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     本文研究三种代表性的大型海藻孔石莼(Ulva pertusa) (绿藻)、小珊瑚藻(Corallina pilulifera) (红藻)和鼠尾藻(Sargassum thunbergii) (褐藻)对三种赤潮微藻赤潮异弯藻(Heterosigma akashiwo)、亚历山大藻(Alexandrium tamarense )和中肋骨条藻(Skeletonema costatum)的克生作用,并初步提取、分离和鉴定了小珊瑚藻和鼠尾藻组织内抑制有害赤潮微藻生长的克生物质,探讨了小珊瑚藻和鼠尾藻对有害赤潮微藻克生作用的化学物质本质,为利用沿海区域的各种大型海藻来治理赤潮生物提供了科学依据。主要实验结果如下:
     本实验共设置了4个环境因子:温度(T)、盐度(S)、光照(L)和pH值(P)。每两个不同的因子之间分别设计双因子实验,共6个处理组合,即温度和盐度、温度和光照、温度和pH值、光照和pH值及盐度和光照,以检验这4个因子对小珊瑚藻克制赤潮异弯藻和鼠尾藻克制亚历山大藻效果及对两种赤潮微藻生长的影响,得出了赤潮异弯藻和亚历山大藻的生长率及大藻克制有害赤潮微藻生长的抑制率,并且检验这4个因子两两之间是否存在交互作用。每个因子分别设置4个处理水平,即:温度(15、20、25和30°C)、盐度(10、20、30和40)、光照(20、100、200和400μmol m~(-2)s~(-1))和pH值(5.5、7、8.5、10)。实验结果表明,温度、盐度、光照和pH值这四个环境因子均能显著影响赤潮异弯藻和亚历山大藻的生长,并且能显著影响小珊瑚藻克制赤潮异弯藻以及鼠尾藻克制亚历山大藻的效果。小珊瑚藻克制赤潮异弯藻以及鼠尾藻克制亚历山大藻的最高抑制效果不是发生在有害赤潮微藻单养时的最适条件,而是发生在环境因子胁迫时,较低的温度(15°C)、较低的盐度(10)、较高的光照强度(400μmol m~(-2)s~(-1))和高pH值(10)均能增强小珊瑚藻克制赤潮异弯藻以及鼠尾藻克制亚历山大藻的效果。
Severe outbreaks of harmful algal blooms (hereafter, HABs) cause serious problems with regard to effective utilization of water resources such as fisheries and water-supply reservoirs, moreover, about 2000 cases of human poisoning resulting from algal toxin are reported every year. Because of the severe economic and public health problems caused by harmful microalgae, many studies about the blooms of harmful microalgae have been conducted. Some promising methods have been developed including the use of yellow losses to sediment red tide organisms, chemical agents such as copper sulfate, hydrogen peroxide, and some biological controls in the form of viruses or bacteria. Although these methods seem effective in some short-term experiments, they may have potentially dangerous environmental consequences; therefore there are very limited investigations of a direct and specific control of marine harmful algal blooms with few environmental side-effects.
     To look for HABs control agents that are efficient and benign to the environment, many scientists show a growing interest for growth inhibition of HAB species by allelopathic substances released by other aquatic organisms. Macroalgae and microalgae were known to have an antagonistic relationship in both natural and experimental aquatic ecosystems.
     The present studies deal with the allelopathic effects of three macroalgae Ulva pertusa (Chlorophyta), Corallina pilulifera (Rhodophyta) and Sargassum thunbergii (Phaeophyta) on three red tide microalgae Heterosigama akashiwo, Alexandrium tamarense and Skeletonema costatum, and isolation and characterization of these allelochemicals. The three main objectives of these studies were to provide proof of the allelopathic effects of three macroalgae on these three microalgae, to gain an insight into the chemical interactions between macroalgae and microalgae in coastal areas, and to present evidence for the feasibility of using many macroalgae to control the growth of red tide microalgae. Results show that:
     1. Comparative studies on the allelopathic effects of three macroalgae on three microalgae
     We conducted laboratory experiments under stable environmental conditions, precluding the nutrient, pH, light conditions and effects of bacteria in order to investigate the allelopathic effects of fresh tissue, dry powder and aqueous extracts of three macroalga U. pertusa, C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii on the growth of microalgae H. akashiwo, A. tamarense and S. costatum were evaluated using coexistence culture systems in which concentrations of three macroalga were varied. The effects of macroalga culture medium filtrate on three microalgae were also investigated. The results coexistence assay showed that the growth of the three microalgae was strongly inhibited by using fresh tissues and dry powder; this indicated that there are the allelopathic effects of three macroalgae on three microalgae. Aqueous extracts of various concentrations of three macroalga can inhibit the growth of three microalgae and indicated that there are allelochemicals in three macroalgae; The effects of the macroalga culture medium filtrate exhibited no apparent inhibitory effect under initial filtrate addition but show apparent inhibitory effect under semi-continuous addition, which suggested that continuous release of small quantities of rapidly degradable allelochemicals from the fresh tissue of macroalga were essential to effectively inhibit the growth of three microalgae. In our study, we also concluded that the allelopathic effects of macroalgae on red tide microalgae show universality and species-specific.
     2. Growth inhibition of H. akashiwo and A. tamarense by the extracts of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii
     Growth inhibitory effects of different concentrations of distilled water extracts and 4 organic solvent (methanol, acetone, ether and chloroform) extracts of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii on the two microalgae H. akashiwo and A. tamarense were investigated. Methanol extracts of the highest growth inhibitory activity on two microalgae, and they killed all the cells of two microalgae at relatively higher concentrations. Growth of the two microalgae was significantly inhibited by the distilled water extracts of two macroalgae at relatively higher concentrations while cells of the two microalgae did not die completely even at the highest concentration. The other 3 organic solvent extracts of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii had no apparent effect on the two microalgae, which suggested that the growth inhibitory substances from the extracts of two macroalgae had relatively high polarities. The methanol extracts of the two macroalgae were partitioned to petroleum ether phase, ethyl acetate phase, butanol phase and distilled phase by liquid-liquid fractionation. The bioassays of the activity of every fraction were carried out on two microalgae, indicated that petroleum ether phase and ethyl acetate phase had strong algicidal effect on the microalgae, fatty acids are probably main allelochemicals in the tissue of macroalgae.
     3. Isolation and characterization of allelochemicals in the tissues of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii
     The petroleum ether phase and ethyl acetate phase of the methanol extracts of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii were analyzed by GC/MS. The results of GC/MS revealed that there were 12 fatty acids in the 2 phase, and most of them were unfatty acids. The results of bioassays demonstrated that 5 unsaturated fatty acids in the tissue of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii had strong algicidal effect on H. akashiwo and A. tamarense, and the effective concentrations were below 7.1 mg l~(-1). The results this study demonstrated that unsaturated fatty acids in the tissue of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii might be one of the components of the allelochemicals in the macroalgae. Taken together, it is speculated that unsaturated fatty acids in the tissue of C. pilulifera and S. thunbergii has a potential to be considered as allelochemicals for the control of several harmful algae. However, it is not clear yet whether this compound can practically be applied to open waters. So further studies on the algicidal should focus on efficacy and effects on the algal control spectrum and mode of action are needed.
     4. Influence of temperature, salinity, irradiance and pH on the effectiveness of allelopathic effects of C.pilulifera on H. akashiwo and S.thunbergii on A. tamarense and two microalgae growth
     Two-factor combinations of different levels of temperature (10, 15, 25 and 30), salinity (10, 20, 30 and 40), irradiance (20,100,200 and 400μmol m~(-2)s~(-1)) and pH (5.5, 7, 8.5 and 10) on the effectiveness of allelopathic effect of C. pilulifera on H. akashiwo or S. thunbergii on A. tamarense and growth of the two microalgae were investigated. Two-factor combinations of different levels of temperature, salinity, irradiance and pH had significant (p<0.01) influence on the mean growth rates of two microalgae, and on the microalgal growth inhibition rates by C. pilulifera or S. thunbergii. The optical growth conditions for H. akashiwo was: 25°C, 30, 100μmol m~(-2)s~(-1) and pH=8.5, and for A. tamarense was: 20~25°C, 30, 100μmol m~(-2)s~(-1) and pH=7-8.5. The effectiveness of allelopathic effects of C. pilulifera on H. akashiwo or S. thunbergii on A. tamarense was increased by low temperature (15°C), low salinity (20), high irradiance (400μmol m~(-2)s~(-1)) and high pH (10).
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