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With further development, there are many new results emerging in the field of market-oriented theory, one important tendency in this field is that people have begun to pay attention to more stakeholders of the enterprise, emerging stakeholders-oriented research. In recent years, the corporate culture of stakeholders-oriented has been considered the key factor by which enterprises have obtained competitive advantages, but foreign scholars have been doubtful about this proposition. Today China's many enterprises have begun to introduce the management concept of the so called "being stakeholders-oriented" (BSO). But whether and how does above-mentioned concept have any effect on enterpises' performance? Because of different research background, aim and sample, scholars have different ideas about the mechanism of SO's affecting on enterprises' performance among them. So it is necessary to observe and research the problem further.
     Through sampling the enterprises in Fujian Province, this paper has not only explored and examined the relationship between SO and enterprise performance, but discussed working mechanism of this kind of relationship between them. That is to say, this paper has made a empirical study on whether and how stakeholders -oriented through corporate culture affects organizational achievement. This study indicates that (1) BSO does not directly work on enterprise performanc at all; (2) BSO has obvious direct bearing on adaptability of the corporate culture to the outside (ACCO) and on consistency of the corporate culture inside (CCCI); (3) ACCO carries obvious weight on CCCI; (4) BSO has obvious indirect impact on CCCI through ACCO; (5) CCCI directly and positively impact on organizational achievement; (6) ACCO does not directly act on enterprise performance, but indirectly acts on enterprise performance through CCCI; (7) by impacting on ACCO, BSO plays on CCCI and on enterprise performance in the end. In the BSO—corporate culture—enterprise performance chain, CCCI—the bottleneck in raising enterprise performance—plays a crucial role.
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