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     ⑶研究了ClO_2的杀菌消毒试验。一方面,以葡萄为微生物载体,研究了气体ClO_2对葡萄表面接种的腐败致病菌——灰葡萄霉菌、青霉菌和交链孢霉菌的杀菌效果。结果表明,气体ClO_2可有效地杀灭葡萄表面的微生物,从而达到食用安全的目的。另一方面,利用液体ClO_2对污水进行处理,并比较各影响因素在杀菌消毒中的影响大小,并得出结论:杀菌消毒中各影响因素的大小依次为接触时间>反应温度> ClO_2投加量>搅拌速度,pH值的影响不大。
Since 1990s, terrorist attacks have rapid and serious prevalence tendency in the globalscope, which are with making terror as the means to achieve political, social and personalmotivation purpose. The purposes of terrorist activities are making social panic, endangeringpublic security or threatening state organs, international organization, which resort to severesocial harm behaviors, such as violence, destruction, threats, and other means to cause orintend to cause casualties, significant property damage, public facilities damage, socialdisorder and so on, and incitation, subsidization or other ways to assist the implementation ofthe above activities. At present, countries all over the world have basically developedprovisions of dangerous levels and corresponding warning system for robbery, kill,improvised explosive devices, the suicide bomb and kidnappings. However, anti-terrorismcareer has diversity. When compared to other terrorist attacks, especially chemical andbiological terrorist attacks, because of its uncertainty, imperceptibility and uncontrollability,corresponding measures are particularly important. The forms of biological terrorist attacksmainly are some pathogenic microorganisms. Moreover, chemical terrorist attacks are toxicchemicals including heavy metals, etc. In application respect, they take food, water and so onas carriers.
     Therefore, the research should aim at biological and chemical terrorist attack and thetechnology that can be suitable to control of large areas easily. Based on the realisticbackground, in the aspect of controlling microbial sterilization, because chlorine dioxide hasstrong oxidizing, it is a kind of environment-friendly sterilization disinfectant that hasefficient broad-spectrum sterilization performance and low toxic byproducts and is listed asA1 level security sterilization disinfectant by the world health organization (WHO). So, thispaper discusses bactericidal effect of chlorine dioxide on microorganisms. In the aspect ofprevention and control of heavy metal pollution, Ultra-fine magnetic iron oxide has small size, magnetism of iron, easily dispersed, good weather resistance, light resistance, UV absorption,shielding effect and so on. Therefore, this article takes heavy metal waste water of the militaryprinted circuit board as study purpose and the main research contents are as follows:⑴Using the reaction of hydrochloric acid or sulfuric acid and sodium chlorite toprepare ClO_2and applying spectrophotometry to determine ClO_2concentration.⑵Preparing 3D flower-like Ultra-fine Fe_2O_3particles and carrying out its relatedcharacterization. Characterization results show that the particles have a porous, permeablestructure and can effectively remove heavy metals in water to purify water.⑶Studying the bactericidal effect of ClO_2. On the one hand, taking grapes as microbialcarriers, we study the bactericidal effect of ClO_2on corruption pathogen inoculated on thesurface of the grape -Botrytis mold, Penicillium and Alternaria mold. The results show thatClO_2gas can effectively kill microorganisms on the surface of grape to guarantee foodsecurity. On the other hand, we take liquid ClO_2to deal with sewage , compare the effect offactors on the bactericidal effect, and conclude that the effect of factors can be sorted asfollows: reaction time>temperature> ClO_2dosage>whipping speed. However, pH value haslittle change.⑷We study removal effect of the ClO_2on organic matter in water. The results showthat ClO_2dosage, reaction time, pH and the concentration of COD in water have directimpacts on removal efficiency of organic matter. We also study removal effect of Ultra-fineFe_2O_3on Cu~(2+)in water and influencing factors. Taking PCB wastewater for instance, westudy the combined " ClO_2+ Ultra-fine Fe_2O_3" process. Treated wastewater effluent achievesthe national emission standards.
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