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Apple is one of the worldwide planting fruits with high consumption and economic benefit. The quality of apple products decreased because pesticides were widely used to control pests. Considering the health of ourselves, non-pollution cultivation has become inevitable. The changing law of insect community is the foundation of ecological control and management on apple pests without pollution.
     Continuous surveys had been taken on changing of insect community in non-pollution bagged apple orchard in Baishui county of Weibei plateau in 2007. The results are showed as follows:
     1. The arthropods community is abundant in species and the dominant species is prominent in Baishui area. The arthropods belong to insecta and arachnida in this area. In unbagged orchard,
     there are 63 species belonging to 39 families, 10 orders, 2 classes, in which there are 37616 arthropods belonging to 53 species, 30 families, 7 orders, of which the dominant population belong to Homoptera and acarina and the relative abundance respectively reach 0.7780055 and 0.1909153. The natural enemies’subcommunity includes 448 natural enemies belonging to 10 species, 9 families, 6 orders, of which the dominant population belong to Coleoptera and Hymenoptera and the relative abundance respectively reach 0.0067255 and 0.0037043.
     In bagged orchard, There are 53 species of arthropods belonging to 29 families, 9 orders, 2 orders, in which there are 33573 phytophagous arthropods belonging to 46 species, 24 families, 6 orders, of which the dominant population belong to Homoptera and acarina and the relative abundance respectively reach 0.553471 and 0.418846. There are 492 natural enemies belonging to 7 species, 5 families, of which the dominant population belong to Coleoptera and Hymenoptera and the relative abundance respectively reach 0.008337 and 0.005754.
     2. The main structure of apple orchard hasn’t changed after been bagged. The contraction between unbagged and bagged orchard, the relative abundance of natural enemies’subcommunity is much lower than that of phytophagous arthropods’subcommunity. Because the phytophagous arthropods’subcommunity is primary consumer in orchard ecosystem and lower one rank than natural enemies’subcommunity, the amount of which constitute the main body of arthropod community, the change of that will affect greatly on the whole arthropods community.
     In phytophagous arthropods’community of bagged apple orchard, aphides, scale insects and mites are the dominant arthropods, and also the center of the community structure and will have great influence on the whole community and natural enemies’subcommunity while changing. In natural enemies’subcommunity, ladybirds and chalcids are the dominant arthropods, the changing trend of which is the main part of that of natural enemies’subcommunity.
     3. The biodiversity and evenness of phytophagous arthropods’community in bagged apple orchard are obviously higher than that of unbagged one.
     In view of spatial and temporal dynamic of arthropods community, the biodiversity and evenness in bagged apple orchard were much higher than that of unbagged one, which indicate that the biodiversity and evenness were increased by using of bagging technique, consequently, the arthropods community become more stable.
     4. It is theoretically prove that bagging technique can be a useful measure for integrated pest management.
     By building a barrier to prevent the damage of pests, decreasing the use of pesticides and increasing the biodiversity and evenness of creature, the bagging technique can contribute the stability of community and than a lot of benefit can be made from it.
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