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研究背景 周期性麻痹(periodic paralysis,PP)作为典型离子通道病的代表,是一大组以发作性肌无力伴随血钾浓度变化为主要临床特征的疾患。此病多见于儿童和年轻人,严重者可因呼吸肌麻痹或心律失常危及生命。该病病因及发病机制一直不详,治疗手段以对症为主,尚无有效的预防方法。目前国内外在周期性麻痹及其相应离子通道研究上存在的问题如下:①低钾型周期性麻痹(hypokalemic periodic paralysis,hypoKPP)可能与钙通道CACNA1S基因、钠通道SCN4A基因甚至钾通道KCNE-3基因缺陷有关。这些通道功能异常如何引起肌膜异常去极化过程、以及降低细胞外钾离子浓度的机制尚不十分清楚。②高钾型周期性麻痹(hyperkalemic periodic paralysis,hyperKPP)与SCN4A基因突变有关。但是,突变SCN4A基因影响膜电位的详细机制仍不十分清楚。③正常血钾型周期性麻痹(normokalemic periodicparalysis,normoKPP)国内外研究甚少。其是否为独立疾病,发病机制以及其与hyperKPP的关系尚不清楚。④国内尚缺乏周期性麻痹的离子通道基因研究,国人各型周期性麻痹的致病基因及基因突变方式不清。我们此研究的目的是探讨国人各型周期性麻痹的临床特征及相关基因突变特点。本研究分为三个部分:
    National Center for Bioteehnology hiformation的网站
    行PCR扩增,单链核营酸构象多态性分析(single strand conformation
    polimophism,sSCp)或者变性液相色谱(denatUring high performance liquld
    的 SCN4A基因全部24个外显子未发现有意突变。因此我们认为国人
Background As one form of ion channelopathies, periodic paralyses (PP) are a group of autosomal dominant familial disorders involving the abnormal function of ion channels and they are characterized by paralysis attacks of varying severity, accompanied by a change in blood potassium levels. The diseases may have their onset at any time from infancy or childhood to the third decades of life. During attacks, muscles of the lower extremities are initially affected, followed by the lower trunk and arms, and even dyspnea or cardiac arrhythmia. The etiology and nosogenesis of the diseases are not clear enough to have a very effective therapeutic tool or preventive measure. The progresses in molecular biology on three types of periodic paralyses are as follows: (1) Hypokalemic periodic paralysis(hypoKPP) is mainly related to the mutation in the muscle dihydropyridine-sensitive calcium channel a l-subunit(CACNAlS), and less the muscle sordium channel a 1-subunit (SCN4A), but the mechanisms of hypokalemia are yet not
     clear, (2)hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (hyperKPP) is caused by the missense mutation of SCN4A gene, but the detailed mechanisms of the mutation influencing membrane potential are not very clear. (3)The genetic researches on normokalemic periodic paralysis (normoKPP) are very few, and the relationship between normoKPP and hyperKPP is still in doubts. (4) In China, the genetic researches on three types of periodic paralyses are still in
    absence, and the mode of gene mutation with Chinese PP patients is not clear. In this research we aim to clarify the clinical and genetic features of three types of PP with Chinese patients. This research is devided into three parts. PART ONE: Collecting and characterizing the genetic resources for periodic paralyses, and establishing the process of scanning SCN4A gene and CACNA1S gene for disease-related mutation
    The objective of this study was to establish a repository for blood DNA samples accompanied with clinical and pedigree data. In this study, we firstly established a network for collecting genetic resources of three types of PP in China. With this network, we collected 25 normoKPP patients in 11 unrelated families in which three were with family history, and eight were scattered cases, seven patients in one hyperKPP family, and 34 hypoKPP patients in which six were with family history, and 28 were scattered cases. All these invaluable resources were important for the genetic researches on periodic paralyses.
    Secondly, we designed primers for all 24 exons of SCN4A gene, and exon 11 and exon 30 of CACNA1S gene with the help of the website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/ of National Center for Biotechnology in USA. Then, the PCR products were checked with single strand conformation polymorphism (SSCP) or with denaturing high performance liquid chromatography (DHPLC) technology, and then sequence analysis was performed on those with abnormal conformer or elution peak. Those discovered mutations were checked and located with the help from the website http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/. The results showed that we found some Heterozygotes, which means our design for the genetic researches on periodic paralyses with Chinese patients is available.
    PART TWO: Scanning SCN4A gene for mutations in Chinese families with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis or normokalemic periodic paralysis
    (1) Screening SCN4A gene for mutations in a Chinese family with hyperkalemic periodic paralysis
    In this part, we aim to study the clinical features of hyperkalemic periodic paralysis (hyperKPP) and to confirm the relationship between SCN4A gene and hyperKPP with Chinese patients. The clinical features of 7 patients in a Chinese family with hyperKPP were summarized. All 24 exons of SCN4A gene were screened with DHPLC technology, and then sequence analysis was performed on those with abnormal elution peak. The Results were as follows: This family showed typical clinical features of hyperKPP without myotonia or paramyotonia. The progress of most patients was benign. Two mutations were foun
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