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Since 21~(st) century, the world has been facing with resource crisis. Circular economy and sustainable development became increasingly a focus as research subject. More and more importance is attached to the utilization of resource waste and it becomes an importantly practical problem all over the world. With the development of our country’s opening to the outside world, the international trade of resource waste gradually develops itself. Ever since 1990s, China has imported resource solid waste from abroad. However, due to the lacking of complete and systematical restraint, and administration system, some dangerous and contaminated“foreign rubbish”and waste with almost no value, together with resource solid waste, greatly harm economic, environmental, and personal security of our country. Therefore, a research on restraint of trade and effective utilization of importing resource solid waste is of significant practical meaning.
     Based on modern management theory and international trade theory, in combination with quality and quantity systematic analysis, the dissertation does a systematical and thorough research on restraint of trade and effective utilization of importing resource solid waste.
     The main task and creativity of this dissertation lie in:
     Firstly, based on environmental factor and input-output model, the dissertation analyzes the value of importing resource solid waste, establishes a two-dimension numerical analysis model, and thus recategorizes solid waste imported.
     Secondly, the dissertation establishes a demand prediction model of China’s resource solid waste based on prediction grey model. The dissertation also sets the demand for waste paper as an example and predicts the demand of waste paper in China after a few years. The result reveals that our country is in great demand for some sort of importation resource solid waste at present.
     Thirdly, the dissertation does a comparable research on the law and code of solid waste restraint and the current situation of cyclic utilization between China and western developed countries. Besides, the dissertation analyzes the distance China’s management of solid waste from developed country and aspects can be used for reference. The improvement principle and framework of law and code of solid waste trade restraint and waste cyclic utilization, and specific suggestion for the constitution of related law in future are put forward.
     Fourthly, based on the research on trade restraint previously, together with international treaty and trade rules, the strategies and measures for improving trade restraint of China’s solid waste importation currently are put forward, including restraint for management organization, admission for overseas suppliers, management rules for consignees, and inspection for depot, and labeling safety tag on waste regenerative products.
     Fifthly, based on circular economy and sustainable development theory, the international structure model of importation solid waste utilization is put forward. The other achievements of the research are life-cycle model to analyze feasibility of circular economy model, and mathematical model making synthesis evaluation on utilization effect.
     Finally, empirical research on regeneration and circulation of importation waste paper (newspaper paper) are done.
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