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对于全球各地图书设计的历史而言,19世纪是一个承载着巨大转折意义的时代。在此期间,图书设计逐渐形成繁盛体系。与此同时,彩色印刷也得以出现并渐趋成熟。19世纪30年代至90年代的英国维多利亚时代是其彩色印刷、书籍装帧、插图设计以及图书业无限繁荣的时期。在这段时间内,人们从彩色石版印刷术(chromolithography)到锌版套色印刷术,从乔治·巴克斯特(George Baxter)及其同代人在工艺上的锐意革新,再到1880年前后图像制版(photo-menchanical)方式的出现,英国设计领域最终形成了传统书籍装帧设计的雏形样式及其基本工艺技术。
The19th century is a great turning point in the world book design history, when book design was on a rise and formed a system. At that time, color printing appeared and gradually grew mature. Victorian Britain, from1930s to1990s, witnessed the flourishing development in color printing, book design, illustrating, and book industry. This period was glorified by chromolithography, zincograph chromatic printing, the technical innovations of George Baxter and his contemporaries, and photo-mechanical production developed around1880, which formed the traditional rudiment forms and the basic technologies of book design.
     This thesis focuses on color printing and book design in Victorian Britain from1837to1890, when an unprecedented competition arose between large-scale industrial production and traditional craftsmanship in book making. The main purpose of this thesis is to present, with detailed historical materials, the development of color printing in the Victorian Era, from its first appearance to a large-scale application; to explore innovations in color printing by printing companies and publishing companies at that time, and what they did to promote the printing technology, in the light of the social and economical conditions and customers'demand for color printing and book design then; and to summarize and analyze the important figures involved in color printing and book design industry and their works during this Era.
     After the Victorian Era book design began to rely on machines more and more, especially nowadays, when digital technology has become the mainstream. As a result, many craftsmanship and techniques are fading out. With a reference to a large number of foreign language materials, this thesis first highlights book design and color printing technology in Victorian Britain, and displays the design concepts, as well as the book designers and craftsmen of that time, to enrich the current study in China on book design practice, theory and printing of the Victorian Era. Secondly, with research on color printing and book design in the Victorian Era, and the printing technologies against different economic backgrounds, this diachronically study itself demonstrates an invaluable experience for Chinese book design, worthy of the attention from domestic design history scholars. The Author hopes this thesis could draw further studies on book design and color printing of the Victorian Era.
1 Ruari Mclean, Victorian's books, University of California Press,1972。
    2 Marie Elena Korey, Ruari McLean Collection of Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Massey College, Elegant editions: aspects of Victorian book design: an exhibition of books selected from the Ruari McLean Collection of Victorian Book, University of Toronto, Massey College,1995。
    3 John Ashman, Book binding-A beginner's manual, A. & C. Black,1981。
    4 Ruari McLean, Victorian publishers' book-bindings in paper, Gordon Fraser,1983。
    5 Ruari McLean, Victorian publishers' book-bindings in paper, Gordon Fraser,1983。
    6 Edmund M. B. King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings 1830-1880: A Descriptive Bibliography, London and New Castle:The British Library and Oak Knoll Press,2003。
    7 Douglas Cockerell, Book binding -the classic arts and crafts Manual, Dover publications, INC,2005。
    8 Michael Twyman, Printing 1770-1970:an illustrated history of its development and uses in England, Thanet Press Margate and Grosvenor Press Portsmouth,1970。
    9 John Lewis, Anatomy of Printing:The influences of art and history on its design, Faber,1970。
    10 Warren Chappell, Robert Bringhurst, A short history of the Printed Word, Hartley & Marks Publishers,1999。
    11 Colin Clair, A History of printing in Britain——Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, W. Savage,1818。
    12 John Roland Abbey, Travel in Aquatint and Lithography, Major Abbey,1956。
    13 Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis, The Story of Picture Printing in England during the nineteenth century, S. Low, Martston & Co., ltd.,1928。
    14 Michael Twyman, Printing 1770-1970:an illustrated history of its development and uses in England, Thanet Press Margate and Grosvenor Press Portsmouth,1970. P1。
    16[英]欧文·琼斯 著:《世界装饰经典图鉴》,梵非 译,上海:上海人民美术出版社,2004年。
    20 L.C.B.Seaman, Victorian England, Aspects of English and Imperialist History 1877-1901,1973, P25.
    21[德]恩格斯:《英国工人阶级状况》,中共中央马克思恩格斯列宁斯大林著作编译局 译,北京:人民出版社,1956年,P118。
    23 T. Laqueur, Religion and Respectability: Sunday Schools and Working Class Culture,17S0-1850,New Haven:Yale University Press,1976,P44。
    25 Colin Clair,A History of printing in Britain,Cassell,1966,P124.
    28W.H.B考特(W.H.B Court)著:《英国近代经济史》,周宪文 译,中华书局,1977年,第165页。
    31Francois Crouzet, The Victorian Economy, 1982, PP.4-5。
    38参考维基百科http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/William Caslon
    40 Luis Nadeau,Encyclopedia of printing, photographic, and photomechanical processes: a comprehensive reference to reproduction technologies, containing invaluable information on over 1500processes,vol.2, Atelier Luis Nadeau,1990,p331.
    41 William Savage, On the preparation of printing ink:both black and coloured, Printed for the author, and sold by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman,1832, P13。
    43Houseman,Lorna,The House That Thomas Built:the Story of De La Rue,chatto & Windus (1968)
    44Colin Clair,A Hidtory of printing Britain,Cassell,1966,P137。
    47[英]巴纳特 著:《艺术设计与视觉文化》,王升才,张爱东,卿上力 译,南京:江苏美术出版社,2006年6月,P110。
    49[英]E.H贡布里希 著:《秩序感——装饰艺术的心理学研究》,范景中译,长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,1999年,P59。
    54许平,周博 著:《西方现代设计思想经典文选:设计真言》,南京:江苏美术出版社,2010年1月,P80。
    55饶平山、张立 编著:《现当代艺术设计审美变化研究》,武汉:湖北美术出版社,2006年,P16。
    57 Katharine Morrison McClinton, The chromolithographs of Louis Prang, C. N. Potter; distributed by Crown Publishers,1973, P22。
    58 Colin Clair, A History of printing in Britain, Cassell,1966, P143.
    60 Miriam Youngerman Miller, Illustrations of the "Canterbury Tales" for Children:A Mirror of Chaucer's World? The Chaucer Review, vol.27.NO.3,1993,The Pennsylvania State University.
    61 Valerie Gray, Charles Knight:educator, publisher, writer(Nineteenth Century Series), Ashgate Pub Co May 26,2006, P43。
    67[英]E.H贡布里希 著:《秩序感——装饰艺术的心理学研究》,范景中译,长沙:湖南科学技术出版社,1999年,P58。
    68[美]阿尔温·托夫勒(Tottler A.):《未来的震荡》,任小明 译,成都:四川人民出版社,1985年,P177。
    70拉斯金的这种观念也体现在他对于建筑的批评主张中。在其一部批评力作《威尼斯之石》最广为人知的一章“哥特式的本质(The Nature of Gothic)"中,“拉斯金声称,这种共有的忠诚品质为中世纪的工匠留下了表现他自己的创造力的空间。拉斯金意识到工匠的作品中的粗糙之处,并且认为较之19世纪建筑的机械化和毫无愉悦之感的完善,它的价值要重要得多。对他来说,哥特艺术的兴盛其原因类似于他在透纳绘画中的发现:对自然真知的表达。”这种对于自然真知的表达正是拉斯金反对奢华繁复装饰的原因所在。注释引文来自沈蕾 编译:《预言家与多面手——19世纪英国批评家约翰·拉斯金》,载于《美术馆:现代性与中国美术》总第11期2006年B辑,上海:上海书店出版社,2007年,P189。
    71 Margaret M. Smith, Joseph Cundall and the Binding Design for the Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists, 来自 http://library.oxfordjournals.org/content/5/1/39.abstract。
    73奚传绩 主编:《美术教育词典》,北京:人民教育出版社,2009年6月,P276。
    74[美]巴林杰(Barringer,T.)编著:《拉斐尔前派艺术》,梁莹 译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007年,P55。
    75[英]尼古拉斯·佩夫斯纳(Nikolaus Pevsner)著:《现代设计的先驱者——从威廉·莫里斯到格罗皮乌斯》,王申祜、王晓京译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004年,P29。
    77李砚祖 主编,芦影 编著:《21世纪素质教育系列教材:视觉传达设计的历史与美学》,中国人民大学出版社,2000年,P199。
    78[美]达塔斯·史密斯(Datus C.Smiih,Jr.)《图书出版指南》,彭建松.赵学范等译,北京:北京大学出版社,1994年4月.P69。
    79 Kenneth Frederick Perry, Clarence Theodore Baab, The binding of books, McKnight & McKnight Pub. Co., 1967, P1.
    80[美]阿诺德·豪塞尔(Arnold Hauser),《艺术史的哲学导论》,陈超南译,载于阿诺德·豪塞尔著:《艺术史的哲学》,陈超南、刘天华 译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992年2月。
    1、Byars, Mel(2004), The Design Encyclopedia, London, Laurence King Publishing, New York, The Museum of Modern Art, Inc。
    2、 Crawford, Alan,"Idea and Objects:The Arts and Crafts Movement in Britain", Design Issues, Vol.13, No.1 Spring 1997, Inc。
    3、Meggs, Philip B.(1998), A History of Graphic Design, New York, John Wiley&Sons, Inc。
    4、Raizman, David(2003), History of Modern Design, London, Laurence King Publishing, Inc。
    5、Victorian Houses(2006), Dover Full-Color Electronic Design Series, New York, Dover Publications, Inc。
    6、Richard D. Altick (1957), The English Common Reader, University of Chicago Press, Inc。
    7、Marjorie Plant (1939), The English Book Trade, London, Inc。
    8、Victorian Fiction (ed, John Carter) (1947), National Book League, London, Inc。
    9、Michael Twyman (1970), Lithography 1800-1850,a.v.p, Inc。
    10、H. Gernsheim (1969), The History of Photography, znd edn, Inc。
    11、W. T. Berry (1958), Oxford History of Technology, London, Inc。
    12、M. Sadleir (1930), The Evolution of Publishers'Binding Styles, London, Inc。
    13、Abbey (1956), Travel in Aquatint and Lithography, Inc。
    14、C. T. Courtney Lewis (1924), George Baxter, n.d., Inc。
    15、Bigmore & Wyman (1945), A Bibliography of Printing, znd edn., vol. I, Inc。
    16、M. Twyman, Lithography 1800-1850,1970, Inc。
    17、George F. Warner (1902-03), Illuminated Manuscripts in the British Museum, London, Inc。
    18、L.T.C.Rolt (1957), Isambard Kingdom Brunei, London, Inc。
    19、Sybille Pantazzi, Four Designers of English Publishers'Bindings, Inc。
    20、G. Buddy, The History of the Christmas Card, London,1954, Inc。
    21、H. Gemsheim, Lewis Carroll (1949), Photographer, London, Inc。
    22、Edmund Evans (1967), The Reminiscences of Edmund Evans, Oxford, Inc。
    23、Gleeson White (1897), English Illustration: The Sixties',1855-70, Inc。
    24、Forrest Reid, Illustrators of the Sixties,1882, Inc。
    25、H.M. Nixon, The Book Collector, Spring 1958, Inc。
    26、B.C. Middleton, A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique,1963, Inc。
    21、V. Ridler (1948), Artist in Printing, in Alphabet & Image, London, Inc。
    28、L.C.B.Seaman, Victorian England, Aspects of English and Imperialist History 1877-1901,1973。
    29、T. Laqueur, Religion and Respectability:Sunday Schools and Working Class Culture,1780-1850,New Haven:Yale University Press,1976。
    30、Francois Crouzet, The Victorian Economy,1982.
    31、Margaret M. Smith, Joseph Cundall and the Binding Design for the Illustrated Biographies of the Great Artists。
    32、Kenneth Frederick Perry, Clarence Theodore Baab, The binding of books, McKnight & McKnight Pub. Co.,1967。
    33、Welby Pugin, The True Principles of Pointed or Christian Architecture,2010。
    34、Miriam Youngerman Miller, Illustrations of the "Canterbury Tales" for Children: A Mirror of Chaucer's World?, The Chaucer Review,, vol.27.NO.3,1993, The Pennsylvania State University.
    35、Valerie Gray, Charles Knight:educator, publisher, writer(Nineteenth Century Series), Ashgate Pub Co, May 26,2006。
    36、Luis Nadeau,Encyclopedia of printing, photographic, and photomechanical processes:a comprehensive reference to reproduction technologies, containing invaluable information on over 1500 processes,vol.2, Atelier Luis Nadeau,1990。
    37、Ruari Mclean, Victorian book design and colour printing, University of California Press, 1972。
    38、Marie Elena Korey, Ruari McLean Collection of Victorian Book Design and Colour Printing, Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library, Massey College, Elegant editions:aspects of Victorian book design:an exhibition of books selected from the Ruari McLean Collection of Victorian Book, University of Toronto, Massey College,1995。
    39、John Ashman, Book binding-A beginner's manual, A. & C. Black,1981。
    40、Ruari McLean, Victorian publishers'book-bindings in paper, Gordon Fraser,1983。
    41、Ruari McLean, Victorian publishers'book-bindings in paper, Gordon Fraser,1983。
    42、Edmund M. B. King, Victorian Decorated Trade Bindings 1830-1880:A Descriptive Bibliography, London and New Castle:The British Library and Oak Knoll Press,2003。
    43、Douglas Cockerell, Book binding -the classic arts and crafts Manual, Dover publications, INC,2005。
    44、Michael Twyman, Printing 1770-1970:an illustrated history of its development and uses in England, Thanet Press Margate and Grosvenor Press Portsmouth,1970。
    45、John Lewis,Anatomy of Printing:The influences of art and history on its design, Faber, 1970。
    46、Warren Chappell, Robert Bringhurst, A short history of the Printed Word, Hartley & Marks Publishers,1999。
    47、Colin Clair, A History of printing in Britain——Practical Hints on Decorative Printing, W. Savage,1818。
    48、John Roland Abbey, Travel in Aquatint and Lithography, Major Abbey,1956。
    49、Charles Thomas Courtney Lewis, The Story of Picture Printing in England during the nineteenth century, S. Low, Martston & Co., ltd.,1928。
    5、William Savage, On the preparation of printing ink:both black and coloured, Printed for the author, and sold by Longman, Rees, Orme, Brown, Green, and Longman,1832。
    5、Katharine Morrison McClinton, The chromolithographs of Louis Prang, C. N. Potter; distributed by Crown Publishers,1973。
    52、Simon Jervis, High Victorian Design. Ottawa:National Gallery of Canada, c1974.
    11、W.H.B考特(W.H.B Court)著:《英国近代经济史》,周宪文译,中华书局,1977年。
    13、李砚祖 主编,芦影 编著:《21世纪素质教育系列教材:视觉传达设计的历史与美学》,中国人民大学出版社,2000年,P199。
    14、[英]欧文·琼斯著:《世界装饰经典图鉴》,梵非 译,上海:上海人民美术出版社,2004年。
    15、许平,周博 著:《西方现代设计思想经典文选:设计真言》,南京:江苏美术出版社,2010年1月。
    18、[美]阿尔温·托夫勒(Tottler A.):《未来的震荡》,任小明 译,成都:四川人民出版社,1985年。
    19、[美]达塔斯·史密斯(Datus C.Smith,Jr.):《图书出版指南》,彭建松,赵学范等泽,北京:北京大学出版社,1994年4月。
    20、[美]阿诺德·豪塞尔(Arnold Hauser):艺术史的哲学》,陈超南、刘天华译,北京:中国社会科学出版社,1992年2月。
    30、[美]巴林杰(Barringer, T.)编著:《拉斐尔前派艺术》,梁莹译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2007年。
    32、[英]尼古拉斯·佩夫斯纳(Nikolaus Pevsner)著:《现代设计的先驱者——从威廉·莫里斯到格罗皮鸟斯》,王中祜、王晓京 译,北京:中国建筑工业出版社,2004年。

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