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     1.氨噻肟酸的合成新工艺研究。以乙酰乙酸乙酯为原料,在酸性条件下和亚硝酸乙酯进行肟化反应生成2-亚硝基乙酰乙酸乙酯,用硫酸二甲酯甲基化后再经溴化,与硫脲环合水解酸析后得到氨噻肟酸。重点考察了亚硝酸乙酯作为肟化剂的反应结果,研究了用TLC在线监测溴化反应的方法,并用正交设计实验考察环合反应的优化条件。新工艺节省了有机溶剂的使用,简化了操作,总收率达到45.7 %,产物熔点和红外谱图与对照品一致。
     2. AE-活性酯的合成新工艺研究。以氨噻肟酸和二硫化二苯并噻唑为原料,体积比为1/1的二氯甲烷乙腈混合溶剂为反应溶剂,亚磷酸三乙酯替代三苯基膦,通过正交设计实验得到反应的优化条件,按氨噻肟酸/二硫化二苯并噻唑/三乙胺/亚磷酸三乙酯物质的量比为1/1.05/1.1/1投料,反应温度10~15℃,亚磷酸三乙酯滴加时间3 h,体积比为1/1的二氯甲烷乙腈混合溶剂为反应溶剂,收率可达86.7 %。研究了母液溶剂的回收套用,选择合适干燥剂使回收的溶剂达到原料要求。
     3. 2-巯基-4-甲基-5-噻唑乙酸的合成新工艺研究。乙酰丙酸乙酯经溴素卤代,与二硫氨基甲酸铵环化缩合,碱性水解酸析得目标产物。溴化反应温度0~5℃,溴素滴加时间2~3 h,环化缩合反应条件确定以体积比1/5乙醇水混合溶剂为反应溶剂,催化剂作用下,溴化产物/二硫氨基甲酰铵物质的量比为1/1.1,目标产物总收率可达61.3%。
2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-(Z)-methoxyiminoacetic acid ( HL1 ) and its derivative 2-(2-amino-4-thiazolyl)-2-(Z)-methoxyiminoacetic acid 2-benzth iazolyl thioester ( AE ) and 2-mercapto-4-methyl-1,3-thiazol-5-yl-acetic acid ( H2L2 ) are important intermediates of many third generation Cephalosporins, and their demands are increased constantly with the development of new Cephalosporins. So it is deserved to work on their synthesis methods.
     The synthesis methods of intermediates metioned above are researched. The paper is divided into four parts to discuss.
     1. The novel synthesis method of HL1. The compound is synthesized by using ethyl acetoacetate as raw material followed by steps of oximation, methylination, bromination, cyclocondensation and hydrolyzation. The method focuses on the oximation result in the presense of C2H5NO2 as reaction reagent, the TLC method to detect the bromination process,and the optimized condition of cyclocondensation through orthogonal design experiment. Its total yield is up to 45.7 %, and the structure is confirmed by IR spectrum and melt point of the product.
     2. The novel synthesis method of AE . The compound is synthesized by using HL1 and 2-(1,3-benzothiazol-2-yldithio)-1, 3-benz othiazole (DM) as raw material , dichloromethane / acetonitrile (volume ratio 1/1) mixture as reaction solvent, and triethyl phosphate replaces the expensive triphenyphosphine. Through orthogonal design experiment the optimized condition is obtained.the material mol ratio of HL1 /DM/ triethylamine /triethyl phosphate is 1/1.05/1.1/1, the reaction temp.is 10~15℃, and the drop time of triethyl phosphate is 3h, under such condition the yield is up to 86.7 %. The solvents are recycled by distillation in the presence of desiccant.
     3. The novel synthesis method of H_2L~2.The compound is synthesized from ethyl
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