无花果(Ficus carica L.)花芽分化的初步研究
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This paper studied the process of the floral differentiation of Ficus carica L. 'Brunswick' with paraffin cut method. Atddition to that, the change of hormone levels and nutritions were also studied. The main results were as follows: 1. The dormant bud of Ficus carica L. 'Brunswick ' was leaf bud. The formation of flower primordium is from down to up, following the growth of new shoot. Upper the flower the flower bud on the new shoot, shorter the time for differentiation . There are three periods for flower bud differentiation: initial differentiation ,floral receptacle formation , floscule formation .
    2. At the formation of floral receptacle and floscule, high levels of ZRs, ABA and low level of GA1+3, IAA were observed . At the forming phase of floral receptacle and floscule, with high ratio of ABA/IAA, ABA/GA1+3, ZRs /GA1+3, ZRs/IAA . 3. Soluble proteins were the highest before floscule formation; Soluble sugars were accumulated before floral receptacle differentiation, but the levels were declined step by step after that; Starch content was consistent.
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