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Information theory originated in the framework of sociologist Erving Goffman's "frame analysis", which frame the concept of the framework theory presented on the media to explain social facts. That society has a variety of objective facts, not the same variety of objective facts, but a variety of objective reality needs to be converted and then converted to achieve the reproduction of the fact that the process of transformation of reality, contains two major mechanisms of selection and recombination, selection and restructuring is the framework for results and actions. Real society, the media used to choose the framework of the social reality and restructuring, that is, boundaries and rules, but also a structure, with the verb and the name of two meanings. Therefore, news media and social picture frame on the construction of a very important role.
     News Framing and cited intervention in China, but also years of affairs, and domestic scholars mostly focused on three aspects: First, the content of the report conducted studies to explore the newspaper reports on issues such the lack of news of the Department, and suggest improvements. Second is the reporting strategy of the study, put forward the media between the government and the role of public relations, and how the proposed role of the media should have characteristics. Third, City Newspaper reports in the interpretation of such events, the face of growing international unexpected public crisis, scholars have put the city to play their own class newspaper features, and take their reports the characteristics of the road, pay attention and combination of local geographical features. Research paper out of the scope of these three to the news based on the theory framework to explore how to construct social picture news frame.
     In this paper, "People’s Daily" and "The New York Times" Influenza H1N1 influenza research news frame the issues, the use of sophisticated content analysis has been combined with the list and discourse analysis framework to explore the formal structure of the two newspapers, from the framework of high, medium and low on the formal structure of the news reports reveal the framework of two newspapers, and contrast media in the same subject between the two countries under the framework of the similarities and differences, to explore the media in the framework of the two countries to portray the reality behind the picture significance; This is also conducive to domestic and international newspapers such news that on the issue of writing, reporting methods advantages and disadvantages; the last article in the framework of the analysis based on data analysis to explore the construction of the source picture of the impact on society, revealing information sources in the framework of the importance of information and provide readers with a reading recommendations.
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