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The job-searching problem is one of the major social problems of China's society.Implement a Strategy of Jobs First is newly proposed in The Twelfth Five-Year Plan forNational Economic and Social Development of the People's Republic of China. FromChina's actual conditions, job-searching stress of young people being servere likely wasraised. After analysing researches existed, a new measure of the Perceived Job-searchingStress was developed. Perceived Job-searching Stress is a multidimensional construct withthe following4facets: professional quality, job expectations, job-searching risk, andjob-searching preparation. Validated by several evidences, Perceived Job-searching StressScale(PJSSS) achieved rich psychometric properties. Then a study was did by using PJSSSand Mental Health Continuum Short Form(MHC-SF).Results indicate that:1.Job-searching stress of young people was high and mental health of young people wasgood;2. Job-searching stress and mental health differed among young groups;3.Job-searching stress is a Chronic Mild Stress(CMS). Associated with lots of researches inand abroad, developing Career Guidance was put forward as a long-term effective sulotionto ease job-searching stress.
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