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According to the characteristics and the needs of development, utilization of the agricultural resource information, and the current situation of exploitation and management of the agricultural resource information of Heilongjiang Province, this paper utilized GIS technology to manage the regional agricultural resource information, meanwhile introduced fractal method to study the regional agricultural resource information, attempted to probe changes of the regional agricultural resource information, which will be helpful for all things comprehension of the current situation of the agricultural resource information and had important significance to promote and use regional agricultural resource information.
    The utilization of GIS technology to manage the regional agricultural resource information and introduction of fractal method, which is the frontal method of studying no linearity science, to study regional agricultural resource information are the most important characteristics of this paper. The research is composed of four aspects as following:
    1 Utilized GIS technology to build the regional agricultural resource information databases system.
    It utilized advanced GIS technology to manage regional agricultural resource information, build spatial and attribute databases, applied function of own spatial analyses and convenient making thematic picture of this system, realized dynamical show of Correspondingly geographical position and regional agricultural resource information. And then this system had advantage in datum management, spatial analysis, graphic display. The application of this system is the base of exploiture and utilization of the agricultural resource information.
    2 Utilized fractal method to divide the climatic division of Heilongjiang Province.
    It introduced fractal method to study changes of precipitation and accumulated temperature of Heilongjiang Province. First, proved that dynamics system of monthly precipitation is chaos and attractor of system has fractal structure, according to correlation fractal dimension of a city of Heilongjiang Province. Second, it quantificationally described complicated changes about breeding time precipitation, accumulated temperature of 79 counties and cities of Heilongjiang Province and the annual changes of Heilongjiang Province from 1984 to 1999, ensured that precipitation and accumulated temperature of Heilongjiang Province has fractal characteristic. At last, according to relationship among the average fractal dimension of annual breeding time
    precipitation, accumulated temperature and crops yield of Heilongjiang Province, the climatic division and the comprehensive climatic division of precipitation, accumulated temperature of 79 counties and cities were divided by fractal dimension of precipitation and accumulated temperature. At same time, divisional results were combined with the information system. Proved that divisional results accorded with fact, the fractal method deeply reflected complicated changes on precipitation and accumulated temperature of Heilongjiang Provinc and information system had convenient advantage in graphic display. Anyway the climatic division mentioned above will be helpful supplement to original climatic division of Heilongjiang Province.
    3. Modification and simulation of the model of crops yield.
    It utilized the quantity theory and the regression analytical method, took example for modifying and simulating corn growth model, which is one of original model of crops yield of Heilongjiang Province. According to yield predict and error analysis for model, it verified the model had applicable value. So this method can be used in actual predicting, and applied in modifying models of other crops and used in other research fields.
    4 Utilized fractal method to study the regional economy model and the scale distribution of the economic elements.
    It introduced fractal method to study the regional economy systems, analyze the fractal characteristics of the production function of the economic system, and then stud
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