter eds., Sharing International Law across National Boundaries:Festschrift for Albert H. Kritzer on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing,13-33(2008).
    ① See 2F. Hanrper, F. James&O. Grary, law of Torts,6.13(2nd ed.1986). Turner, The Definition of Agreement Under the Sherman Artt:Conscious Parallelism and Refusals to Deal,75 Harvard L. Rev.655,689(1962).转自王利明:论合同法的新发展,《江海学刊》2003年第2期。
    ① See [Denmark]Camilla Baasch Andersen, General Principles of the CISG, in:Camilla B. Andersen/Ulrich G. Schroeter eds., Sharing International Law across National Boundaries: Festschrift for Albert H. Kritzer on the Occasion of his Eightieth Birthday, Wildy, Simmonds & Hill Publishing,13-33(2008).
    ① See BANAKIS, Stathis, Liability for Contractual Negotiations in English Law:Looking for the Litmus Test (13 February 2009), InDret Revista Para El Analisis del Derecho (Barcelona), Vol.1,2009.
    ①[德]Reinhard Zimmernann[英]Simon Whitaaker主编:《欧洲合同法中的诚信原则(Good Faith in European Contract Law)》,丁广宇等译,林嘉审校,法律出版社2005年版,第22页。
    ④赵万一主编:《公序良俗问题的民法解读》,法律出版社2007年版,第151页;R. Goode, "The concept of'good faith'in English Law",2 saggi conference seminari 3.3(centro di studie riccerche di diritto comparatoe straniero, Roma,1992)转自郑强:《合同法诚实信用原则研究》,法律出版社2000年版,第91页。
    ① See Kirke La Shelle Co. v. Paul Armstreng Co.263 NY 79,188 N. E163(1933);Westem Oil & Fuel Co. v. Kemp,245 F2d 633(8th Cir,1957).
    ② See [Canada]Gary F. Bell, Good Faith, the Incoterms and the UN Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG), presentation at UNCITRAL-SIAC Seminar on Celebrating Success:25 Years United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods, Singapore,15 (22 September 2005).
    ② See Juzgado Nacional de Primera Instancia en lo Camercial No.7 [la Inst.] [State Lower Court of Ordinary Jurisdiction] Beunos Aires),20 May 1991, "Elaster Sacifia v. Bettcher Industries Inc./commercial"(Arg)Alejandra Truscello, trans., http://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cisg/ wais/db/cases2/910520a 1. html, last visited on Nov.13,2010.
    ③ See Dictamen relativo a la queja pramovida por Dulces Luisa, S. A. de C. V, en contra de. Seoul International Co. Ltd., y Seoulia Confectionery Co., Comision para la Protection del Comercio Exterior de Mexico [Mexican Comission for the Protection of Foreign Trade] [Compromex], Diario Oficial de la Federacian [D.O.], Tomo DXLIV No.20,29 de enero de 1999, Pagina 69(Mex.), Alejandro Osuna Conzulez, trans., http://www.cisg.law. pace.edu/cisg/wais/db/cases2/981130ml.html.
    ① See Camara Nacional de Apelaciones en lo Comercial de Buenos Aires [CN Com.] [Court of Appeals in Comercial Matters for Buenos Aires], Nov.7,2002, "Ceverceriay Malteria Paysandu S.A. v. Cerveceria Agentina S.A.", La Ley [L.L.](2003-D-416) (Arg.), Jorge Oviedo Albun trans., http://www.cisg.law.pace.edu/cases/020721 al. html.
    ② See CHEN Weizu, The Conflict of Laws in the context of the CISG:A Chinese perspective, 20 Pace International Law Review,(Spring 2008)115-123.
    ① See CASTELLANI, Luca G., Promoting the Adoption of the CISG,13 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration,241-248(2009).
    ① See FLAMBOURAS,Dionysios P.,Case Law of Greek Courts for the Vienna Convention (1980) for International Sale of Goods,Nordic Journal of Commercial Law,39 (2/2009).
    ③ See FITZGERALD, Peter L., The International Contracting Practices Survey Project:An Empirical Study of the Value and Utility of the United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods (CISG) and the UNIDROIT Principles of International Commercial Contracts to Practitioners, Jurists and Legal Academics in the United States,27 Journal of Law and Commerce,1-111 (2008).
    ②美国伦理学家汤姆·L·彼彻姆(Tom. L. Beauchamp)指出:“一切正义理论共同承认下述最低原则:同样的情况应当同等地对待——或者使用平等的语言来说:平等的应当平等地对待,不平等的应当不平等地对待。这项基本原则通常称为‘形式上的正义原则’”。参阅[美]汤姆·L·彼彻姆:《哲学的伦理学》,中国社会科学出版社1990年版,第330-331页。乔·萨托利(Giovanni Sartori)也认为:“平等原则:(1)对所有的人一视同仁,即让所有的人都有相同的份额(权利或义务),(2)对同样的人一视同仁,即相同的人份额(权利或义务)相同,因而不同的人份额不同。”参阅[美]乔·萨托利:《民主新论》,东方出版社1993年版,第353页,第354页。
    ⑤"equity:1. Fairness; impartiality; evenhanded dealing.2. The body of principles constituting what is fair and right; natural law", See Black's Law Dictionary(9th Ed.), Bryan A. Garner(Editor in Chief), WEST of Thomson Reuters, at 619,2009; "fair:1. Impartial; just; equitable; disinterested 2. Free of bias or prejudice" See Black's Law Dictionary(9th Ed.), Bryan A. Garner(Editor in Chief), WEST of Thomson Reuters, at 674,2009.
    ① U. Oji Umozurike,The African Charter on Human and Peoples'Rights, Martinus Nijhoff Publishers, at 30,1997.
    ②薛波主编:《元照英美法词典》,法律出版社2003年版,第528页。See also Black's Law Dictionary(9th Ed), Bryan A. Garner(Editor in Chief), WEST of Thomson Reuters, at 1454-1455,2009.不过,基于用语习惯的考虑,本文主张,“公平”的含义与“平等”的含义一致,但考虑到传统理论用语的习惯,本文仍沿用“公平”一词。
    ①参阅荷兰塞尔托亨博斯上诉法院2005年10月11日的判例(C0400803/HE)。SeeUNCITRAL, Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/94,11 (28 April 2010).
    ②Vease Jorge Joaquin Llambias Tratado de Drecho Civil,parte general,tomo Ⅰ;Editorial Perrot,Buenos Aires.40(1997).转自徐国栋:"人身关系"流变考(下),《法学》2002年第7 期,第54页.
    ② See CHANDRASENAN, Anukarshan, UNIDROIT Principles to Interpret and Supplement the CISG:An Analysis of the Gap-Filling Role of the UNIDROIT Principles,11 Vindobona Journal of International Commercial Law and Arbitration,65-80 (2007/1).
    ① See Black's Law Dictionary(9th Ed), Bryan A. Garner(Editor in Chief), WEST of Thomson Reuters,676 (2009).
    ① See UNCITRAL, Case Law on United Nations Convention on the International Sale of Goods, United Nations Publication, A/CN.9/SER.C/ABSTRACTS/91,3(12 January 2010).
    ① See FLECHTNER, Harry M., Globalization of Law as Documented in the Law on International Sales of Goods, in:Eraw, J/Taelman P. eds.,Nieuw Internationaal Privaatrecht: Meer Europees, Meer Globaal, No.35, Kluwer (2009) 541-560, U. of Pittsburgh Research Paper Series No.2010-09, available online at SSRN:.
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