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Exploratory behavior among preschoolers' study is a basic and common export-oriented form. It is an instinctive behavior and important method of gaining daily life experience. Especially in science education, because of science education' s exploration of course, living of substance and experiencing of result, the preschoolers' exploratory behavior becomes an indispensable phenomenon of inevitable occurring. The author believes that through exploratory behavior, we can identify their developmental levels in the fields of grasping knowledge, mastering study and creative ability. In addition, the behavior lay a foundation of further study that children go to a school of a higher grade, so they should be considered valuable experience and a way of promoting all round development for children.
    However, because many teachers are not able to realize these points, they don' t grasp the moment of preschoolers' learning opportunity in such exploratory behavior. As a result, the values of this behavior are neglected usually as destruction behavior.
    As to the preschoolers' exploratory behavior in the science education, the previous studies are scare. In this paper, the author begins with the obeservative research, attempting to get a clear picture of what happens in preschoolers' exploratory behavior in the science education that includes teachers' behavior, and analyses the factors of influencing the preschools' exploratory behavior from the children' s individual cognition, the environmental factors and disciplinal characteristic. In final, the author puts forward several guidance strategies in detail, in order to recognize the concealed exploratory behavior which contain the preschoolers' points of interest and usually appear in the preschoolers' daily life, maintain, develop and deepen the preschoolers' exploratory behavior, and advance preschoolers' all round development of physique, intelligence, morality and aesthetics etc truly and initiatively.
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