水产品“三品”标准研究与《绿色食品 鱼罐头》标准的制定
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无公害水产品、绿色水产品和有机水产品(简称水产品“三品”)在水产品质量安全范畴内是一个有机的整体,随着“三品”认证工作的开展,无公害水产品、绿色水产品和有机水产品产量不断增加,水产品质量安全水平大幅提高,水产品“三品”标准体系在一定范围内形成相互联系、相互制约的一系列水产标准的集合体功不可没。运用比较分析的方法,对水产品“三品”标准和标准体系进行了对比研究。经研究得出,在标准体系的完善性方面,由于政府的大力推动,无公害水产品标准体系较完善,绿色水产品标准体系需进一步完善以满足认证要求,而有机水产品认证尚未形成规模,具体的产品标准仍需研究探讨,使其更具操作性;在标准的适用性方面,绿色水产品制定了通用类标准,无公害水产品标准体系中产品标准和相应的技术规范相对较独立,使用时应注意;在标准的指标要求方面,多数无公害水产品标准只规定了部分重金属、污染物和农药限量指标,与绿色食品水产品标准相比,无公害水产品标准缺乏微生物的限量要求,且多数农药、兽药限量也只在标准中注明符合国家有关规定,操作的可塑性较大。在用的无公害国家标准GB 18406.4-2001和农业行业标准NY 5073-2006在安全指标限值方面存在冲突。当前,我国农产品质量安全的主要矛盾是解决基本安全问题,安全水产品应以发展无公害水产品为重点、绿色水产品为先导、有机水产品为补充。
     在以上研究的基础上,依据标准制定的要求和危险性评估的原则,运用调查、检测及实验验证等技术方法,研究制定了NY/T 1328-2007《绿色食品鱼罐头》标准。主要就本标准中感官指标和微生物指标的确定进行了阐述,重点分析讨论了卫生指标限量值的依据和确定过程。为了确保限量指标的可行性,分别委托国家水产品质量监督检验中心、青岛市疾病预防控制中心和青岛市产品质量监督检验所三家单位进行了卫生指标检测验证。
     在《绿色食品鱼罐头》标准制定指标验证过程中,发现组胺的测定方法和多数淡水鱼罐头氟含量超标的问题,针对上述问题进行了深入研究探讨。国家标准方法GB/T 5009.45-2003测定水产品的组胺含量存在操作繁琐、重复性差等问题。对此进行了研究改进,使样品前处理过程简单、快速,同时保证了方法的准确度和精密度;并运用改进后的方法,对香酥丁香鱼、鲜炸沙丁鱼、五香黄花鱼、茄汁鲭鱼和鲜得味金枪鱼等5种鱼罐头在不同贮藏温度下的组胺含量变化情况进行了研究。结果表明,开盖后的鱼罐头在室温和冷藏条件下,组胺含量迅速增加,且品质劣变速度大于组胺含量增加的速度;在冻藏条件下,组胺含量增加缓慢,说明在该冻藏条件下可部分抑制鱼罐头中的微生物生长繁殖和鱼罐头制品内的酶活性,然而冻藏并不能完全抑制鱼罐头产品的品质劣变。
Safety aquatic products, Green aquatic products and Organic aquatic products (Three Grades aquatic products for short) is an organic whole in the quality and safety of aquatic products category. With the development of‘Three Grades’authentication, Three Grades aquatic products greatly increases and the level of aquatic products quality security also improves, standard system of Three Grades aquatic products made great contribution to a series of inter-association and mutual restriction aquatic system within a certain range. This paper studies the standards and standard system of Three Grades aquatic products by comparative analysis. Reaching the research conclusion as follow: In terms of the perfect standards system, due to vigorously promoting of government, standards system of Safety aquatic products is sound, standards system of Green aquatic products is further improving and perfect to meeting certification requirement, while Organic aquatic products certification has not yet formed scale, and some specific products standards needs further investigation and make it more operability; In terms of the standard applicability, Green aquatic products has made general standard, Pay attention to application product standards and the corresponding technology standards about Safety aquatic products which are relatively independent; In terms of the standard index requirement, most Safety aquatic product standards only regulate some heavy metals, pollutants and pesticide. Compared with Green aquatic product standards, Safety aquatic product standards lack the microbial limits. Furthermore, most pesticide and veterinary drug limits only added according with national regulations and the plasticity of operation is very large. What's more, the Safety aquatic products standards that GB 18406.4-2001 and NY 5073-2006 in use existence conflict in security index aspects. Now, the principal contradiction of agricultural products quality in China is to solve basic safety problems, development of Safety aquatic products as priority, Green aquatic products as the guide and Organic aquatic products as supplement.
     On the base of the above research work, NY/T 1328-2007 Green food-caned fish standard has been established according to the requirements in establishing standard process and the principle of risk analysis. Sensory and microorganism index are described in details, at the same time hygiene index is emphatically analyzed and ascertained. In order to ensure feasibility of hygiene index MLs, the result is proved by Yellow Sea Fisheries Research Institute National Center for Quality and Test of Aquatic Products P.R.China, QingDao Municipal Centers For Disease Control and Prevention , QingDao Supervision & Testing Center of Product Quality.
     In the process of establishing Green food canned fish, the problems that histamine determination and fluorine content over standard in most freshwater canned fish are founded. Aiming at the deficiencies mentioned above further research has been studied. The GB/T 5009.45-2003 method is complicated in operation and poor repeatability. Exploration of the sample processing is discussed based on GB/T 5009145-2003, making it simple, and rapid, also assuring methods’accuracy and precision. Different storage temperature effect on histamine formation in five canned fish that crisp dingxiang, fresh- frying sardine, spiced yellow croaker, tomato juice mackerel and tuna canned fish are studied using the improved method. The results showed that histamine content increased rapidly in room temperature and under refrigeration, and quality deterioration speed is faster than histamine content increase. Histamine content increased slowly during frozen storage show that microorganism growth and enzyme activity in canned fish are partly inhibited during frozen storage, but quality deterioration also can occur.
     Aiming at the problem of fluorine content over standard in most freshwater canned fish, the fluorine change in canned fish processing is preliminary studied. The results showed that water loss after preheating treatment, fluoride in fish bone precipitation under high pressures and temperatures, fluorine content over standard in processing water are all the reasons for fluorine content over standard in most freshwater canned fish. Nevertheless, the concrete reason need further study. So, fluorine isn’t made MLs by accepting expert suggestions.
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