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     本研究广泛运用文献计量学、竞争情报学的理论与方法,通过使用Web of Science的检索平台,辅以《中国知网》(CNKI)数据库的相关检索,采用文本挖掘技术对2000-2009年10间收录的美国、英国、法国、德国、俄罗斯、日本等国以水稻病害研究为主的科学研究论文进行了统计分析。以上述10年来发表的论文和引文为主要衡量指标,进行研究论文的比较与评价(实证研究部分扩展到1898-2011年期间)。通过关键词词频分析,比较世界主要标杆国家以及国内相关研究的现状、趋势。同时对重点国家和我国的主要水稻病害研究进行实证分析。最后对国内在水稻病害研究领域的有利因素和不利条件进行分析,并对我国水稻病害研究的总体发展战略的制定提出了建议。
     经统计,2000-2009年由Web of science收录的稻瘟病、纹枯病、白叶枯病三种水稻病害的研究论文共计36164篇。发表的论文主要来自美国、印度、中国、日本、韩国、巴西、菲律宾等国家。在发文最多的25个研究机构中,9个来自美国。国内在水稻病害研究领域的主要机构有南京农业大学、福建农林大学、华中农业大学、中国农业科学院等大学和科研单位。在高被引论文中,美国研究人员发表了849篇,显示了美国研究论文的影响力。来自中国国内的的文献发文量居于第2位。
     在水稻病害研究领域,华中农业大学、南京农业大学等研究机构的相关研究走在国内前沿。在词频分析上选择影响因子、立即指数、总引用数、发文量、被引频次、发文机构、高被引作者、专利等为主要研究对象。词频分析表明,我国在水稻病害研究方面与美国及世界其他国家有相近之处,特别是在“稻瘟病菌”、“致病性”、“生理小种”、“遗传宗谱”、“分子标记”、“基因定位”、“杂交水稻”、“基因组”、“抗药性”、“抑制中浓度”等为关键词的研究领域具有一定的研究基础和比较明显的优势。而“基因飘移”、“基因修复”、“转基因污染”等在世界上出现频次较高的关键词,在以我国专家为主要作者发表的论文中较少出现,反映了我国在这方面的研究力量较薄弱。我国水稻病害研究的主要优势为开展基础研究较早、长期与国外保持学科交流、有长期战略规划、资金(基金)支持项目多样等;劣势主要是研究力量分散、尖端科研成果缺乏、科技推广相对滞后等。经过文献计量分析,国外期刊—《PHYTOPATHOLOGY》、《CROP PROTECTION》、《PLANTDISEASE》、《THEORETICAL AND APPLIED GENETICS》、《EUPHYTICA》;国内期刊—《中国农业科学》、《垦殖与稻作》、《北方水稻》、《植物保护学报》、《中国水稻科学》、《植物保护》、《植物病理学报》、《中国农学通报》等关于水稻病害的发文量最高。
Content: Driven by the new economic wave which was marked by the information economy,biology economy, new technologies, new methods are emerging with the rapid application haveprovided a steady stream of technical support for the rapid economic development of society and theproblems solving of economic crisis, financial crisis, the global climate warming that people faced,especially food security crisis in the development process.
     Food crops, especially the research of rice crops that represented now provides a great help forpeople to understand the mechanism of plant growth, to seek the means of high grain yield and to clearthe direction of food security in the future by the process of the information economy, biology economyto a gene economic development and food safety and the by the period of food security which hasincreasingly become a troubled of human development problems.The agriculture technology hasbecome an increasingly concern and even as the pillar industry at the present, the rice production haseffectively promoted the rapid advance of agricultural research activities and the sustainabledevelopment of the agricultural economy as the important sector of global agricultural economy. As theworld's most popular food crops, the rice are increasingly becoming an important security for the foodsafety.
     As the rice industry will play a decisive role in the future of global food security and competitionthat people believed, disease control and high stable yield of rice highlights the great value andsignificance. Rice disease research and disease control now facing a major historical researchopportunities with the continue dexpanding and the results continue to emerge when gene technology asthe forerunner of the modern rice disease and its prevention and control. By launched the globalresearch in system, in-depth analysis, comparison with the diseases of rice, there will be a great practicalsignificance which will further enhance the study of rice diseases, improve the level of industrialdevelopment, and ultimately insure the healthy of the entire rice industry and the sustainabledevelopment of the rice industry.
     By using the theory and methods of bibliometrics, competitive intelligence, and the Web of Science(WOS) search platform, the rice disease research-based statistical analysis of scientific papers includedthe United States, Britain, France, Germany, Russia, Japan and other countries in the past10years of2000to2009with the text mining technology applied (some has expand from1898to2011). Bykeyword frequency analysis, comparing the status and trends of the world's major countriesbenchmarking and domestic research. Meanwhile, empirical analysis of rice disease research alsoapplied in the main focus countries. Finally, by using the advantageous and/or disadvantageous factorsto analyze and raise suggestions about the overall development strategies of rice diseases in China.
     By statistics, there are36164articals about blast, bacterial blight, sheath blight which embodied byweb of science from2000-2009. Published papers mainly from the United States, India, China, Japan,South Korea, Brazil, Philippines and other countries. There are9from the United States in the top25research institutions. Nanjing Agricultural University, Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University, Huazhong Agricultural University and Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences are the main institutesin the list of WOS. U.S researchers published849highly cited papers. It shows the influence of theUnited States research papers. The published articles from Chinese domestic are ranked in the secondlevel.
     In the field of rice disease, Huazhong Agricultural University, Nanjing Agricultural University andother research institutions take the forefront in the country. Select word frequency analysis on theimpact factor, immediacy index, the total number of references of published articles, cites postinginstitutions, highly cited authors, patents as the main research object. Word frequency analysis showsthatthe researches of rice disease of China are similarities withU.S.There are strong research-based andmore obvious advantages especially in the“rice blast fungus”,“pathogenic”,“physiological races”,“genetic lineage”,“molecular markers”,“gene mapping”,“hybrid rice genome”,“resistant”,“inhibitionconcentration” keyword research areas.The high frequency keywordsof“genetic drift”,“gene repair”,“transgenic contamination”which citied in the papers ofWOSare rarely occurred in the fewer papers thatpublished among chinese experts.This reflects the strength of our research in this area is relativelyweak.The main advantages of China’s rice disease research are conducting basic researchearlier,long-term to maintain discipline with foreign exchange,long-term strategic planning,diversesupport for projects with fundsetc. Disadvantage is largely research forces dispersed, the lack ofcutting-edge scientific research, science and technology promotion lagging behind etc. Afterbibliometric analysis, Foreign journals--《Phytopathology》,《Crop Protection》,《Plant disease》,《Theoretical andApplied Genetics》,《Euphytica》,Domestic journals--《ScientiaAgricultura Sinica》,《Cultivation and Rice》,《North Rice》,《Journal of Plant Protection》,《China Rice Science》,《PlantProtection》,《Plant Pathology》,《Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin》posting the highest publishedpapers.
     This study applicated the relevant bibliometric methods in innovative and conducted the citationanalysis for the rice blast, sheath blight, bacterial leaf blight as the representative of rice diseaseresearch papers published in the top number of countries and regions. Analysis the current world ricedisease, determine a comprehensive ranking of research strengths on journals as well as empirical fieldfor the rice disease research.By using the word frequency analysis method and competitive intelligencetheory in the journal study with creatively.
     Furthermore,this studyalso applied the typicalcompetitive intelligence theory and methodto theperiodical research for the rice diseases such as benchmarking analysis and SWOT analysis. It’scontribute to enhancethe academic influence and the right to speakin the international of peers.It willalso accelerate the modernization of China's rice industry, international strategy and maintain it’shealthy and sustainable development, promote grain production in China continues to move towards thegoal of “food security, the world security” in a new levelultimately.Finally also achieve and providing avaluable reference and experience for the Chinese government.
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