1.毒根斑鸠菊根的化学成分研究 2.阿尔泰狗娃花化学成分研究 3.石生齿缘草的化学成分
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本文通过对菊科2个种植物斑鸠菊属植物毒根斑鸠菊(Vernonia cumingiana Benth.)的根、狗娃花属植物阿尔泰狗娃花(Heteropappus altaicus(willd.) Novokr.)的化学成分和生物活性进行了系统研究,以及对紫草科植物齿缘草属植物石生齿缘草(Eritrichium rupestre(Pall.)Bunge)的全草进行了化学成分和药理活性研究。着重对斑鸠菊属植物所含的倍半萜内酯类和甾体皂苷类化学成分及药理学进展进行了综述,以及对狗娃花属植物的化学和药理学进行了综述。
     利用现代制备色谱技术和分离方法对毒根斑鸠菊(Vernonia cumingiana Benth.)的根进行了化学成分分离,从该药用部位分离得到20个化合物(V1-V20),并通过各种现代波谱技术和化学方法,解析并鉴定了这20个化合物。共发现了8个新化合物,1个新的天然产物,另外9个化合物为该属首次分离得到。新化合物中有4个甾体一糖苷,分别命名为斑鸠菊苷G(Vernonioside G,V4),斑鸠菊苷G_1(Vernonioside G_1,V6),斑鸠菊苷G_2(Vernonioside G_2,V14),斑鸠菊苷G_3(Vernonioside G_3,V12)。新化合物中四个新的甾体二糖苷,分别被命名为斑鸠菊苷H_1(Vernonioside H_1,V17),斑鸠菊苷H_2(Vernonioside H_2,V18),斑鸠菊苷H_3(Vernonioside H_3,V19),斑鸠菊苷H_4(Vernonioside H_4,V20)。这种斑鸠菊二糖苷具有Δ~(7,9(11))共轭二烯结构甾体母核结构,一分子阿拉伯糖单元取代在葡萄糖的3′位上。此外,我们还分离得到1个新的天然产物,即24-亚甲基羊毛甾烷-9(11)-烯-3β-醇乙酰化物(24-methyllenelanost-9(11)-en-3β-ol acetate,V1);首次从该植物中以原形形式分离得到倍半萜内酯苷8α-hydroxy-11β,13-dihydrozaluzanin C(V13)。
     从毒根斑鸠菊(Vernonia cumingiana Benth.)中分离得到的一系列新的甾体皂苷类化合物,一方面从生源上丰富了该属植物的次生代谢产物的类群,另一方面也提示我们将下一步工作集中于该类群化合物的结构与该植物抗菌生物活性构效关系的研究。
In this doctoral dissertation, the phytochemical and pharmacological studies were carried out on the two medicinal plants of the family Compositae, Vernonia cumingiana Benth. and Heteropappus altaicus(willd.) Novokr., still on a plant of the family Boraginaceae, Eritrichium rupestre (Pall.) Bunge. Before the research working, the advances in the recent research of chemical constituents, especially sesquiterpenoid lactones and steroidal saponins of genus Vernonia plants, and still chemical constituents and pharmacological activities of the genus Heteropappus were reviewed respectively.
    Twenty compounds (V1-V20) were isolated from the ethanol extract of the roots of the Vernonia cumingiana Benth. by using the advanced preparative chromatography techniques. And on the basis of the spectroscopic analysis and chemical methods, their structures were analysized and determined as follows: eight new compounds, a new natural compound, and nine compounds from the genus for the first time. Among these new compounds, there are four single glucosides as follows: Vernonioside G (V4), Vernonioside G1 (V6), Vernonioside , G2(V14), Vernonioside G3(V12). Four double glucosides are as follows: Vernonioside H1, (V17), Vernonioside H2 (V18), Vernonioside H3 (V19), Vernonioside H4 (V20). These double glucosides possess a common △7, 9 (11) steroidal nucleus and an 3-O-[α-L-arabinopyranosyl- (1→3)-β-D-glucopyranosyl]. In addition, a new natural product, namely, 24-methyllenelanost-9 (11)-en-3β-ol acetate (V1) was isolated from the plant. 8α-hydroxy-11β, 13- dihydrozaluzanin C (V13) was isolated by original shape from the plant for the first time.
    The discovery of these steroidal saponins isolated from Vernonia cumingiana , not only added the structure group of the second-motabolites in the genus Vernonia, but also indicated that the continuing research workings can emphasize on the studies of the structure-activity relationship between the antibacterial and such
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