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     字母划消测验(Letter Callcel Test,LCT):划消测验是常用的检查注意力集中能力的一种心理测验。随着作业时间延长可以反映被测试者注意的持久性。它的优点是使用方便,便于进行群体测
    能的迅速和准确。字母用Times New Roman,字体12号字打印。
     连续相加测验(continuous Caleulation Test,CCT)。数字的连续
    >20mmol/l, GFR:10一15ml/m in.临床上出现尿毒症脑病如嗜睡、
    岁,平均年龄40.5士5 .4岁。平均受教育年限9.80土6.41年。患者
    的化验指标为:Cr:539.27士1 16.7 umol/L,BUN:23.29士
    6·63mmol/L,Hb:77.6士1 1 .79似l。对照组:30例(男18例,女12
    在存在显著性差异(P<0 .05),提示前组的注意力、集中能力明显
Cognition includes sense, consciousness, memory, thinking, judgement, reasoning, language, ect. Renal failure is final ending of continuous development of chronic renal disease .renal function decrease, metabolite retntion, Water-electrolyte balance, which can not maintain internal environment stabilization of body and influence patients' cognitive function severely.
    Such as Inattention expression Indifference , agitation ,rage , anamnesis decrement, alertness decline , orientation decrement, response and thinking slowing, work efficiency decrease, can be seen in these patients. With renal function declining ,Syndrome becoming worse and worse .mental disorder , hallucination, akoasm, visual hallucination, delusioncan be seen in severe patients. Decline of cognitive function can influence patients' emotion , immunological function, nutrition behavior and fit of therapy. Moreover ,it also influence patients' prognosio
    Aim : study mainly discuss change of cognitive function of patients with chronic renal function failure (early uremia), different influence of cure methods for patients with chronic renal function failure(early uremia) and during the therapy ,relation among level of ferrohemoglobin , creatinine ,Urea nitrogen and cognitive function. In the end ,we will discuss how to improve patients' cognitive function . Method: the study use LCT (letter cancel test) and CCT ( Continuous Calculation Test).
    Cancellation tests have a long history in attention assessment. With the time going , It can reflect persistence of attention. Its use is very easy. Test request :Most commonly, they are administered as paper-and-pencil tests that are normally used to assess a person's ability to visually search for an identifiable target and to either cancel or circle all such target items in an array such as the 'C ,'G' ,'N'. They vary widely in their complexity from long letter strings, Every array has 53 letters which include 9 stimulating letters and 44 interferential letters. Letters in ever array are arrayed randomly. Every page has 40 lines .Test time is 5 minute. In the study , patients select correctness thus right rate can keep high level. Observation marker: the number of right canceled letters, right rate of letter.
    Continuous Calculation Test, CCT it is complex cognitive test. This test mainly be used in assessing patient's mixed ability of short memory, thinking , arithmetic. Test request patient must add the number continuously, if the number is two digits ,only write 个位,till finished 20 subject.
    This paper comprises three parts :
    1. A case control study was carried out , based on 30 patients with chronic renal failure (early uremia) and 30 matched healthy people .The case entering standard :adults ,aged from 30-50 . Cr: 539.27+ 116.7 umol/L, BUN: 23.29 +6.63mmol/L, Hb:77.6+ 11.7g/dlo Without consciousness disorder , aphasia, obvious sight disorder, without such disease as hypertension and diabetes and so on .The results of CT and MRI showed that there are obvious localizations and confirmed by surgery . The patients are cooperative and have not apparent headache When the test are being performed ,the age ,sex, and literacy level of the control groups are matched with those of cases.
    2. we divide chronic renal failure patients to 3 group randomly .every group involves 10 patients. We give every group therapy respectively: conservative medicine therapy (group 1).low protein diet or low phosphorum diet. Adult must intake0.6g/kg protein. To control various kinds infection , Diarrhoea, emesis, electrolure and Disturbance of acid-base balance. To control blood pressure, decrease blood fatty acid. Hemodialysis(group 2) 3 times every week.4 - 4.5h/time Hemodialysis +EPO (group3) Hemodialysis (group 2) 3 times every week. 4 -4.5h/time .EPO Subcutaneous injection two times a week after hemodialysis . Therapy time is 3 monthes .The patients received test before and after therapy. 3. At the same time analyze the interrelationship between cognitive scale of patients with chronic renal function failure and relat
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